Black Lagoon Wiki

Lotton the Wizard (ロットン・ザ・ウィザード Rotton za Wizādo), often shortened to Lotton (ロットン Rotton), is a mysterious-looking man and one of the many bounty hunters hired to capture Janet Bhai. He later took up residence at Shenhua's place along with Sawyer the Cleaner as a freelancer.


Lotton is a young, skinny man with short silver hair and pale skin, and he wears shaded glasses and a black trench coat with a popped collar. Around his neck, he can be seen wearing a saber-tooth necklace, a circular pendant, and a small cross necklace,[1] and he often wears dress shirts with irregular-shape seamless patterns. Additionally, he also wears a bulletproof vest underneath his clothes as well as a groin guard in his pants. He is considered good-looking by the various characters who have met him. His weapon of choice is two Mauser M712 pistols.


Lotton is a quiet, calm man and a narcissist to boot, and he always wants to make a cool entrance before a fight, which often causes trouble for himself. His over-the-top speeches are usually centered around God's will, the moon, nighttime, and the heavens, and he speaks in a light voice. He has a predilection for standing on high places, usually on the roofs of buildings. Although horrible in combat, Lotton protects himself by wearing a bulletproof vest underneath his coat and even wears a groin guard for additional protection, reasoning that bulletproof clothing is reassuring to have.

He does not drink alcohol since it makes him nauseous, preferring to drink milk instead. He is fond of playing video games and frequently games with Sawyer at Shenhua's place. Besides video games, Lotton has also participated in tabletop role-playing games and has even taken on the role of a gamemaster.[2] According to Sawyer in the 2nd light novel, Lotton's desire to save people (and women) in trouble is supposedly altruistic even though he generally lacks the capability, adding that he does not favor any woman he meets, including herself and Shenhua.[3]

Black Lagoon history[]

Greenback Jane[]

Lotton was one of two new bounty hunters in Roanapur, the other being Claude "Torch" Weaver, and he went to the Yellow Flag to join the other bounty hunters in learning about their new bounty. After being introduced to the bounty hunters and Russell and explaining that he drank milk since alcohol made him feel sick, he and the others left to hunt down Jane.[4] Although he was present at the Lagoon Company dry dock for the siege, Lotton had virtually no participation in it and stood by as various bounty hunters surrounded and shot at the building.[5] As the siege came to a close, Shenhua was shot by Revy and incapacitated. When the building was burning down, Lotton stood on a rooftop and made a contrived long speech about his power, but Revy shot him on the way down, showing that he was not a mighty fighter, but a poser.

However, he did survive the fall from the roof after getting shot due to his Kevlar vest. After the battle continued in the sea, he got up and aided a gravely wounded Shenhua and an anxious Sawyer. Due to the uncommon act of kindheartedness in Roanapur, Shenhua commented that he was not the type to kill and would be better as a host in a bordello, but Lotton claimed that he was too clumsy for that.[6]

El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

Lotton, then living with Shenhua and Sawyer as roommates at Shenhua's residence, was playing video games with Sawyer when the phone started to ring, but neither of them picked it up. Shenhua had to finish showering to get the phone, asking the two why they let the phone ring. Revy was on the other line, telling the Taiwanese woman that she would get to kill people if she took the job to help Garcia find Roberta. Lotton and Sawyer volunteered to come along, so they soon met up with Revy and Fabiola Iglesias.[7]

As they arrived at the battle site between Roberta and the U.S. Army soldiers, Revy saw Lotton and referred him as being more of a gigolo than a gunman, making Shenhua and Sawyer burst into laughter. In addition, Revy forgot that she shot him during the "Greenback Jane" arc, causing Shenhua and Sawyer to mock his lack of presence.[8] Soon, the three women fought and killed FARC soldiers while Lotton did not fight, merely following them. When the FARC brigade began closing in on Roberta, he asked his group if they should go to a nearby building for a cooler entrance, but Revy advised him to stay behind with Sawyer while she and Shenhua would fight the remaining FARC fighters. When Fabiola got caught in the fighters' line of sight, Lotton jumped in front of her, giving a grandiose entrance speech to the men for holding a young girl at gunpoint. The FARC soldiers were confused but then Sawyer jumped out and cut one of the soldiers with her chainsaw, allowing her to use the man's body as a shield and subsequently kill the other soldiers.[1]

After Roberta killed Alberto Camarasa in the empty building, Lotton and his group entered to prevent Roberta from leaving, but Roberta disarmed Shenhua and Sawyer. Lotton jumped in to save them from death and got kicked in the groin by Roberta, collapsing to the ground.[9] After he and his group left the building, Shenhua asked Lotton if he was hurt, so he pulled out a groin guard from his pants. He elaborated that his groin was protected by the plate, immediately making the women remark that he did not need to show them the plate.[10]

Soon, Revy and Shenhua were planning to save Garcia since they saw him with the Grey Fox soldiers behind the corner, but Balalaika's Vysotniki shot both of them in the arm, warning the mercenaries to stay out of the way. In a mixed state of anger and disappointment, Revy pouted that Balalaika prevented her and the others from getting paid to save Garcia. To their fortune, Fabiola reminded her that she did hire Lotton and co. to guide her and Garcia to Roberta's location, which they did. Fabiola promised to pay them later for completing the search, so he, Shenhua and Sawyer left while Revy and Fabiola continued onward.[11]

Ballad of the Sinful Wizard[]

Lotton illustration 1

Light novel illustration by Rei Hiroe

Lotton is the titular character of the second Black Lagoon light novel Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (written by Gen Urobuchi with illustrations by Rei Hiroe). In the novel, he was at Shenhua's place and accidentally spilled coffee on her custom high-quality pillow, so he frantically left the residence to see where he could find a replacement pillow.[12] Going to the Yellow Flag, Lotton saw Tricia O'Sullivan struggling to get away from two Budaibang gangsters, so Lotton threatened them that he would deal with them if they interfered. When the men laughed at him, they shot at him, but their bullets only hit his pillow, making feathers fly everywhere. Although Lotton aimed his pistols, the two men were shot dead without him having to fire a single shot. Still needing to find a new pillow, Lotton prepared to leave the bar when Tricia called for him since she thought that he saved her, wanting to accompany him.[13] After he left the bar, Sawyer learned that it was Revy who shot the two men since they began to shoot recklessly.[3]

At the Rip-Off Church, Lotton went inside the chapel with Tricia and found a cellphone on the altar. Mistaking Lotton for a contact of the CIA who was supposed to guard Tricia, Eda called the cellphone, and Lotton picked up the cellphone. Beginning the call using a voice changer, Eda addressed Lotton as "Wizard" because the contact was coincidentally nicknamed "Wizard," and he muttered a line about how prophets were useless if God could use a telephone. Changing his tone and thinking that he was talking to God, Lotton asked "God" why he had "overlooked a good girl's crisis," but Eda brushed off his unusual question and asked him for a report. When he told her that the men claimed to be working for Zeng Shuntian, she swallowed her words in pain as that meant that Budaibang would become involved in her CIA plan Operation Persephone, which would have to change course.

Eda told Lotton to take Tricia to room 207 at the Ramsap Inn as a safehouse. Speaking in his usual grandiose matter, he replied that God's guidance would take them to safety, which annoyed Eda, but she begrudgingly agreed by saying that he could choose a place but advised him to be discreet. After Lotton ended the call, the ignorant Tricia was wowed and thought that Lotton actually spoke to God, and the two left the chapel.[14] Bringing Tricia to Sankan Palace Hotel, Lotton calmly asked the front desk clerk for one single-bed room and then turned to face Tricia, who was confused, but Lotton assured her that he did not need a bed for himself. On the sixth floor after the clerk had laughed at the request, he checked the first room's bed, but told the employee that it was not satisfactory and desired another room. Despite numerous choices, Lotton rejected all of the beds on the sixth floor, so the attendant guided him and Tricia to the seventh floor.[15]

On the 7th floor of Sankan Palace while Sawyer and Shenhua were fighting several Budaibang gangsters on the floor below, Lotton finally found a suitable room, but he commented to himself that the hotelier was preoccupied with the gunshots downstairs instead of his hotel duties. Although Lotton wanted to call the person in charge for the hesitant hotelier, the hotelier instead suggested to Lotton that he evacuate the building. Just then, two armed men burst into the room, causing Tricia to scream. One assailant shot at Lotton, but the bullet hit the feather pillow that he had grabbed, resulting in feathers flying everywhere. Using the visual distraction, he pulled out his dual Mauser pistols and dived behind the bed to avoid the barrage of bullets. Poetically thinking, Lotton called his right gun "Elegy" but had trouble sticking with a name for his left gun, thinking "Fantasy" sounded cool. When the gunfire stopped, he jumped out, but he could not fire a single shot.

He heard two gunshots not from the two men in front of him, but instead from Revy, who shot the two men and berated the surprised Lotton. As Rock entered the room, Lotton noticed his carefulness not to step in the pools of blood, unlike Revy. Recognizing Rock from the bar, Tricia called for him, making the relieved Lotton comment that he did not need to introduce them to each other. As he narrated poetically once more, Rock told him that Shenhua was on the sixth floor and was not far behind them, asking Lotton what he would do next while the former made an escape plan. Thinking, Lotton had no thoughts and merely answered to Rock that his escape plan was good advice, and the four of them took the emergency stairs and fled Sankan Palace Hotel.[16]

After the battle, Revy and Rock took Lotton and Tricia to the Lagoon Company dry dock, where Lotton sat on the roof while Tricia slept on the couch in the building's second floor. While Lotton recollected how the dock was the same place where he became acquainted with Shenhua and Sawyer, Rock stepped onto the roof and told the Wizard that Tricia had fallen in love with him, to which Lotton replied that he could not blame Tricia for liking him. Moreover, Lotton philosophically questioned the phrase "falling," associating it with gravity and speaking of love as a pitfall.

Breaking Lotton's continued silence, Rock asked if he planned on killing Tricia, making Lotton sarcastically ask if the Japanese man thought he was a cruel man. Confused, Rock asked why Lotton had gone to the trouble to help Tricia. Thinking hard, Lotton responded that his past life was full of sin and he thought that he could have a clean slate in Roanapur, adding that fate still chased him and now he wanted to seek atonement and thought Tricia was the key. With Rock asking him again if he still wanted to protect the woman, Lotton asked how he should answer, but Rock responded that he did not make the final decision, but the Lagoon Company could help him if he still intended on protecting Tricia. Pondering, Lotton asked Rock if he did not mind hearing a long story, which Rock had no problem with. Accordingly, Lotton spoke to the ex-salaryman about all that he had gone through, particularly his phone call with the CIA agent (Eda).[17]

In return for telling his story, Lotton requested Rock to buy a new custom pillow for him so that he could replace Shenhua's destroyed pillow.[18] Rock agreed and came up with his own elaborate plan to trick the CIA agent into thinking that they would kill Tricia if the agent did not bring them thousands of dollars. Later the next evening as the plan was successfully executed with Rock stealing a hitman's belongings to Eda's annoyance, Revy guarded Lotton and Tricia at the dry dock and told them that Mister Chang and the Hong Kong Triad were supposed to pick up the girl on behalf of Budaibang. As Revy glared at Tricia and told the blonde woman that her fate was not in her hands, Lotton silently agreed but also thought her analysis of Roanapur being correct was indeed sad.

Pulling out his pistol "Elegy," Lotton said that he might have to take Tricia's life due to Revy's preaching, but Tricia immediately became horrified and clung to Lotton, urging him to understand that Revy genuinely wanted to kill him. To his detriment, Lotton acknowledged that his skills were inferior compared to Revy's. In response, Revy rhetorically asked Lotton if he really thought that she would playfully go out in a gun frenzy with him, sitting down on the sofa. Saying her cold voice reminded him of the god of death's breath, Lotton remarked that he never pulled out his gun playfully but could not overlook situations of tears and sorrow like Tricia's melancholy. Even though Revy told him that picking a fight with her was essentially fighting the Triad since their job was to ship Tricia, Lotton replied that he drew his gun out of conviction, making Revy snort. Tricia suddenly spoke, confidently saying that she and Lotton could leave undisturbed.

Grabbing the barrel of Lotton's pistol, Tricia put it to her head and told Lotton that he could shoot if Revy was in his way. With both Lotton and Revy gasping in surprise, Tricia earnestly stated that she would rather die than leave him, welcoming him to take her life with his own hands. Seeing Tricia tremble, Lotton gave her a gentle hug and asked Revy if she could open the way for them. In response, Revy asked him if he could keep up with her, but Lotton misinterpreted her tone as a defense against sympathizing with the bond between him and Tricia. Revy reminded him that the Triad was already on their way, but Lotton declared that he would pave the way, and Tricia clung to him. Exiting the second floor, Lotton bid goodbye to Revy as if it was the last time they would see each other, with Revy snidely remarking that she hoped so.

Exiting the second floor, the two climbed the derrick crane while Lotton remarked about how they could escape to the sky. As he wrapped his arms around Tricia, Lotton spoke nonsensically about growing wings, eternal night, and the beauty of the sky. As several Triad cars arrived to the dry dock, Shadow Falcon arrived as well and climbed the derrick crane. Consequently, Lotton drew his pistols when Shadow Falcon bowed and pulled out his samurai sword.[19] Fighting each other seventy meters above the ground on the crane arm, Lotton had blocked Falcon's duralumin club but he still had not fired a single shot. As the two countered each other and Lotton caught the blade with his pistols, the two tangled with each other and began to fall off the crane together. After the whole ordeal, Tricia immediately fell out of love with Lotton when her fiancé Zeng Kemin showed up, becoming infatuated with Kemin instead.[20] Back at Shenhua's place, Lotton began to play fighting video games with Falcon for a long time, and Rock arrived and quietly dropped off the pillow that Lotton had requested. As she boredly watched the two men game, Sawyer noted that Lotton had no intention of stopping due to the ongoing tie between him and Falcon.[12]

Gore Gore Girl history[]

Lotton is a supporting character in the Black Lagoon spinoff manga Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl.

Volume 1[]

In the first story, Lotton stood outside the bathroom at Shenhua's place while Sawyer was constipated on the toilet. Close to the door, Lotton advised Sawyer not to mix the medicinal tea that she was drinking with her medication, but Sawyer had already done so, making her feel even more pain. Eventually, Sawyer's constipation went away after experiencing several hallucinations. As Lotton and Shenhua stood outside, Sawyer exited the bathroom as Shenhua angrily remarked that she had better not spill blood inside by cutting her wrists again. Having a mellow expression, Sawyer only looked at Lotton and Shenhua and walked past them, secretly smiling after passing them.[21]

After Sawyer had finished procuring a corpse for a client, she went to the Yellow Flag, where Lotton was drinking milk. As Sawyer and Shenhua drank alcohol at the table, Lotton commented on the strangeness of the name of the young Thai client, Heo, since it meant "abyss" in Thai. Once Shenhua reminded Sawyer about the suspicion of the young male client and asked her if she was okay walking alone at night, Lotton ordered a glass of milk straight from the bottle.[22]

Volume 2[]

Late at night close to dawn at a table near several food stands, Sawyer was eating when Shenhua and Rock met her by coincidence and ate with her. As Shenhua and Rock conversed, Lotton ordered eggs and bacon in his usual nonsensical manner, also wanting his black coffee "like the dark night of a new moon." Going to the table, Lotton was surprised to see everyone, pushing his glasses up and sitting down at a table adjacent to them. Shenhua asked if he had had a long night as well, and he responded that he had a hard fight but did not win, clarifying that he had to dodge a jet-black blade many times. Realizing that Lotton was talking about a video game instead of work, Shenhua calmly asked Sawyer if she was playing video games with him, and the goth woman denied it by shaking her head. She turned to Lotton and asked him who he played games with, giving him an angry smile and asking if he invited someone to her place without permission, making Lotton sweat from nervousness. Stopping her glare, Shenhua sighed and remarked that she did not have the energy to ask anything else, warning Lotton that he could explain himself later.

As the four ate, they heard gunshots to their surprise, but seconds later as the gunshots continued, they nonchalantly resumed eating. Shenhua teased Lotton by asking him what he meant by his coffee request of a "dark night of a new moon," but the gunshots ceased, grabbing everyone's attention. Rico then arrived and joined the four as well while Lotton continued to silently eat. After Rico finished talking, several armed robbers arrived and demanded everyone's money, but everyone showed no concern about the robbers' presence, baffling them. All five did not want to fight the men after their long night, but Shenhua convinced Sawyer to fight them by offering to buy her several delicious meals, so Sawyer donned a war face and prepared her chainsaw. Not wanting to do all of the work, Sawyer grabbed Lotton by the collar and dragged him along as she walked toward the scared robbers, with Shenhua advising them to clean up afterward if they made a bloody mess.[23]

One night, Shenhua cooked jiaozi for dinner and had Lotton and Sawyer eat at the table. As Lotton struggled to eat the Chinese dumplings with chopsticks, he noticed Sawyer's video camera and pointed at it, causing Shenhua to tell him that it was a video camera. Becoming interested, Lotton took the camera from Sawyer after eating dinner. In his own room, Lotton placed the camera down and made some poses for it and turned off the lights, and suddenly the lights turn on, shining on Lotton's silver hair. After the camera turned off, Sawyer was sleeping on the floor in front of the TV when she woke up in fatigue and saw that Lotton was still playing video games, as Sawyer had fallen asleep while doing so. As Lotton excitedly yelled at the TV while gaming, Shenhua sighed that Lotton had been playing video games the entire time. Later when Shenhua argued with Sawyer for the latter recording the former in her undergarments, Lotton slipped out of the residence.

After Lotton had not returned for a week, Shenhua casually thought that Lotton was probably dead, so she went through town to look for Lotton while Sawyer still brought along her video camera. Arriving in a rundown area, the two women soon saw Lotton walk around a corner, causing Shenhua to yell his name repeatedly and running toward the corner. Sawyer fell to the ground on her hands, staying behind as she turned off her video camera. Finding a calm Lotton standing next to Tou Chi, Shenhua asked him why he left her place, but Tou Chi yelled that he would not give up Lotton. Shenhua did not recognize him at all, making the annoyed Tou Chi clarify his name. As Lotton silently stood to the side, the drug user then continued talking in a hallucinating rant about how his brain was being melted as well as claiming that he needed Lotton since he was a "chosen" person. Sweating profusely and pointing his revolver at Shenhua, Tou Chi stated that he had a passport for traveling, but Shenhua knocked him onto the ground and told the aloof Lotton that he should not be hanging around people like Tou Chi.

As Tou Chi lied on his back in pain, Shenhua asked Lotton if he was okay and if he had any drugs in his system. Pushing up his sunglasses, Lotton stated that he had been recently invited and thought that Tou Chi would have dumplings and video games, but upon seeing neither, he declined and decided that he would leave. Saying that his reasoning was stupid, Shenhua calmly urged Lotton to come back home, adding that she would make him lots of jiaozi. Her forgiving concern was interrupted by seeing something shiny in the sky, telling Sawyer to point her camera there, but the goth girl accidentally dropped it into a pond of sludge, abruptly stopping the recording.[24] In a flashback a year after a Sawyer-oriented story, Lotton was playing video games with Sawyer during Roberta's second visit to Roanapur when Shenhua got the call from Revy about helping Garcia Lovelace, so Shenhua yelled to her two roommates if they wanted to join, to which Lotton agreed.[25]

Volume 3[]

Sometime later when Mister Chang was given responsibility to guard a Hong Kong actress, Ma Yanlin, he summoned Lotton and his two partners to his office. Subsequently, the Triad leader apologized to Lotton and co. for calling them on such short notice. He introduced them to Yanlin as she sat next to him, saying that he had been taking care of her at home between overseas locations. Hesitating in surprise, Chang stated that Yanlin wanted to tour Roanapur for one day before returning to Hong Kong and she specifically wanted the lady-killer Lotton the Wizard to serve as her sole escort. Shenhua dropped her jaw in shock, but she quickly covered her mouth to hide her surprise. Although Chang told them that he originally advised her to take three people with her, he elaborated that she saw Lotton the previous night and took a liking to him, stating that wishes from the homeland would be granted as much as possible.

Getting up from the couch and kneeling to the actress, Lotton's coat billowed up as he introduced himself by his Wizard title, telling the "princess" that he would risk his life to protect her. Smiling, Yanlin greeted the Wizard and left the office with him. In town, Lotton walked with the gazing Yanlin as Shenhua and Sawyer spied on them from behind a corner. Wondering if Lotton had a driver's license since he was not escorting Yanlin by car, Shenhua mocked Chang's notion that she and Sawyer knew Lotton, remarking that she did not truly know who Lotton was. Lotton himself told Yanlin that he thought he had met her before, and the Hong Kong actress lightly laughed and responded that she had met him every time that she had been born again and again, confusing the surveilling Shenhua as to what she was saying. Lotton tried to remember, but Yanlin laughed again and told him it was all right, saying that they should enjoy their current fate in this world.

At that point, several people approached Lotton and Yanlin, and one man asked Lotton why he was with a beautiful woman. The man then amicably put his arm around Lotton, telling him that their TRPG the previous night was fun and thanking him for being a great gamemaster. Telling Lotton to be careful and that he was always waiting to game, the happy man bid him goodbye and recommended that they game together again sometime, and Lotton quietly waved. After the man's group had left, Yanlin requested him to take her to the sea since she knew Roanapur had a harbor and wanted to see the sea. Arriving at a rocky cliffside overlooking the sea, Yanlin complimented the atmosphere. Breaking her silence, she told Lotton that they had indeed met at sea.

Figuring that he probably did not remember, a brief flashback was shown of a mermaid Yanlin rescuing a sinking child Lotton, telling him that she saved him from drowning after falling off a ship. Upon hearing this, Sawyer spat out her drink while Shenhua's jaw dropped. Likewise, Lotton's eyes widened as if he remembered, and she continued explaining that after the incident, she was arrested in Shanghai and moved from place to place until becoming a servant of the Triad. Gleefully smiling, she told Lotton that mermaid meat was the elixir of immortality. Turning her back to the cliff, Yanlin thanked Lotton and requested that they meet again in the sea. Letting herself fall off the cliff backwards, she smiled as he quickly dashed forward and caught Yanlin by her lower back, preventing her fall.

Peacefully smiling, Yanlin lamented that she had failed to be free once more. As Lotton continued to grasp her wrist, she rhetorically asked if his TRPG that he played was about mermaids, telling him that she got the idea last night while overhearing his game in a nearby seat. Laughing joyfully, she declared that she managed to make him believe her. Recommending that they leave, she stated that she was hungry, and Lotton opened his own hand and saw several mermaid scales. Much later, it was revealed that Yanlin had recorded not a drama film, but a slapstick comedy wherein a clumsy Yanlin spilt food, cartoonishly fell over a cliff, and was spun around after her dress's cloth was pulled.[2]

Volume 4[]

When Sawyer found an elegant key at her workplace, she repurposed it into an earring and showed it off to Shenhua that night at the Yellow Flag, with Lotton sitting quietly and seeing the earring too. As Shenhua asked her whether the key was real or merely decorative, three policemen entered the bar loudly and walked to the counter. Overhearing the police panic about not being able to find a cursed key with a history of people violently fighting for its possession, Shenhua advised Sawyer to take off the earring and immediately go home. After Lotton and the two women left the bar, Sawyer went to her workplace instead. Shenhua asked if she wanted to stay at her place tonight, but Sawyer gestured a thumbs up that she would be fine. Once Shenhua told Sawyer that she would contact her about any news, Lotton left with her as Sawyer closed the door.[26]

Volume 5[]

At an apartment building, Lotton walked up the stairs and opened one door to see a long-haired blond man casually sitting with a carrier bag as a dozen male corpses were scattered across the floor. As the man gulped down a drink of alcohol, he calmly turned his head and saw Lotton calmly standing there, asking him if he was there to rid of him. Lotton stated that he was there to aid in the cleaning and the recovery of stolen money, adding that he did not hear about any survivors. Slouching, the man asked Lotton if he was really a cleaner, and the silver-haired freelancer responded that it was only a part-time gig. Gulping from the alcohol bottle again, the man replied that he did not care and patted the bag full of money. The man also asked him what he thought of the mess and if he heard anything, and Lotton answered no to the latter question.

Closing his eyes, the man recalled that the dead men killed each other over money stolen from the rival organization, saying that there was a traitor who must have leaked the story to the org, resulting in Lotton's arrival. As the man mentioned that there were 13 people including him, Lotton's eyes widened as he thought about the number 13 and associated the word "traitor" with "Judas." Curious, Lotton asked him his name, and the man casually answered that his name was Angel, remarking that it was funny that it was his real name. Lotton thought the pattern of blood behind Angel on the wall resembled an angel's wings, surprising him. Angel himself added that his friends always died and he somehow made it out alive, earning him the nickname "Angel of Death." Bowing down on one knee, Lotton told him that he was cool, surprising Angel. Laughing, Angel complimented Lotton as a funny guy, to which Lotton praised his "well-said" statement.

Declaring that he had not laughed in a while, Angel offered Lotton a drink. When Lotton raised his head and hand against drinking any alcohol, he noticed a cross tattoo on the back of Angel's hand. He asked Angel about the tattoo, to which Angel casually explained that it was natural and noticed Lotton bowing down again fervently, asking Lotton what was wrong with him, to which Lotton assured him that he was fine. Looking down at him, Angel asked Lotton if he was going to kill him and take the money, but Lotton replied that murder was not included in his request, adding that his professional cleaner would arrive soon and she would absolutely kill him without hesitation. Hearing that she was a woman, Angel commented that he would not mind if his life ended via a woman. He was also surprised to hear from Lotton that Sawyer the Cleaner was a goth girl who specialized in using a chainsaw.

Raising his head, Lotton ordered Angel to leave the money and escape, saying that he would not chase him. Confused, Angel told him that it would be troublesome for him since he could not help but be alive. When Lotton replied that he did not want to lose a man like him, Angel was again confused, so Lotton clarified that Angel was underestimating his own worth. Questioning his reply, Angel moved his head back in laughter and then pulled out his pistol on Lotton. He told Lotton that the money was for everyone lying in the room, saying it was not like he could just do whatever he wanted with it. Reminding Lotton that he mentioned a chainsaw weapon, Lotton got up nervously and asked Angel of one favor, pushing up his glasses and proudly asking to battle him on the tallest place. Going to the dove-covered roof of the apartment building, the two men stood opposite from each other, and Lotton lamented how they were close to the heavens but were unfortunately interrupted by bad weather.

Commenting that he did not hold grudges or hatred, Lotton wondered if it was God's will for him to receive the gift of sending angels to God, telling Angel that his name was Lotton the Wizard. Complimenting Lotton's title, Angel held up his pistol and ordered him to fight. Suddenly, several beams of light shined through the clouds, attracting the doves' attention to fly into the sky. As Lotton covered his face, the surprised Angel was hit in the right eye with dove droppings. Putting his arm down, Lotton saw feathers everywhere but was surprised that Angel had disappeared. At the bottom of the building, Sawyer had arrived and saw Angel falling down, and his fall splattered blood all over Sawyer, frustrating her. In the aftermath, Lotton wore an apron and cleaned up the blood with a mop as Sawyer angrily pointed to him, and several buckets laid on the ground, including a bucket with Angel's tattooed hand.[27]

Volume 6[]

Walking in town, Lotton found Sawyer the Cleaner and asked if he kept her waiting. When she turned around, both were surprised and looked into each other's eyes. Lotton held out his hand in a stop motion and asked her if she was still angry that he was late for work, saying that she could deduct money from his paycheck. Recommending that they go, the two went to a tall building and Lotton eventually found Sawyer, who was cutting up a woman and child's corpse. Shocked to see her, Lotton clarified that he knew it was just a job, but he politely asked not to see her mince apart women and children. Turning around, Sawyer displayed a wide, gleeful smile, and Lotton told her to call him if she needed any help.

Sawyer chapter 40

As he walked into the hallway, he saw a man at the hall's end, who immediately ran when Lotton spotted him. His gaze focused on the hallway, Lotton softly told Sawyer about seeing a man just then, causing Sawyer to stop her work and run into the hallway with her chainsaw, beginning to chase down the man with focused eyes and a gleeful snarl. Sawyer chased the unarmed man outside, who fell to the ground and begged for his life since he did not do anything. Finding her sadistically cutting apart the defenseless man, Lotton interrupted Sawyer and asked what was wrong with her, claiming that she was not acting like her normal self. Walking up to her and putting his right arm around her back, he looked into her eyes and asked her if she was okay and tired, telling her that they could talk about it.

With a nervous face, Sawyer suddenly put her arm around Lotton's neck and leaned closer to his lips, kissing him. Sawyer stood back with a happy smile on her face, but Lotton covered his forehead as if to relay bad news. Noticing Sawyer's joy from their kiss, Lotton apologized and informed her that he did not reciprocate her feelings, surprising her. Elaborating, he told her that he was not trying to be mean and merely did not see her in that way, asking her to give him a little more time. Her hand beginning to grip tighter on her chainsaw, Sawyer's face turned into a grimace and prepared her chainsaw. In response, Lotton held out his hand in a stop gesture, declaring that he apologized if his sentiment had hurt her but he did not want to fight her. Seeing that she was still adamant and holding her chainsaw forward, Lotton supposed that it could not be helped and he held up his pistol to his chest, proclaiming that he would respond with his whole heart and soul.

To his surprise, Lotton suddenly got kicked from behind onto the ground, and he turned his head and was even more surprised to see Sawyer. Looking behind him and in front, he realized that there were two Sawyers. Pushing up his glasses, Lotton confidently declared that he knew that she was an imposter from the beginning, pointing his finger at the fake Sawyer as the real Sawyer charged at her. Although their chainsaws clashed briefly, the real Sawyer calmly and quickly thrust her chainsaw into the snarling Sawyer imposter, who yelled at Sawyer to stop as she cut the poser apart. Afterward, Lotton put on some boots and began to mop up the bloody mess. When he asked the cross-armed Sawyer when she began to see the whole encounter, Sawyer glared at and injured him.[28]

Volume 8[]

Outside of town, Lotton was lost in a forest and could not find his way out. As he wandered through the forest, he stumbled upon The Undertaker No. 2, who escaped captivity seconds earlier. Lotton confessed that he was lost and asked for her help. Seeing that she was gagged and with hand restraints, he rhetorically asked if she needed help and then untied her when she nodded. Thanking him, No. 2 hugged him and suggested that they leave because she was being chased by Martin. Subsequently, she guided Lotton out of the forest and back to town, where they came across an outdoor dining place. When Martin eventually spotted them, No. 2 hid under the table while Lotton spoked with the vampire, with both of them reciprocating compliments. He introduced himself by his nickname, and Lotton the Wizard did the same. Taking a seat, the Nosferatu claimed that he had found Lotton, but the Wizard rebuffed the notion and calmly responded that he was the one who should be worried. Renfield tried to politely interrupt their conversation, but his master told him to be quiet because he needed to talk with the stranger.

Hearing Martin apologize and state that he had been busy, Lotton asked what was troubling him and learned that the supposed vampire was looking for a woman. The stranger informed Lotton that he initially caught the woman like she was any other prey but began to have feelings for her as time went by, causing the latter to assess that he was in love. When Martin wondered if it was strange for an assassin to want a lover, a cat came by and meowed under the table, grabbing their attention. Seeing her captor look under the table, the scared No. 2 backed up as Martin claimed that he would not hurt her and only wanted a little of her blood each day. Defending No. 2, Lotton blocked his path, annoying the vampire. Although he recalled he was going to help him, Lotton reasoned that he must defend her because without her help guiding him out of the forest, he would have certainly been late for his meeting and faced the wrath of his coworker. Replying that he understood, Martin nonetheless exclaimed that he then became his enemy, and the two freelancers pulled their pistols on each other.

As they stood off, the two men were amazed by each other's choices in weaponry and tensely complimented each other's firearms. Martin opined that Lotton's Mauser M712 was a good choice and the Wizard likewise admired his M93R machine pistols. When the former mentioned that his weapon could do three-round bursts, the awed Lotton asked if he could have it. Grinning, Martin responded that he could have it if he won the fight. Speaking about his own pistols, Lotton elaborated that his right gun was named Elegy. Before he could answer what his left gun was named, the frustrated No. 2 yelled that she did not care whether she was saved or kidnapped. Martin moved toward her, prompting her to throw the cat at his face, shocking him. Suddenly, Sawyer came by and kicked him in the back of the head, knocking him down. However, despite taking out the stranger, she was also angry at Lotton for missing the meeting and kicked him down as well, causing him to grasp his head in pain.[29]

In the next story, while Lotton, Shenhua and Sawyer were inside the Yellow Flag, the power suddenly went out, so they lit a candle and decided to pass the time by telling scary stories. Shenhua began by telling a story about how she met a creepy-looking girl while on a failed job some months earlier. As she finished her tale, Revy and Rock showed up, with the former butting in and asking what they were doing. Shenhua only allowed her to stay because she offered them some alcohol. Lotton heard Revy claim that Japanese people were inherently skilled at telling scary stories, so she asked Rock to give them one. The ex-salaryman said he could not think of anything and confessed that the scariest thing to him was people. Hearing his comment, Lotton and the other three cringed at his statement, causing Revy to yell at Rock for not reading the room. She advised him to think about any story for a moment, clarifying that she would volunteer to tell a more strange than scary story.

After Revy and Rock told their own stories, she and Shenhua turned to Lotton and asked him if he had any story for them. The Wizard explained that he had a ghost photo instead of a story, agreeing to show it to them. Seeing that the photo of Lotton contained a faint apparition in the background, the other four thought that the person was a woman with an unflattering pose. As Sawyer examined the photo, she looked up and saw an eerie figure next to Lotton leaning to see the photo as well. To her fright, the figure noticed her staring and made a shush gesture toward her, immediately disappearing. The others discussed the possibility of the apparition having a face until Revy ordered Sawyer to tell them a story. As the goth woman tried to speak up in hesitation, the lights in the Yellow Flag got their power back. Rock asked if they should continue with the scary stories, but Revy declined, reasoning that the atmosphere was not the same without a blackout, suggesting that they tell erotic stories instead.[30]

Sawyer chapter 56

Lotton hanging out with Martin

In a later story, Lotton became acquainted with Martin and hung out with him at an outdoor dining place. The vampire spoke about his feelings of true love for No. 2 but did not specify her. Subsequently, Lotton ordered a glass of milk and agreed to Martin's toast to true love. Behind them, they heard a voice screaming for them. Turning around, the men saw No. 2 being pulled back into a speeding car. Immediately, the freelancers pursued her captors and soon arrived at a warehouse, which Martin recognized as Picton's Studio. Realizing that Lotton was not familiar with The Studio, he briefed him on its history of human trafficking, organ trafficking and snuff video production, adding that Picton ran the most dehumanizing business in Roanapur. He recalled that the "crazy scumbag" died a long time ago but admitted that he thought the Picton firm would be out of business, mentioning that Picton's younger brother took over.

Learning of the background, Lotton assessed that No. 2 was in great danger, so he followed Martin into the building. Inside, as Martin confronted the snuff film crew, the Wizard freed No. 2 of her restraints. Before the criminals could shoot Martin, No. 2 shot out the lights and reminded Martin that he came to save her, with Lotton silently backing her up. At that point, he listened to No. 2 politely reject Martin's advance of love. Once Martin killed the snuff film crew, Lotton flipped off the vampire as the latter disappeared.[31]

Volume 9[]

To be added.[32][33]


  • In the First Popularity Poll released during the May/June 2008 issue of Monthly Sunday Gene-X, Lotton ranked 11th with an unspecified number of votes. Among male readers, he ranked 10th. Conversely, in a worst characters contest, among readers in their 30s, Lotton ranked 10th.[34]
  • In a popularity contest during the 10th manga collection release, Lotton ranked 13th with 227 votes.[35]
  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Lotton ranked 13th again with 280 votes.[36]
  • Black Lagoon creator Rei Hiroe has called Lotton, Sawyer and Shenhua "Black Lagoon's mascots."[37]
  • In a best couples contest, Lotton and Shenhua, with Lotton as the passive partner, ranked 8th with 57 votes, tying with Roberta and Garcia. With Lotton as the active partner, he and Shenhua ranked 15th, and he and Sawyer ranked 12th. With Lotton as the passive partner, he and Sawyer ranked 14th. Irrespective of partner order, Lotton and Shenhua ranked 4th.[38]
  • Throughout the various Black Lagoon media (main & spinoff manga, anime and light novel) that he has appeared in, Lotton has not fired a single bullet from his pistols.
  • The cross necklace and circular pendant that Lotton could be seen wearing in Black Lagoon Chapter 61 were the same necklaces that Sawyer was wearing back in Black Lagoon Chapter 39.
  • Lotton's personality is similar to that of a chūnibyō.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Chapter 61: El Baile de la muerte Part 18
  2. 2.0 2.1 Gore Gore Girl Chapter 21: The Lure
  3. 3.0 3.1 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Frederica Sawyer)
  4. Episode 16: Greenback Jane
  5. Episode 17: The Roanapur Freakshow Circus
  6. Episode 18: Mr. Benny's Good Fortune
  7. Chapter 57: El Baile de la muerte Part 14
  8. Chapter 59: El Baile de la muerte Part 16
  9. Chapter 65: El Baile de la muerte Part 22
  10. Chapter 67: El Baile de la muerte Part 24
  11. Chapter 68: El Baile de la muerte Part 25
  12. 12.0 12.1 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Epilogue — Frederica Sawyer: 2)
  13. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Tricia O'Sullivan)
  14. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater: 2)
  15. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Tricia O'Sullivan: 2)
  16. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (A Certain Wizard: 2)
  17. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (A Certain Wizard: 3)
  18. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Dutch: 2)
  19. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (A Certain Wizard: 4)
  20. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Tricia O'Sullivan: 3)
  21. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 01: In the Mouth of Madness
  22. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 02: The Shadow Over Roanapur
  23. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 08: Chill Out
  24. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 13: Signs
  25. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 14: Gloomy Sunday
  26. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 24: cursed
  27. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 30: Fallen Angel
  28. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 40: Copycat
  29. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 53: The Brides of Dracula
  30. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 54: The Twilight Zone
  31. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 56: Twilight
  32. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 57: Love Me Tender
  33. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 61: Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
  37. Loser's Horizon column in the April 2021 issue of Monthly Sunday Gene-X.