Black Lagoon Wiki
Black Lagoon Wiki

Marrero (マレロ Marero) was a gangster and member of the Colombian Cartel.


Marrero was a young Hispanic man with a skinny build, tan skin, a short chin beard, and thick, neck-length dark hair combed back with a bushy mullet. He wore a purple suit and a blue dress shirt, and he was armed with a Browning M2HB machine gun for a weapon.


El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

While Gustavo and several of his men went to the Yellow Flag for information on Roberta's whereabouts, Marrero and other men were summoned by him to bring all the weapons that they owned to kill Fabiola Iglesias due to her onslaught.[1] Accordingly, Marrero and other men quickly drove to the Yellow Flag to acts as reinforcements, even speeding past Benny and Dutch to utilize the machine gun if necessary. Parking outside the bar, he waited for further orders from Gustavo. Hearing a distraught Gustavo over the phone urge him to blast the bar apart with bullets, Chico was hesitant at first until the call abruptly ended. Marrero asked him what they would do, and Chico thought that Gustavo was killed by the young maid, so he yelled to Marrero to shoot at the bar. Firing without thinking of his fellow gangsters inside, Marrero consistently fired the weapon across the windows, greatly damaging the building, injuring several gangsters with friendly fire, and leaving Fabiola unharmed since she avoided the attack.

When he ran out of bullets, he ordered Borge to bring some extra men and charge inside. Marrero reloaded his weapon while Fabiola managed to push back Borge's forces. As he blanked out, Chico urged him to continue shooting. Seeing Fabiola, Marrero began to shoot at her again, but she fired a grenade round at an adjacent car, causing it to fly upward and land directly on the shocked gangster, killing him.[2] Whereas he was killed in the manga, in the anime he panicked and managed to move out of the way just in time to avoid the crushing weight of the vehicle which fell on top of his machine-gunner car.[3]

