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MIAMI VICE Part 2 is the fourth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Eda Initial Stage. It was originally released on July 19, 2022.


As Amber orders the five criminals to freeze and put their hands in the air, Eda warns her about the man, Cutter, to her left. He shoots at Amber, forcing her to jump back outside. As Eda swings her head and body back to headbutt the bearded man behind her, Amber shoots through the window, forcing Cutter to duck. Using the opportunity, Percy wrestles with Hancock for his gun, almost shooting Sommers in the process. Though Percy steals the pistol, Sommers points his own gun at him and declares that his resistance is futile. Warning the leading man to stay back, Eda then shoots at him, forcing him to take cover and also yelling at the alerted Percy to come with her. She blocks the bearded man's punch and kicks him in the head while Amber backs her up by shooting at Cutter again. As Eda covers for Percy, Hancock aims his gun at her, so she shoots back, knocking him back. Percy stumbles into the railing and falls onto the car roof, and Amber likewise throws a smoke round into the motel room and falls over the railing onto the car. Sommers frantically orders Cutter to stop the women from escaping, and he shoots at their fleeing car with no results.

Having escaped the men's range, the driving Eda lambasts Amber for her poor firearm aiming, to which the latter retorts that she is bad with guns, also telling Eda to stop complaining since she saved her life. Amber assures Eda that Percy is okay until she notices that he is profusely bleeding and almost unconscious. Hearing him mutter some words, she leans close to his head and hears Percy mention going for a boy, but he dies seconds later. Back at the motel, the guests wonder what just occurred because of the gunshots and broken windows. Coming to the scene, the concierge demands to know what happened as well, but Stokes merely replies that everything is under control. Not wanting the place to be left with such damage, the concierge states that he will call the police, prompting Stokes to show his police badge to him and explain that his men are the police. Inside, the other three men are surprised that Hancock has been shot in the chest, with Sommers ordering the bearded man to call the police station and set up a cordon around the city to trap the women. Sommers expresses his disappointment in Cutter, who solemnly recalls how Hancock was a good man who despite barely knowing him gave his mother a birthday gift. Declaring that it will be a revenge hunt, Sommers tells Cutter to hunt down the women for their attack on the Metro-Dade Police Department. As Cutter leaves, Sommers loosens his necktie in an exhausted state, wondering who exactly the two women are.

That afternoon, the local police set up a cordon, and Eda and Amber stop at a small, empty farm. Hearing the radio, Amber is frustrated and advises Eda to listen to a local report, hearing that the man whom Eda killed was a police officer and that the police framed the attack as a drug raid met with strong resistance from two female criminals and Percy. Amber elaborates that their mission is essentially a case of police corruption, and Eda wonders what they should do, and Amber recommends burying Percy's body at the farm. That night, at a hospital, Sommers finishes a call with his wife and tells her to go to bed early after hearing that she finished her medical checkups. Glenn looks over the dead Hancock as Sommers says that it is hard to report about the death when he just got back from a business trip. The latter elaborates that at the time, he and his men were discussing the "deal" with Percy when one of Percy's "colleagues" started shooting at them. Putting his hand on Glenn's shoulder in sympathy, Sommers recalls the exact words from Hancock about not wanting his brother Glenn doing the dirty work, adding that Hancock would have made a good police officer but died too young. In mourning, Glenn asks if he can participate in the case, to which Sommers encourages him to avenge Hancock with him.

Back at the farm, Eda and Amber begin digging a grave for Percy, with the former complaining about the lengthy digging. Amber tells her to be quiet, reasoning that there is no person who does not deserve a proper burial. Begrudgingly continuing, Eda asks her if she pretended to be drunk earlier, surprising her. She claims that Amber let her enter first to assess the situation and guesses that she knew about the men inside due to the cars. The senior agent responds that she is overthinking it, but Eda angrily accuses her of using her as bait. Grinning and chuckling, Amber jokes that her paranoia is just what a CIA agent needs, slyly but not outright admitting that she used her. Brushing it off, Amber reminds her that the police are after them and all they have left for a paper trail is the key that was around Percy's neck as well as the location which he muttered with his dying breath. Hesitant, Eda rhetorically states that taking care of the police should be easy if they call their friends at the CIA, but Amber rejects the suggestion, reminding her that they have messed up since the beginning, with Eda being troublesome whereas Amber had just returned from her suspension. Grasping the key, Amber warns her that she will not have a future in the agency if she continues bringing trouble to her superiors.

Soon, the women finish digging and put Percy in the grave, and Amber recites a Christian prayer for him. Eda coldly remarks that she never thought she would have to bury someone she never met, something which Amber says is possible in the CIA. At sunset, the women don their coats and depart from the farm. On the way to their next clue, Eda wonders if the woman whom Percy mentioned is his wife, and the relaxed Amber clarifies that the woman, Rona Hunt, is from the place called Club Social. Eda additionally wonders if Hunt knows if the "boy" Percy mentioned is the information that he was going to sell to them, but Amber shrugs. When the former chastises Amber for not interrogating Percy further, the latter rhetorically recalls that Percy was dying. Eventually, the two women arrive at Club Social, and they ask a female employee for Hunt to speak with her. Going to a makeup room, they hear Hunt rebuff the claim that she is associated with Percy. When Amber assures her that she is not a police officer, Hunt smiles and asks for $200 for the information. Agreeing, Amber shows her Percy's key and asks about its purpose, which Hunt elaborates is for a coin locker at a train station which he took her to once, thinking that it was likely for shady business. The escort refuses to guide them to the place but nonetheless agrees to write down the addresses of the train station and Percy's home.

At that point, a couple of police squad cars arrive at the club, with Glenn and another officer barging in and asking for Rona Hunt. As Amber and Eda quickly exit the dressing room, Glenn spots them and orders them to halt. The women flee to the back exit as Amber tosses a homemade plastic explosive into the hall, disorienting the officer. They quickly return to their car when Glenn catches up and warns that he will shoot. When Eda turns around, she and Glenn recognize each other from the bar fight the other night, shocking them both. Eda focuses on driving and immediately flees, and she and Glenn both wonder aloud if they truly recognized the other person.


  • Russell makes a cameo appearance inside Club Social.
  • There is a typo when Sommers mentions the name of his police department, with "Dade" (デイド Deido) being misspelled as "Deito" (デイト).