Black Lagoon Wiki

Montero (モンテロ) was a mercenary who was the oldest brother of a four-brother assassin group called The Quartet. He and his brothers Rob, Park Seung, and the unknown brother had different parents but were all related to some degree.[1] Montero's weapon of choice was a Sako TRG sniper rifle.


Montero was an adult Black man with a skinny build, dark skin, and a pencil-thin circle beard. He wore rectangular glasses, a light-colored Panama hat, a light-colored necktie and dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves, dark suspenders, and derby shoes.


Montero often spoke in church-like language due to his upbringing by his father, i.e., commonly talking about prayer, confession, and God's guidance while on his missions.


Montero's brother Rob told Revy that Montero's father was a preacher.[2] According to Eda and Rico's intelligence gathering on the four brother assassins, Montero was a Brazilian national who had worked as a gun-for-hire for a cartel in El Salvador, primarily being a sniper. He with his brothers then joined together as a murder-for-hire group under contract of Bren the Black Death's business, although he was not a resident of Roanapur.[3]

The Wired Red Wild Card[]

After Feng Yifei became a target of the People's Liberation Army, Feng's superior Colonel Ma was forced to get rid of her, and so he ordered Captain Yang to hire someone for the job. Since they wanted to be sure of Feng's death, Yang discreetly went to Roanapur and hired Montero and his brothers since they were the only assassins who are on the PLA's list of contacts in Roanapur. Montero himself was skeptical about the job since he thought it was unusual to hire them just to take out one person, but the brothers had no problem with the job and they left to find Feng. Before Montero entered his Humvee, Yang asked them if they were actually brothers, making them laugh since they were surprised that he did not bring it up earlier. Rob confirmed that they had different parents but were more or less related, and Montero then drove off without elaborating on their fourth brother to the still curious Yang.[1]

As the brothers drove through the city, they saw a nearby gunfight but were unconcerned. Montero was arguing with Park Seung when Rob pointed out their target Feng who started the gunfight with Revy. Subsequently, he told the brothers they had his permission to engage, so Rob started shooting at Feng but missed. Seeing that his brother missed, Montero joked that Rob never missed his first shot. Panicking, Feng hung onto the car as Rock drove off, so Montero ordered Park Seung to use his machine gun immediately to prevent Revy locking her sights. Thinking quickly as Montero chased him while Park Seung riddled the fleeing car with bullets, Rock maneuvered and drove into an alley too small for Montero's Humvee to maneuver through, successfully escaping them. Disappointed, Rob mockingly remarked that Montero said they had the Lord's blessing, and Montero replied that they probably failed since they frequently took money from the collection plate at church.[4]

The next day, Montero and his brothers went to Rowan's strip club to meet with Captain Yang to find out who protected Feng from getting killed. When Rob kept speaking about the woman he killed, Yang was disgusted and wanted to get back on topic, to which Montero nonchalantly agreed. Accordingly, Yang told them about the Lagoon Company but clarified that Revy unintentionally saved Feng and not because she was hired to do so. Because of this information, Montero remarked that they should be getting extra pay, to which Yang responded that he would talk with his superiors about extra financial compensation. Joking that he needed to be paid in dollars and not yuan, Montero advised Yang to be in touch about Feng's location, remarking that Roanapur was a town in the valley of the shadow of death (in reference to Psalm 23:4).[5]

Later, one of Yang's men spotted Feng at an internet café and called Yang to tip off the brothers. Hanging up the phone, Montero drove the brothers to the café, where Rob volunteered to kill Revy and Feng.[6] Inside, Rob and Revy got into a shootout while Feng and Rock escaped, and Park Seung wanted to help his brother, but Montero held him back and pointed to the Roanapur City Police officers who arrived at the scene to arrest Rob and Revy.[2] During Rob's capture by police, Rock and Feng learned about the four brothers' background and skills from Eda and Rico, who offered to help Rock.[3] Soon after Rob was put in detention at the police station, Montero drove over there, where an anxious Park Seung wanted to free his brother. Montero told him that they could not take on an entire police station due to the risks, to which Park Seung responded by disobeying his brother and reloading his machine gun. Even though the worried Montero again reminded him that their target was in a police station, Park Seung flashed a smile and happily responded that he would not die.[7]

While the enraged Park Seung engaged in a firefight with the police, Revy soon managed to kill Rob and trick Park Seung into a trap wherein the police killed him in a hail of bullets. As Rock and his group left the station, Montero, armed with a sniper rifle, waited on a building roof opposite of the police station, aiming at the three and muttering that he would get revenge for his two brothers. Revy reminded Rock that there was still another brother, to which Rock replied that he already had arrangements to deal with Montero. A second later, Rock directly looked into Montero's sniper scope and mockingly made a finger gun gesture, surprising the hitman. Behind Montero, Eda exited from the roof door with a baseball bat and gleefully whacked Montero right on his head, knocking him off the roof onto a car, killing him.[8]


  • Montero is one of two characters in Black Lagoon who frequently cite Bible verses in their speech. The other character who does so is Eda, which is coincidental since she was the one who killed him.
  • In a popularity contest during the 10th manga collection release, Montero ranked 47th (tying with several characters) with 3 votes.[9]
  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Montero ranked 67th (tying with several characters) with 1 vote.[10]

