MIAMI VICE Part 3 is the fifth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Eda Initial Stage. It was originally released on August 19, 2022.
Arriving at Percy's storage locker, Amber opens the storage door and finds Percy's bag of belongings. As Eda examines Amber's box of homemade explosives in the car, she mutters that her partner is such a "shady lady." Hearing her, Amber returns and tosses the bag to her in the backseat, telling her to open it. Only finding drugs and money in the bag, Amber is greatly disappointed since they can get money from their headquarters, proclaiming that leads on information are the only thing genuinely valuable to them. Eda asks her what they need to do, prompting Amber to respond that they have to take away the information from those who possess it. Later, at the MDPD station, Sommers is frustrated to learn from his subordinate that their police officers cannot track down the two women. To his surprise, Amber has called the station and requests to speak with the chief. As the bearded officer fails to trace her call, she smugly informs Sommers that she can return the drugs and money in exchange for all of the documents that Percy had inside the motel, so the impatient police chief agrees and asks where they should meet. Walking away from a payphone, Amber gets back in the car.
Meanwhile, the chief orders his reluctant subordinate to bring the "useless" papers from Percy's house. As the subordinate drives them past an airport, he confirms to Sommers that he already asked Glenn and the others for additional help and will be scattered at the rendezvous point. Suddenly, a larger car blocks their path, forcing them to brake and slightly crash. Immediately, Amber jumps out of the front passenger seat and breaks the smaller car's driver window, wearing a gas mask and spraying knockout gas inside their vehicle. She then knocks Sommers unconscious and commandeers the vehicle while Eda continues driving her car, subsequently traveling to a small field. Eda examines Sommers's revolver, baffled at the gun's qualities. Finding out that the documents have little info written on them, Amber angrily throws the envelope at the chief, who calmly explains that Percy was not the type of person who compiled detailed information.
He reminds her that he held up his end of the deal and requests the money and drugs to be relinquished, but Amber demands that the chief bring them to Percy's place. Surprised, Eda argues with her about the state of their mission, but Amber comments that they have to get the blame off themselves, adding that they can use the chief as leverage against his fellow officers if they are cornered. As Eda begrudgingly agrees to her plan, the chief wonders who they really are. Elsewhere, Glenn is irate to learn from the bearded officer that Sommers got abducted. Chastising the latter for falling into a predictable trap, Glenn impatiently inquires about the search's progress, to which the officer replies that they have only reached a dead end so far. As Glenn guesses that the women are likely going to uses Sommers as a hostage to leave the county, the officer informs him that the women were obsessed with Percy's belongings at his house, giving Glenn a realization pertaining to their location. At Percy's house, the two CIA agents put the tied-up chief upright on the couch, and Eda and Amber search the furniture for important information. When Eda begins tapping furniture and insults the corrupt county police, Sommers gloomily claims that he got involved with criminals to get money for treating his wife's leukemia.
He also explains that he tried to atone for his mistakes by supporting his men who needed help, becoming a tighter-knit group in the process. Unconcerned about his story, Eda does not believe him and shows no sympathy. In another room, examining a small drawer, Amber discovers a ledger with a list of Percy's partners, much to Eda's delight. Eda mentions the bare legibility of the handwriting and the spy from Cuba, causing Amber to warn her to quiet down. As she sternly remarks that it is one achievement down, Sommers asks if they are truly CIA, but Amber answers that it is for everyone's own good that he does not know. Nevertheless, she tosses the bag of money and drugs onto the chief's lap, but he asks how they will compensate him for killing one of his subordinates. Coldly, Amber glares at him and says that he will merely have to get over it somehow.
As the two women exit the house after promising to return the chief to his police station, several bullets hit close to them, forcing them back inside the residence. Outside, Glenn keeps his rifle's sights on the house, causing Cutter to tell him to hold his fire. Glaring at him, Glenn retorts that he will be the one to deal with the women. Although Amber orders Sommers to call off his attack, he nonchalantly states that it is useless since Glenn wants revenge on Eda for killing his brother. Preparing her pistol, Eda advises Amber to prepare countermeasures, and she goes to the back of the house. Sneaking up on Glenn and Cutter, she catches them by surprise, shooting at them and successfully hitting Cutter in the shoulder. Rolling into his range, Eda points her pistol in Glenn's face, smugly smiling and recognizing him from their previous encounter. Glenn reciprocates the sentiment of wanting to meet under better circumstances, but he proclaims that he cannot contain his fury targeted at the killer of his only remaining relative. Yelling at them, Amber urges them to deescalate because she has already settled things with the police chief, but Glenn smirkingly responds that he did not hear a word.
Pushing away his arm, Eda quickly kicks Glenn's rifle out of the way and shoots him in the chest, but his bulletproof vest protects him. Realizing that she has run out of ammunition, Glenn wrestles against her and disarms her. As he goes in for a kill shot, Eda pulls out her revolver and pushes it right into his neck, shocking him. Exclaiming that she is the detective of his boss's boss's boss, she bids him goodbye with a single lethal shot, surprising Amber and the chief. Afterward, Eda and Amber rest next to the police car while the chief solemnly talks with Cutter about their operation being finished. Amber jokingly asks Eda how much longer she thinks she will live by solving things lethally, irritating Eda, who feels sick and coughs out her cigarette.