Black Lagoon Wiki
Black Lagoon Wiki

New Girl in the Hood Part 1, also called Chapter 114, is the one hundred fifteenth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released on December 19, 2022.


At Revy's place, Le Majeur knocks on the door and asks Rock if Revy is there. The two Lagoon pirates get ready and then leave with Majeur so that Revy can tour her around Roanapur to show her the necessities for survival since Majeur is currently a lapdog of Hotel Moscow by force. First, Rock drives them and stops at Mel's counterfeit documents business, and Majeur orders some forged passports and a forged firearm license. On the way to Doctor Hartland, Revy berates Rock for not having a hiding place for various goods in the event that he has to skip town. At the doctor's place, Majeur has her eye checked, and she continues with Rock and Revy to Praiyachat's place. There, Majeur soon agrees to a Mitchell Arms pistol for her new weapon on Praiyachat's recommendation, and she tests out the weapon in the gun range with Revy behind the shop. Afterward, Rock drives the two women back to the dry dock, with Revy informing Majeur that Dutch and Benny are not home right now since they are on a job, but Majeur will have to do work for the Lagoon Company for the time being as part of her condition for Lagoon Company overseeing her on Hotel Moscow's permission.
