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Mayte (マイテ Maite) is the younger granddaughter of Casilda and younger sister of Luciana. When Enrique Gasol escaped a gunfight and almost died, she found him unconscious and brought him into her house with her grandmother's approval.


Mayte is a young Hispanic girl with a skinny build, tan skin, and short black hair usually tied into two short ponytails. She wears a spotted shirt, a buttonless jacket, a short dark-colored skirt, and closed-toe shoes.

Eda Initial Stage history[]

Little King of The South[]

When her parents were killed by the military during the Peruvian government's campaign against left-wing guerrillas,[1] Mayte and her sister Luciana began to live with their grandmother Casilda. Her older brother and Luciana's boyfriend were also killed, making them more sympathetic with the guerrillas and their opposition to President Duarte's administration. One day, Mayte was out of her house when she and her dog Gaucho discovered a greatly injured Enrique, worrying her. Accordingly, she and Casilda took the boy back to their house and nursed him back to health. After he was healed, Enrique felt that he needed to repay Mayte and Casilda for their help, so he made sure they were supplied with necessities when he set up an informal delivery business in town, also becoming affiliated with the guerrillas.

Sometime later, on the day that the U.S. CIA dispatched to agents to help Enrique and the Peruvian opposition coalition facilitate the assassination of President Duarte, Mayte was at home with her grandmother. That night, seeing Enrique return as Luciana left to the guerrilla stronghold, she greeted him as she brought a meal to Casilda. He informed her that he bought dog food for Gaucho as well as a new rocking chair for her grandmother. Blushing, Mayte thanked him and remarked that her grandmother would certainly like the chair. Hearing Eda lightly knock on the wall, she turned around and apologized for not attending to her and asked if she wanted something to eat. Eda politely declined since she already ate but asks that Jaden be given a place to sleep. Agreeing to do so, Mayte also agreed to serve some food to Enrique since he had not eaten. The next morning, Mayte bid goodbye to Enrique before he left to guide the CIA agents to the guerrillas' stronghold.[2]

However, not long after they left, the Peruvian military under orders from General Tovar carried out martial law and entered the town, massacring guerrillas and various civilians due to viewing them as sympathizers of the guerrillas. At her house, Mayte and Casilda were pushed out of their home by a soldier who accused them of harboring guerrillas. Though Mayte denied it, the soldier grabbed her hair and punched her in the face, knocking her onto the ground next to her grandmother. As Casilda shielded Mayte and pleaded with the soldier to spare her, Enrique arrived and smacked the soldier with a tool, urging Mayte to run. As they checked on Casilda, the soldier got back up and shot at them, startling Mayte enough to stumble, but Luciana came to her sister's aid and killed the soldier. To her shock, Mayte's grandmother had been shot in the shoulder and was bleeding greatly. Mayte refused to leave her behind despite Casilda urging her to flee while she could. Having an idea of how to get medical help for Casilda, Enrique advised the women to follow him.

Going to the edge of the town, the four of them went to Eda and Jaden and assured them that they only wanted their help. At that point, a couple of soldiers were running at them, causing Eda to shoot both men. As a result, Mayte took cover with Casilda while the others teamed up and killed the remaining soldiers who came as backup. After the brief firefight, Mayte yelled that her grandmother needed a hospital quickly, so Luciana forced Eda and Jaden to drive them to a hospital on a mountain route at gunpoint. As Jaden drove, the two grandchildren pleaded with their grandmother to stay alive, but Casilda knew she was on the brink of death and asked them to get along with each other right before she died in their laps. A little later up ahead the road, Eda posited that they needed to bury Casilda in the ground to the side, but Mayte adamantly rejected the idea because she did not want her grandmother in an unmarked grave. Coming out of the trunk, Enrique assured everyone that he knew a coroner who could bury Casilda properly in a short period, making Mayte deeply thank him.[3]

As they headed to the adjacent town, the group came across a military roadblock and were forced to stop. Mayte remained quiet as Jaden showed the soldiers his diplomatic papers. However, Eda and Luciana suddenly decided to prepare their guns, much to Jaden's reluctance. He drove the group past the roadblock as the two women shot the pursuing soldiers, with Mayte ducking the entire time to avoid gunfire. Afterward, Mayte's group went to Enrique's hideout, where Jaden called the U.S. embassy and learned that President Duarte was carrying out a self-coup to illegally stay in power. Once the adults discussed the details, Luciana and Enrique forced Eda to drive them to the funeral home which Enrique spoke about while Jaden met up with a CIA contact.

There, Mayte was relieved that the coroner arranged an address for Casilda's grave. When they returned to the hideout, Jaden relayed to everyone that their next plan of action was to secretly cross the border and escape into a neighboring country. Soon, Luciana finished taking a shower and learned from Mayte that Casilda's burial was satisfactory. Quietly, Mayte asked what would happen to them. Hugging her younger sister, Luciana solemnly affirmed that she would protect her no matter what since she was her only family, swearing on her own life as well as Casilda's. Mayte mentioned that they had Enrique too, which Luciana agreed with.[4]

Eventually, the group left the hideout in Luciana's van, and she assured Jaden that her van was sufficient for a mountain crossing. Luciana then asked him if he had 7.62mm rounds in his supplies for her AK, which he denied. Mayte handed the pistol to her sister, pleasing her. To her surprise, Luciana speeding past a military vehicle attracted their attention, creating a brief chase ending in Eda shooting at the two soldiers and killing them. A short time later, Mayte urged her sister not to verbally fight with Eda as they were insulting each other. Additionally, she offered Jaden some sweet bread because he admitted to not eating anything that morning. To her confusion, Jaden deprecated himself and began to rant about how he did not expect to have rough work in the CIA. Seconds later, Celino and his partner caught up to them and rammed Luciana's van several times. As a result of that and the back tire being blown out, Luciana's van swerved onto its side, forcing Mayte to brace herself. She then took cover as Enrique defended her, and the fight ended in the enemy officers fleeing and the enemy car being blown up.[5]

Eda Initial Stage chapter 26

Mayte packing supplies before her group heads up the mountain.

Since the group had no car to use for the remainder of the trip to the border, everyone gathered the intact supplies and began to ascend the adjacent mountains. Subsequently, the group trekked as far as they could using the daylight, setting up camp once nighttime came. Jaden cooked a special stew for everyone which Mayte enjoyed, but she became worried when Enrique declared that he wanted to drink the alcohol that Luciana offered to the adults. After he drank some of the alcohol, she listened to him go on a tirade about how he would create his kingdom and overthrow President Duarte. Upon witnessing Enrique vomit from drinking too much, Mayte helped him walk to the nearby lake, where he stumbled around in the water with her. Talking with him privately, she warned him he had been drinking too much alcohol, but Enrique retorted that he was fine.

Mayte assured him that no one belittled him as a child, but Enrique clarified that he could tell by seeing the CIA agents' faces. He commented that Eda kept saying his goals were just children's fantasies but asserted that it was not age that mattered but rather, whether one had power or not, that is, the power to make one's ambitions come true. Speaking up, Mayte confessed that she was worried about him. To his surprise, she began to cry and professed that she did not want to lose anyone else, as she had already lost her mother, father, brother and her grandmother. Mayte admitted that if something happened to him or her sister, she would not be able to bear it. Speechless, Enrique hugged her and said that he bore responsibility for not being able to save her grandmother. The boy proclaimed that he would repay his debts to Casilda and promised to do everything to get Mayte to a safe place. Feeling a little better, the girl asked if they could live together in peace, to which he answered that they would live.

Before he could tell her something else, Víbora suddenly appeared, pushed Enrique away, and grabbed the terrified Mayte. Running toward the hunter, Luciana warned him to let go of her younger sister. Hitting Víbora on the head with a large stick, she urged Mayte to run away. Luciana pulled out her pistol, but Víbora quickly grabbed her hand and neck. Mayte then huddled on the ground as the guerrillas and CIA agents clashed with the Peruvian intelligence officers. When Enrique tried to subdue Víbora, the latter threw him onto his back and also kicked him, worrying Mayte. A minute later, the injured Luciana attempted to kill Víbora, but she was disarmed and stabbed in the chest with her own knife, shocking her younger sister. As Luciana laid unresponsive, Mayte was frozen and frantically wondered if she was still alive.[1]

Behind her, Víbora first grabbed her jacket away and then grabbed her by the hair, but Enrique thrust a sharp rock into his right thigh, causing him enough pain to let go of Mayte. In response, the hunter threw him against the ground a second time and stomped on his head several times, beating him up within an inch of his life. As he walked toward Enrique with a rock to finish him off, the terrified but infuriated Mayte grabbed a pistol near her and shot him in the right eye and the chest several times, shouting that she would avenge Luciana. Immediately, Víbora fell into the lake. Sitting on the ground, she panted for breath when Eda admitted she felt sorry but advised her to give up on saving her. Reluctantly agreeing, Mayte asked forgiveness from Luciana as she fled with the injured Enrique and the agents. The next morning, in a forest outside of a small town, she tended to the wounded Enrique.

Checking in on them after Eda went into town to make a call, Jaden asked the boy how he was feeling. Enrique hid his tears and apologized to Mayte for not saving Luciana. Solemnly, she assured him that her death was not his fault. Enrique stood up and tried walking, making Jaden sternly ask where he was going since he needed to rest and not move. Enrique reminded him that he would need a car to cross the border anyway, offering to retrieve one for the time being. He asked Mayte for his gun back and apologized for what she had to go through, promising that he would make sure she would not have to shoot someone again. As Enrique prepared to leave, Jaden stopped him and demanded that they all go together. Once Enrique found a truck, Mayte sat in the front passenger seat as Jaden rushed into town to save Eda from being captured by Melgar and his agents. To their surprise, as they drove away, Víbora stood in the middle of the road and pushed against the car.[6]

Enraged, the hunter climbed onto the hood and disarmed Enrique, lunging forward and pinning him onto the cargo bed. Detecting Eda pointing her pistol at him, but the hunter kicked her gun out of her hand, which fell into the front seat. As she continued crouching her head during the fighting, the scared Mayte nervously picked up the pistol. As Eda was being punched, the girl pointed the gun at Víbora, who quickly used Eda as a human shield to prevent Mayte from shooting anymore. However, Eda broke free and punched the hunter several times and yelled at Mayte and Enrique to start shooting. Accordingly, the two children jointly shot at Víbora and knocked him out of the cargo bed. After taking a side road, Eda's group stopped to the side for a brief break and then continue onward.

On the way to the eastern border, Mayte asked Enrique if he was all right, reminding him that he was beat up very bad. Eda jokingly stated that they both screwed up, causing Enrique to rhetorically ask if she was a horrible person. He looked up at Mayte and asked her to give the gun to him, but she responded that she would hold onto it. Trying to get up, Enrique assured her that she did not need to use it, but Mayte excitedly retorted that she could fight since she "defeated the monster twice." Chuckling, Eda agreed that she could fight. Enrique pleaded with her to reconsider, admitting that he could not live with himself if something happened to her given that he felt responsible for the deaths of Luciana and Casilda. Assuring him that he would not have to worry about that, Mayte affirmed that she also wanted to avenge her sister and grandmother and confidently asserted she could achieve it, worrying Enrique.

Soon, in the back, Eda informed Mayte that her gun was a little big and suggested that she use Enrique's .380 pistol. Feeling skeptical, Mayte asked if the United States was actually siding with the Peruvian people, to which Eda remarked that they were a useful ally. Close to the border, to their shock, the four saw several military trucks block the road, realizing that it was an ambush. After their car was hit by gunfire, the military commander then ordered the Americans to exit the truck and drop their weapons. Eda told Jaden that they had no firepower or sufficient numbers and were physically exhausted, begrudgingly assessing that resistance would be futile and therefore they needed to surrender. Mayte contested the idea, but Eda replied that living was better than dying, repeating that she needed to give up. Angered, Mayte asked her for what Luciana died for then, causing Eda to warn her to be quiet, rhetorically asking the girl if she genuinely thought she did not also despise the situation.[7]

Eda Initial Stage chapter 29

Mayte is shocked to see missiles flying toward the soldiers.

Some seconds later, everyone was shocked when several missiles rained down onto the military trucks, completely wiping out the soldiers. A helicopter descended and they heard Amber Whinberry urge them to hurry up. As she tried climbing into the aircraft, Mayte was suddenly grabbed by the surviving Víbora, who clutched onto her. Jaden and Enrique tried pulling her up as she felt as though her arms were slowly being ripped off. Although Eda attempted to shoot him, the fast Víbora once more disarmed her and jumped into the helicopter, ceasing his grip on Mayte. As Enrique helped her climb into the aircraft, Mayte instinctively used her pistol against Víbora after he was blinded by Amber's flashbang. Still undeterred in spite of being constantly shot, Víbora ran toward the girl and yelled that he would finally kill her. A second later, Eda shot him in the head and let him fall out of the helicopter, killing him.

That evening, Mayte rested with Enrique as the helicopter flew across the country. To her chagrin, Mayte learned that the CIA only came to save them to use Enrique's knowledge and testimony as leverage against President Duarte. During the meeting between the CIA and Duarte, Mayte waited with Enrique outside the presidential hall. The coming night, Mayte and everyone else returned to Enrique's hideout to eat. Feeling disappointed that President Duarte was not punished at all for the self-coup and in fact was allowed to remain in power, Mayte decided to run away and snuck out of the house. As she walked away, Enrique noticed her disappearance and quickly ran to her, wondering what she was doing.

Though Enrique assured her that the deal was merely a way to get the government to listen to the people, Mayte shouted back in frustration and asked why they risked their lives if the outcome was dependent on the U.S.'s mood. Calming down, she reminded him that he was a foreigner to her land, accusing him of caring more about his own business and position than their lives. Surprised, Enrique rebuffed the accusation and repeated that he put up with all of the chaos for her sake, but he stopped talking when Mayte continued to glare at him. Enrique suddenly noticed Eda standing behind him as Mayte solemnly stated that commoners like herself would be crushed just like her grandmother if they did not take up arms and fight. Stating that she realized why her sister and brother fought so hard, Mayte reasoned that she could not simply go along with the decision to make everyone's actions and sacrifices in vain. Baffled, Eda only told her that she did not believe giving flowers to the government meant disrespecting her family.

Infuriated, Mayte drew her pistol and pointed it at Eda, who was unfazed by the action whereas Enrique blocked her line of sight and pleaded with the girl to sheath her weapon. Smirking, Eda pulled her pistol on her in turn and asked if she wants to try it, mentioning that she already did her duty and could focus on her. Urging Eda to stop as well, Enrique told Mayte that she did not have to do something meaningless after surviving their tribulations. Though she glared at him, Mayte reluctantly lowered her gun and affirmed that she would disappear, saying that Enrique would not have to put up with her or stay where he did not want to be. The girl bid him farewell and thanked him for everything he had done thus far. Enrique pleaded with her not to go, but Mayte ran away alone, disappearing from their sight.[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 26: Little King of The South Part 6
  2. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 22: Little King of The South Part 2
  3. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 23: Little King of The South Part 3
  4. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 24: Little King of The South Part 4
  5. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 25: Little King of The South Part 5
  6. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 27: Little King of The South Part 7
  7. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 28: Little King of The South Part 8
  8. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 29: Little King of The South Part 9