- Not to be confused with Vasili Laptev or Vasily Krivchenko.
Maynard Sears (メイナード・シアーズ Meinādo Shiāzu), formerly known as Vasili Skachkov (Russian: Василий Скачков; Japanese: ヴァシリー・スカチコフ Vashirī Sukachikofu), is a former Soviet embassy security officer who defected from the Soviet Union to the United States in 1985, leaving behind his first wife Tatiana and first daughter Yevdokiya. Once making an information deal with the CIA, he assumed the new identity of Maynard Sears and residence in Baltimore, Maryland, remarrying and having one daughter, Lottie.
Maynard is a middle-aged Russian man with a skinny build, pale skin and short blond hair. He wears a light-colored coat over a dark plaid shirt, dark-colored jeans, and white sneakers.
Eda Initial Stage history[]
Maynard was born into a civilian background[1] as Vasili Skachkov. As an adult, he became a security guard at a Soviet embassy[2] and married Tatiana Novikova, who in contrast came from a nomenklatura family.[1] On October 5, 1973, their daughter Yevdokiya Skachkova was born.[2] A little over a decade later, because of the pressure put onto him by his wife and her KGB deputy chairman father due to his civilian status, Vasili planned on defecting from Moscow and the Soviet Union.[1] In 1985 on the day that he was supposedly leaving for a business trip, he bid goodbye to his wife and daughter. Yevdokiya, nicknamed "Duša," begged him twice to bring her a souvenir, causing Tatiana to warn their daughter not to be so selfish. Smiling, her father asked her what she wanted, prompting his wife to try and discourage him from spoiling her. The young girl asked for a doll, so he in turn asked if she wanted a stuffed one. Excitedly saying that she did not want just any doll, Yevdokiya requested a Barbie doll. Giving her one last hug, Vasili promised to do so. Before leaving, he reciprocated love for his daughter and declared his leave.
In order to successfully defect, Vasili contacted the United States government and claimed he had valuable classified information to share. Accepting the intel, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency agreed to give him American citizenship, a new name and some money, so he took on the name Maynard Sears.[2] Although he had thoughts of taking his daughter with him to the United States, he believed that it would be too much for her because she knew nothing of the foreign land, leaving behind Yevdokiya and Tatiana.[3] Settling in Baltimore, Maryland, Maynard married an American woman and falsely told her that he was a second-generation Russian immigrant. In the beginning of his marriage, Maynard did not have enough money to have a good livelihood, so he sought out help from Ives, a Russian criminal who raided drug dealers' hideouts to steal their money. Before contacting him, he used his old name Vasili to conceal his newly acquired identity.
Accordingly, the criminal allowed him to do one job with them and accepted Vasili's request that it would be a one-time job. Working with Ives and two other henchmen, the four of them raided the drug dealers' hideouts and stole their money, with Vasili even killing men in the process. Afterward, Ives distributed the cash to the other three but kept the highest share for himself. Requiring more money, Maynard took some of his money because of the imbalance in pay and disappeared using his new identity, infuriating Ives.[1] Back in Maryland, he used the money he had to start a business, Copper & Co., and he and his wife had one daughter, Lottie, teaching her self-defense and report skills.[4]
The Spy Who Came in from Cold[]
In the early 1990s, while returning home from work, Maynard was contacted by Eda and another CIA agent, confusing him since he thought his business with them had ended. Speaking with them away from his house, he became shocked upon hearing Eda mention his first daughter Yevdokiya, learning that she defected to the U.S. and escaped during transit. Puzzled, he wondered why she would defect, and Eda relayed to Maynard that his daughter had been looking for him since the beginning. Taken aback, he muttered his daughter's diminutive name Duša, prompting Eda to take note of Yevdokiya's nickname. She elaborated that she took the car during transport and fled, leaving behind three CIA agents in an alley but did not kill them. The astounded Maynard truly wondered if Yevdokiya's purpose was to find him. Assessing the story, Eda smirkingly concluded that she probably wanted to see him to get revenge for being left behind rather than for a family reunion. She informed him that she would need his help either way, at first calling him Maynard Sears but remembered his real name Vasili.[2]
A little bit after his daughter Lottie was abducted by Ives's two henchmen, Maynard returned home with the two agents and saw his wife profusely crying. He learned about her kidnapping and was asked who the three captors were supposed to be, recalling that the two men referred to him as "Vasili." Hearing her repeatedly ask what would happen to Lottie, Maynard grabbed her shoulders and pleaded with her to calm down. He explained that he knew who the men were, assuring her that their target was him and his money. Asking her to calm down again, Maynard said that the men would not touch Lottie until they received their money. Maynard asked the two CIA agents if they heard them, but Eda coldly replied that she and her partner were no longer in a position to help him, telling him that he was on his own. Announcing her leave, she requested Maynard to call her when his daughter was returned, so he agreed. Wiping away her tears, his angered wife asked him if he would tell her everything, which he promised to do.
Going inside their house, Lottie's mother was surprised to learn about Maynard's history about being a defector from the Soviet Union. Maynard confessed that he lied about his back story as a second-generation Russian immigrant, making his disheartened wife comment that she had been deceived all along. Rejecting the notion of deception, he elaborated that he made the decision to leave his country and past behind to live in the U.S. as Maynard Sears, claiming that Vasili Skachkov was a dead man. Confused and curious, she responded that she did not think it was necessary for him to share the ghosts of his past, but he agreed that it was still unnecessary.
Continuing to relay the truth, Maynard specified that the abductors were Russian but not associates he knew in the Soviet Union. He then told her his story of needing more money to start a new life with her due to the insufficient payout from the CIA. As the mother expressed shock, they heard their telephone ring. Answering the call, Maynard addressed himself as Sears, but the bearded man greeted him as Vasili, admitting he knew of his concurrent alias Maynard Sears. Angered, the father demanded him if Lottie was safe. In a motel room with his accomplice and the girl, the man confirmed that he had treated her well, joking that she was a valuable princess who was worth a lot of money. The resentful Maynard asked if all they truly wanted was money, and the bearded man affirmed that he wants $100,000 in cash, further joking that it was a cheap price for his daughter's life.
Hesitant, the father responded that such a large amount of money would require approximately three days to gather. Disagreeing, the criminal ordered him to bring the money to Patterson Park at midnight that night, warning him that not following his order would mean bad news for Lottie. Wanting proof of his daughter's safety, Maynard demanded to hear her voice. Immediately, the abductor ripped the duct tape off of the girl's face, and Lottie yelled to her father. As Maynard's heart sank, the criminal reminded him to bring the money at midnight and ended the call. Putting on his coat, he informed his wife that he promised to do "work" for Ives on the condition that the stealing and killing was a one-time thing. The mother expressed shock and disbelief at the story, causing Maynard to retort that it was only one time. He added that they did not even know his current name and even gave more of the share to him, angrily repeating that it was a one-time relationship. Though unnerved, the mother sternly asked him to promise her one thing, which was to bring Lottie home safe and sound, surprising him.[1]
That evening, Maynard went to his business with Eda to retrieve the ransom money, with the latter tagging along since her objective was to capture Yevdokiya. He opened his safe containing a lot of money, surprising Eda. Hearing her speak about the large quantity he owned, he sternly asked if she was trying to get some. Denying the idea, the field agent remarked that she was never short for money even for work, making Maynard mutter that the CIA was truly a den of the establishment. Eda asked how he could leave such a large amount of money in his office, jokingly asking if he expected his current situation to happen. When she implied that he kept the money at his office instead of home because he planned on leaving his family, Maynard denied it. Disagreeing that he would never want to, she reasoned that someone who abandoned their family once could do it again and again. Eda also asked if he even brought close to $100,000 despite his bag of cash. Maynard claimed that the three captors knew the amount they asked for would be insufficient. Denying that he was buying time, he clarified that how they proceed would determine the outcome because he still had a reasonable amount of money to make it look convincing enough that Ives would bring Lottie.
Silent in thought, Eda finally realized that Yevdokiya had visited the Sears residence earlier. Additionally, her partner called her and confirmed her suspicion by informing her about what Lottie's mother told him. She relayed this fact to Maynard, making him wonder if "Duša" used the men to get to Lottie. Eda claimed that it was probably a coincidence given that she knew the CIA has been watching her. Guessing that Yevdokiya would use Lottie to meet with him, Eda rhetorically assumed that Maynard would still cooperate with them, explaining that they would use the ransom deal to lure Yevdokiya out. Slightly hesitant, Maynard smiled and said he would not do it totally for free and wanted something in return.[4] Accordingly, Eda agreed to give Yevdokiya the Barbie doll which he promised to buy for her but never gave her.[3]
Soon, at night, Maynard drove to Patterson Park with Eda sitting in the front passenger seat in. Finishing her call to her CIA partner, Eda explained to him that her headquarters received a report from the Russian embassy but would brief him later. Smoking a cigarette, she pointed out that he did not seem to care about Yevdokiya despite her being his other daughter. Maynard admitted that he was more concerned with Lottie at that moment, adding that Yevdokiya was old enough to travel in exile but not Lottie. Replying that smoking was prohibited in his family's car, he asked Eda to dispose of her cigarette. Surprised at his request, she laughed and tossed it out the window, telling "dad" that she understood.[4]
Once they arrived at Patterson Park, Maynard requested that Eda act as a sniper for him. Disgruntled, she responded that using the CIA as a hit squad was not only out of line but brazenly ignorant. Maynard clarified that he was fine if she only acted as a distraction to intimidate the gangsters. Rhetorically asking if she wanted to lure "Duša" out, he claimed that it was probably easier for her to come out if a big fuss was made. The confused Eda asked if he thought she would expose herself, causing him to state that he already pondered on that question. Smiling, he assured her not to worry about Yevdokiya being a no-show because she was his ex-wife's daughter. Speaking about his old family history, Maynard elaborated that his ex-wife's pride in her nomenklatura family was shattered when he defected. Admitting it was easy to imagine how Yevdokiya was raised to hate him after he left, he joked that he was surprised his wife was not the one who came to hunt him down.

Maynard brings the money to Patterson Park.
Subsequently, Maynard walked into the park and at midnight, he came face-to-face with Ives, his men and Lottie. The young girl called out for her father, causing him to ask her if she was okay. Greeting Maynard as "Vasili," Ives joked that he returned to retrieve the money taken from him. Maynard reminded him that their partnership was a one-time thing and took the money because Ives did not split it evenly between them in the first place. Leaning toward Lottie and glaring at him, Ives emphasized that he needed to give back the money and then his daughter would be returned to him. When the criminal intimidated Lottie by whispering the threat near her ear, Maynard cursed him and showed his duffel bag, claiming he had the money and wanted his daughter back. Waving his hand to come forth, Ives ordered him to put the bag of $100,000 down and take ten steps back. Although Maynard demanded to exchange at the same time, the gangster warned him that he was in no position to bargain and ordered him to do as he commanded.
Once Maynard followed the steps, one of Ives's men checked the bag and confirmed that it looked like enough money, so his boss told him to bring the bag to him so that they could count it. As the accomplice walked back, Eda shot him in the knee, surprising the men. Using the opportunity, Maynard elbowed the man in the back onto his stomach while Lottie kicked the other captor in his groin. Acting fast, he grabbed a stray gun and yelled at Lottie to get down, shooting the other captor in the chest. Maynard extended his arms out and urged Lottie to embrace him, but Ives immediately shot him in the left shoulder, greatly injuring him. As he laid on the ground, Ives was about to shoot him when Yevdokiya showed up, briefly exchanging gunfire until she shot Ives in the abdomen. Crying, Lottie advised her father to get to a hospital as soon as possible. Hearing Yevdokiya behind her, the girl grabbed Maynard's pistol and turned around to point it at the Russian woman.[5]

Yevdokiya confronts her injured father for leaving her.
Speaking in pain from his arm wound, Maynard advised Lottie to put the gun down because the matter was between him and Yevdokiya, who remarked that she finally caught him. He admitted that he knew the day would come but expected that his ex-wife would instead be the one to chase him down. Hearing her state that she came because Tatiana was sick, Maynard apologized that she could not escape her mother's spell of revenge, quietly taking the pistol from Lottie. Rebuffing him, Yevdokiya relayed her mother's message to him about how she ordered for his wife and child to be killed in front of him if he had any and to plunge him into lament. Pleading with "Duša" to stop, Maynard urged her to leave Lottie out of her revenge scheme and asked that only he be shot. Nonetheless, Yevdokiya sternly replied that she was using her own method to fulfill her revenge. Extending her arms in front of her father, Lottie pleaded with Yevdokiya not to harm her father, causing the Russian woman to hesitate.
Noticing Ives behind her, Maynard warned Lottie to get down as Yevdokiya was immediately restrained in a headlock. Having survived the gunshot because he wore body armor, Ives affirmed that he always came prepared, especially for a ransom deal. He ordered Maynard to toss the duffel bag of money to him or else he would break Yevdokiya's neck. Glaring at him, Ives licked her neck and asked if he even cared about the daughter he left behind. Immediately tossing the duffel bag to him, Maynard asked him to let go of his first daughter. Surprised, Yevdokiya called for her "dad" but quickly had her gun confiscated from her. Pointing the gun to her head, Ives joked that it made him cry to see that Maynard still had feelings for her. Pushing Yevdokiya away, he shot around her feet and grabbed the duffel bag. As Ives tried to run away, Eda shot him once in the head at close range, killing him. Taking the duffel bag, the CIA agent complained that the entire situation had nothing to do with work. Exclaiming that their mourning period was over, Eda ordered the three to stay down and asserted that Yevdokiya was coming with her.
Suddenly, Yevdokiya began fighting Eda until she was thrown onto her back. As the latter ordered the former to give up, Maynard tossed his pistol to Yevdokiya and told her to run away and gain her freedom. The two women exchanged gunfire until Eda shot Yevdokiya in the arm but still received a graze wound. Frustrated, Eda chastised Maynard for messing with her and rhetorically asked if he should be more concerned about calling an ambulance. Grasping her own arm, Yevdokiya quietly called out for her own father, prompting Eda to say that she had something to tell them. Having received the information from the FSB, she informed Maynard and his first daughter that Tatiana passed away three days ago, surprising them both.
Calmed down, Yevdokiya asked her father why he did not take her with him when he left the Soviet Union. Recalling the day that he bid goodbye to Yevdokiya, Maynard answered that he did not have the courage to bring her with him because she knew nothing about the foreign land. Interrupting them, Eda bluntly opined that Maynard merely thought of himself and no one else. Lottie shouted that it was a terrible thing to say, to which her father partially agreed but assessed that they were finally safe. Some day later, Maynard and Lottie went home, and Eda fulfilled his request to give the Barbie doll to Yevdokiya before she returned to the Russian Federation.[3]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 17: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 2
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 16: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 1
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 20: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 5
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 18: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 3
- ↑ Eda Initial Stage Chapter 19: The Spy Who Came in from Cold Part 4