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Nadja (ナジャ Naja) was the daughter of a Bosnian woman who wanted to give her asylum in the United States of America to escape her abusive stepfather.


Nadja was a young Bosnian girl with a skinny and short build, pale skin, and long black hair. She wore a long-sleeved, light-colored shirt dress with a floral pattern on her skirt.

Eda Initial Stage history[]

During the Bosnian War, the Army of Republika Srpska's bombings killed Nadja's father, a diplomat to the U.S., and she and many Bosnians were caught between Serb and Croat forces.[1] When foreign Muslim volunteers came to the Balkans to defend Bosnian Muslims, Nadja's mother began a relationship with one of the fighters. After the Dayton Agreement and the formation of Bosnia and Herzegovina's two entities, her new stepfather, an al-Qaeda affiliate, dropped his compassionate façade as soon as he married the mother, and he began physically abusing both women.[2] Subsequently, Nadja's mother attempted to acquire asylum in the U.S. for herself and her daughter, having the latter study English to prepare for a new life there.

Balkan crisis[]

While Nadja began to study English, her mother became an informant to the CIA so that they could gain asylum in exchange for providing intel on her husband's Islamic charity front to the CIA. While giving information to Eda, the mother was relieved to learn that she was a person of influence who could possibly vouch for her case to gain asylum.[3] A few days later, Nadja was at home working on her studies when her mother returned, smilingly greeting her. Commenting that it was late, her mother told her that she would make dinner soon, prompting the young girl to offer her help. Politely declining her help, her mother encouraged her to study. Hesitant, Nadja was worried about her stepfather, but her mother assured her that they would be all right, reminding her to call the man "daddy." Noticing her daughter's reluctance, she kindly told her that she needed to study, in particular her English. Hugging her, she advised her to be a little more patient, and Nadja smiled and agreed, reciprocally embracing her.

That night, Nadja's stepfather returned home and berated her mother for not staying at home earlier that day. Her mother tried to clarify that she talked with an old acquaintance, but the man slapped her and angrily ordered her not to lie to him. Scared at seeing her mother laying on the floor and being beaten, Nadja grabbed her stepfather's leg and pleaded with him to stop hitting her mother, causing the man to punch the child in turn. Grabbing the child by her collar, he insulted her for supposedly disrespecting her parents, adding that he would not spoil her as her father did. He then repeatedly slapped Nadja and shouted at her to never disobey him again, making the mother plead with him to stop hitting her daughter. To the girl's horror, her mother was grabbed and forced to follow her stepfather into their bedroom, where she was raped. In the hallway, Nadja sat on the floor and crouched in fear during the ordeal.[1]

The next night, her mother informed her that they would finally escape their predicament, with the mother deciding that she would no longer be a slave to her new husband. Near the mujahideen's hideout where Eda was held after being captured, Nadja was ordered by her mother to hide and stay put in the adjacent forest. While the mother freed Eda from confinement, the girl was spotted by her stepfather and the mujahideen, so they restrained her and took her hostage. Walking to the hideout, the mujahideen ordered the two women to stop and showed Nadja, who screamed for her mother. When her mother was pushed to the ground and kicked by her stepfather, the young girl ran toward her, but a mujahid kicked her to the ground. As Nadja was about to be shot by the interrogator, Tobias's team of CIA agents attacked and killed the interrogator as well as several other mujahideen. The guards around her were being shot, so she ran to her mother and hugged her.

Though one fighter cornered them and cursed them as traitors, Eda shot him dead before he could kill them. Kicking the dead man to the side, the agent asked the women if they were all right, which they confirmed in hesitancy. Nadja remained silent in confusion as Eda smiled and introduced herself, but her mother worried that they needed to leave. Reassuring them that they were safe, Eda commented that their backup had already arrived and would encircle the area. Accordingly, Nadja stayed put with her mother and Eda until the CIA agents came by. As the girl hugged her mother, she was surprised to hear Eda ask Tobias to give them asylum to the United States.[2] Hearing Tobias agree to her request, Nadja shared her mother's joyful expression, and the latter deeply thanked Eda for her help. As the two Bosnians hugged each other, the stepfather, hiding in the forest, shot the mother in the head, killing her. A second later, Nadja was shot in the heart, killing her instantly. Completely shocked and infuriated at their murders, Eda chased down the fleeing men and eventually crashed their car. After fighting the collaborator, she shot the stepfather in the head, killing him and getting revenge for the two women.[4]

A Savage Place[]

When Eda returned to the United States for a vacation, she still felt angered and distraught about Nadja's death despite telling herself that she did not feel an ounce of sympathy for the Bosnian girl.[5] After being captured and fighting off several mercenaries, Eda reunited with Amber but collapsed on the ground in a state of emotional shock. Thinking about Nadja and her mother, she confessed that she did not understand why they wanted to come to the U.S. because of the alleged foolishness and savageness of Americans in the Deep South. Amber deduced that Eda was shell-shocked not because of the women's deaths, but because of realizing that within her own organization, the CIA, things did not go the way she wanted, a claim which Eda did not deny.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 09: Balkan crisis Part 2
  2. 2.0 2.1 Eda Initial Stage Chapter 10: Balkan crisis Part 3
  3. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 08: Balkan crisis Part 1
  4. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 11: Balkan crisis Part 4
  5. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 12: A Savage Place Part 1
  6. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 15: A Savage Place Part 4