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Mr. Benny's Good Fortune is the eighteenth episode of the Black Lagoon anime and the sixth episode of Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage. It originally aired in Japan on November 7, 2006.


Dutch and Benny launch a rescue mission to save Jane and the others, but everyone involved has to adapt to the chaos when the dry dock collapses.


At night, on the roof of the Lagoon Company dry dock, Rock assures the exhausted Jane that he has a plan for their escape. Below them, on the second floor, Revy shoots at the wall to force Shenhua to run across the external duct. When Shenhua passes by the window, Eda shoots at her, and Shenhua falls off the duct. Not certain if she shot the assassin, the nun walks toward the window and, as she looks out, is trapped by Shenhua, who wraps her kukri's cord around her neck. Revy catches Eda before she can fall, and Shenhua orders Sawyer the Cleaner to ascend to the roof. The assassin threatens to kill Eda if Revy chases after Sawyer, but Eda encourages the pirate to go after her. Climbing back onto the duct, Shenhua warns Revy to throw her gun out the window so that she does not kill the nun. Eda retorts that she will go to hell for killing a nun, to which the Taiwanese woman replies that she is an atheist and has no qualms about doing so. Not wanting to let any more time pass, Shenhua decides to kill Eda, who smirkingly says that she is the one in real trouble. Sensing Revy behind her, she throws several knives at her, but by turning her back, she allows Eda to shoot her, knocking Shenhua off of the duct.

Yelling in pain, Revy berates Eda for giving away her position, but the nun justifies her actions by claiming she needed a distraction. They notice that Sawyer cut off the roof ladder, and they get moving. Meanwhile, on the roof, Sawyer finds Rock and Jane and walks toward them. Rock thinks that having Sawyer walk on the weak roof will defeat her, though Jane is skeptical. Sailing closer to Roanapur, Dutch tells Benny, who is manning Black Lagoon, that they are just passing the Buddha statue. Looking through binoculars, he is displeased upon discovering that the dock is on fire. Arriving at the dock, Russell demands to know why Claude "Torch" Weaver set the dock on fire, reminding him that Jane needs to be captured alive. In a good mood, Sawyer comments to Rock and Jane that most of her work is spent dismembering corpses, clarifying that she will help herself to one of their hands or body parts. As the two stay in place, the cleaner recalls that she had her throat slit but survived the ordeal. At that point, while she powers up her chainsaw, some fuel on the first floor explodes as a result of the fire, shaking the roof. As she grabs for her handheld electrolarynx, Sawyer realizes that it dropped when the roof shook. Sweating anxiously, Sawyer throws her chainsaw off of the roof and suddenly kneels, crawling into a ball and refusing to speak.

Climbing up, Revy and Eda see that Rock and Jane are all right, with Jane noting that the cleaner stopped chasing them because she lost her electrolarynx. Addressing Sawyer, Revy advises her not to do stuff she is not used to. Looking to port, Eda points out that the roof is collapsing, scaring everybody. Noticing the dock collapse from a distance, Dutch orders Benny to make a hard turn at port while he uses an ARWEN launcher to cover their colleagues' escape. Subsequently, the four begin to run away from the other side of the collapsing roof, but the entire building begins to crumble. As they slide down, Lotton the Wizard stands on a nearby rooftop and introduces himself, grandiosely proclaiming that he will take their life. Ignoring him, Revy merely shoots him, causing him to fall as well. Rock quickly kicks Jane away from a stray beam as they fall onto the ground. Seeing the PT boat coming closer, Revy leads her group to the pier while Russell leads the remaining bounty hunters to pursue them. Covering for Rock and Jane, Revy and Eda shoot at the hunters while Dutch also helps them by firing smoke rounds near the pier. When the four jump onto the boat, Dutch orders Benny to quickly speed away, but several bounty hunters, including Russell, jump onto Black Lagoon as well before she departs.

In the aftermath of the collapsed dock, Lotton wakes up, surprising the gravely injured Shenhua, who jokes that he looked like a fool while making his speech. Lotton reveals that he is wearing a bulletproof vest, reasoning that it is assuring to have. Although Shenhua accepts that she will likely die, he rejects the notion and offers to take her to a hospital because he cannot let a woman die. Coming with him, she jokes that he is not fit for Roanapur and would fare better as a bordello host. Replying that he is too clumsy for such an occupation, Lotton sees Sawyer and decides that they will bring her with them. Elsewhere, still recovering from his injuries, Elvis sees Lobos visiting him and furiously demands to know where Russell is. Not wanting to look bad to their mutual boss Don Girolamo, Elvis orders the hesitant Lobos to request more of their gangsters from their homeland. The nervous Lobos warns him that such an action will start a war with the Russians and Chinese in Roanapur, but Elvis decides that he will get to a phone soon to make an international call. Exiting the room, Lobos sighs and thinks about his frustration with Elvis.

On the deck of Black Lagoon, Dutch and the bounty hunters exchange gunfire, and Russell sneaks down into the aft hatch while Claude begins to use his flamethrower against the pirates. Deciding to shake off the bounty hunters using hard changes of direction, Dutch and Revy confidently agree to pull it off together. Below, in the hold, Jane waits with Rock, and Benny comes by and introduces himself to the blushing Jane, who gives her full name as Janet Bhai. Smiling, Benny brings the two into the communications room and asks Jane not to touch any of the equipment. Outside, as soon as Revy ties herself to the boat and grabs Eda, she yells at Dutch to maneuver the boat. Immediately, Dutch swerves the boat at a hard 180 degree angle, forcing off most of the bounty hunters. Still hanging on, Green Tooth Johnny exchanges gunfire with Revy, who runs out of ammunition. Taunting her, Johnny charges and jokes that he will gain a name for himself when he finishes her off. Dutch quickly gives Revy a hammer, which she throws at Johnny, knocking him off the PT boat. With Claude and Russell still on the boat, Revy volunteers to fight Claude while ordering Eda to stop Russell down below.

In the aft, Russell shouts for Jane, who learns from Benny that they will reach port in eight hours. Wanting to resume her work, Jane asks Rock for her laptop from her bag. The ex-salaryman states that he has no bag, starting an argument between the two concerning culpability. Nonetheless, both realize that they can access the Internet via Benny's computer. Entering the engine room, Russell is confused as to Jane's whereabouts, so he decides to sabotage the boat. Smashing the engine with a large wrench, the cowboy mutters aloud that he will get very drunk and have sexual intercourse with "expensive women until [his] balls hurt." Coming down from the ladder, Eda laughs at him and mocks his attitude as she wields her Glock 17L pistol. Shooting at each other, both Eda and Russell reciprocally retort that the money plates belong to them. On deck, Revy is having trouble countering Claude due to his flames blocking her field of vision, so she requests Dutch to perform another sharp turn.

In the communications room, Jane clarifies that she does not have the physical plates because they are stored on the ocean of the Internet, adding that all she needs to do is collect the engineering data scattered around the world to create the plates. Saying that her data manager Theo died, she elaborates that access to the plates are locked behind an encryption which changes every day. Hearing this information, Rock comments that he and Benny are fine since they were already paid by the Rip-Off Church, but Benny notes that Eda will be furious with Jane if she cannot access the plates. Panicking, the counterfeiter asks Benny if she can use his computer, but he smilingly refuses because he prefers that he is the only one allowed to use it. However, to Jane's relief, he agrees to be the one to hack into her plate data, joking that her operator's firewall better not be something that a middle school student could destroy. On deck, Claude commends Revy for giving him a fun time in chasing her. He gives her a chance to give up and be burned, casually recalling that he charred his wife in less than five minutes.

Tying herself down again, Revy gives the signal to Dutch, who serves the boat. Struggling to hold on, Claude flies off the boat, so Revy shoots him once in the stomach, passing through to his flamethrower's fuel and killing him in a large explosion. After the boat's swerve, Rock and Jane are dazed from the action while Benny continues to hack through the firewall, wondering if the encryption uses a GOST cipher. Soon, he runs six paths against the GOST, and he manages to access the plate data, downloading it. Cheering, Benny declares that it gave him quite a rush, asking Jane what his reward is. Delighted beyond belief, Jane begins kissing him, complimenting him as a cute hacker. Nearby, in the engine room, Eda holds Russell at gunpoint since the boat's swerve disarmed him. Holding his arms up, the cowboy wonders how he will explain his failure to his boss Elvis, prompting Eda to answer that Lobos will most likely take care of him. To his surprise, Russell believes that he has met Eda before, thinking it was back in Florida but then remembering that it was in Washington, D.C.

Denying that they have met, Eda replies that she has never been to D.C. and was born in Alabama. Rephrasing that he saw a woman who looked like her, Russell argues that he did not recognize her with the sunglasses and nun's habit on, stating that is was around the time that Don Girolamo visited D.C. Eda asserts that he is mistaken, but the cowboy remembers that Girolamo had business with U.S. Senator Jack Bonham. Slightly surprised, Eda tells him that the woman was wearing a navy blue suit and had a dinner meeting with the senator and several other men at a French restaurant called Fontainebleau. Having his memory jogged, the surprised Russell wonders why she was with a senator, to which Eda responds that she and her superiors were discussing contact with foreign countries within the EAEC that opposed NAFTA and how to deal with them. Putting her sunglasses back on, she repeats that he is mistaken since she is merely a nun. Nevertheless, she confesses that she is not from Alabama and professes that her real hometown is Langley, Virginia. Recognizing the metonym, the shocked Russell shouts that she is with the CIA, causing Eda to immediately shoot him in the head, killing the cowboy. Ascending to the deck around sunrise, Eda shows Russell's cowboy hat to Revy, who informs her that they are almost in port.

Characters and cast[]

  • Rokurō "Rock" Okajima — Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese), Brad Swaile (English)
  • Revy — Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese), Maryke Hendrikse (English)
  • Dutch — Tsutomu Isobe (Japanese), Dean Redman (English)
  • Benny — Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
  • Eda — Jun Karasawa (Japanese), Lisa Ann Beley (English)
  • Jane — Miki Nagasawa (Japanese), Kelly Sheridan (English)
  • Shenhua — Yūko Sasaki (Japanese), Saffron Henderson (English)
  • Sawyer the Cleaner — Asami Yaguchi (Japanese), Saffron Henderson (English)
  • Lotton — Tomokazu Sugita (Japanese}, Samuel Vincent (English)
  • Russell — Masaki Terasoma (Japanese), Brian Dobson (English)
  • Claude "Torch" Weaver — Yōichi Nishijima (Japanese), Jason Simpson (English)
  • Green Tooth Johnny — Tetsuya Kakihara (Japanese), Michael Adamthwaite (English)
  • Machine-gunner — Non-speaking role
  • Shotgun Arnie — Non-speaking role
  • Lobos — Kiyonobu Suzuki (Japanese), Jason Simpson (English)
  • Elvis — Shinpachi Tsuji (Japanese), Paul Dobson (English)

Songs used[]

  • Opening Theme — Red Fraction (by Mell)
  • Eda thinks she shot Shenhua, but Shenhua hangs onto Eda's neck — Let Me Know Your Name
  • Sawyer walks toward Rock and Jane — Unreleased #1 (slow bassline)
  • Eda riddles Shenhua with bullets — Unreleased #3 (medium bassline)
  • Sawyer's rant — Unreleased #4 (fast bassline)
  • Sawyer loses her electrolarynx and the roof collapses — Unreleased #2 (repeating drums)
  • Dutch and Benny pull up — Unreleased #4 (fast bassline)
  • Lotton tells Shenhua he will take her to a hospital — Father's Chest
  • Dutch swerves the boat, Russell tries to trash engine room, Revy versus Claude "Torch" Weaver — Unreleased #4 (fast bassline)
  • Russell recognizes Eda — Dark Side of the Moon
  • Eda in her blue dress and dinner at the Fontainebleau with a U.S. senator — Tear Drops to Earth
  • Ending Theme — Don't Look Behind (ending version)

Differences from the manga[]

  • In the manga, Shenhua tells Eda that she is a Taoist. In the anime, Shenhua states that she is an atheist instead.
  • Rock's plan to have Sawyer walk onto a weak part of the roof is only in the anime.
  • The anime omits Dutch's comment in Chapter 41 when he compares the dry dock fire to a Ku Klux Klan rally.
  • In the manga after she is hit with several throwing knives, Revy yells that her wound had just healed since receiving the leg injury from her fight with Ginji Matsuzaki. In the anime, Revy does not make this comment since the anime adaptation of the "Greenback Jane" arc takes place before the duel in the "Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise" arc.
  • In the manga, Russell swipes Claude's lighter out of his hand to stop him from burning the dock any further, but in the anime he does not take Claude's lighter away, although he is nonetheless angry with him.
  • Sawyer's rant to Rock and Jane about her job and her throat being slit is exclusive to the anime.
  • In the manga, Revy shoots Lotton as she runs across the collapsing roof. In the anime, she shoots him while she slides down the collapsed roof.
  • Only in the manga, when she agrees to come with Lotton, Shenhua proposes the idea of both of them and Sawyer working together as a trio.
  • Lobos's conversation with Elvis at the hospital is only in the anime adaptation, although both the anime and manga show that Lobos planned on killing Elvis.
  • In the anime, Revy throws an iron hammer at Green Tooth Johnny. In the manga, Revy throws a pistol (not her Sword Cutlass) at him.