The older brother (兄様 Nii-sama) was a member of the Baba Yaga family who had a delusional fixation on making Sawyer the Cleaner his bride.
The older brother was a young man with short but shaggy black hair. He wore rectangular glasses and a boilersuit, and for an additional disguise he wore a curved-brim cap and a single-filter half mask with elastic straps. He used a chef's knife for his choice of weapon.
Volume 3[]
While in Roanapur after his family was forced to flee the U.S.A., the older brother had learned about Sawyer. He became infatuated with her, taking dozens of pictures of her and stalking her, even creating a mural of the photographs. Wanting Sawyer to be his wife, the older brother asked his mother about allowing her to be his bride, which she approved if she followed his test. To lure the cleaner, he set up a trap where he pretended to be a cleaner and accompanied her on a job at an abandoned resort which was his family's hideout.
There, Sawyer and the cleaners were skeptical about the location and were surprised to discover the body of one of their part-timers with a knife through his heart. As they walked in the hallway, the older brother had his half mask on and informed them that the building was a famous haunted spot that was originally a resort facility, but a large number of corpses who were missing guests were found in the basement. Adding that the suspect, the building manager, had not been caught yet, he stated that there were many hidden rooms throughout. On edge, the bandana cleaner retorted that he did not want to hear about such scary rumors, and the bald glasses cleaner commented that if such rumors were true, then they were stuck inside. As the older brother remarked that it was probably the same building manager who hired them, the bandana cleaner pulled out his pistol and furiously yelled to the supposed murderer that he would kill them first.
Sawyer herself grinned and pulled out her chainsaw in agreement, and they agreed to head to the exit. Heading to the stairs, the older brother and the cleaners went to the fire door only to see it shut down with the words "DED END" painted on it, shocking everyone since it was not closed when they arrived. Sawyer tried to cut the door open with her chainsaw to no avail, but behind them the cleaners heard another chainsaw deep in the hallway. Standing in the dark, a tall, muscular figure in a dress (the older brother's big brother) stood alone with a chainsaw, and the bandana man was confused if the person was a woman or not due to their large size. The figure charged at them, so the men prepared their pistols but were interrupted by part of the wall opening violently, blocking their view. As the mustached cleaner peered behind the wall-door, the large figure giddily swiped their chainsaw downward, cutting the mustached man in half.
Quickly acting, Sawyer swung her chainsaw at them, but the figure blocked her with their even bigger chainsaw and pushed her to the ground. Terrified, the bandana cleaner and the older brother dragged Sawyer to safety as the figure powered up their chainsaw. Although the cleaners managed to shut the door just in time while Sawyer woke up in surprise, the figure laughed and tried to break in. Looking behind him, the bandana cleaner was surprised to see a wall collage of dozens of photos of Sawyer, and as he looked in surprise, the older brother stabbed him in the back. As the bandana man cursed the older brother in short dying breaths, the latter coldly remarked that Sawyer was just a hobby. Opening the door, he let in the large man, thanking his big brother for his help. Turning to Sawyer, the older brother told Sawyer that he had been watching her all along, adding that his mother would come soon. Saying that she would probably be accepted into his family, he creepily commented that he and Sawyer could be a good couple.[1]
Waking up later, Sawyer sat upward and heard the glasses-wearing older brother greet her on a loudspeaker. Asking her if she liked his invitation, he told her that he had been thinking about how to invite her. In addition, he told her that he wanted to take her hand in marriage, but he clarified that he had to get his mother's permission to welcome Sawyer into his "family." Informing Sawyer that she was on the top floor of an abandoned hotel, he elaborated that she would have to leave the room to see his mother, who was in a hidden basement in the hotel, and arrive there alive in order to be welcomed into the family. Stating that directions would be provided, he called for Jessica to go greet Sawyer. The cheerful blonde-haired woman then entered the room and introduced herself. Over the loudspeaker, the older brother said that Jessica was his third youngest sister, claiming that she was dumb but could at least provide directions to Sawyer. Sticking her tongue at the camera, Jessica rebuffed his comment and claimed that she could guide Sawyer. After Jessica proclaimed that he would be speechless, the older brother eerily bid goodbye and told Sawyer that he loved her, wishing her good luck.[2]
In the building's basement, the older brother and his big brother watched Sawyer and Jessica through several monitors connected to security cameras in the building. The big brother commented that the subsequent battle between Sawyer and the older brother's hired murderers was one-sided, and the older brother replied that they did hire amateurs after all and that the "stage" was different with Sawyer, who had murdered many people at work. The big brother asked his brother if he was able to control the woman. The glasses brother turned his head and laughed, confidently asserting that all women except Sawyer would fail his full training course. When the big brother asked if their mother liked it, the older brother laughed again and asked his brother if he believed her, confusing the big brother. The older brother then talked about how their mother was possibly over 200 years old if she was truly alive and how no one in their family had seen their mother since she shut herself away.
As they watched Jessica on the monitors with the older brother saying that only Jessica had permission to meet her, Jessica suddenly looked directly at the camera. The cameras then immediately stopped and only showed static, surprising both men. Behind them, they heard noise, and the door burst open as Sawyer and the amateur murderers busted through. As the big brother prepared his chainsaw, the older brother demanded an explanation. The big brother once again blocked Sawyer's chainsaw with his own chainsaw while the other murderers also charged at him, and the older brother was confronted by a smiling Jessica, who said that she liked Sawyer, calmly taunting him. Panicking, he berated her for agitating the murderers and charged at her with his knife, but Jessica casually swung a small wire around his neck, making blood gush from his neck veins. As he knelt and gasped for air, Jessica told him that she had injured his vital points, mockingly telling him that Sawyer would kill him last. Shocked, the older brother watched as the cleaner thrust her chainsaw into his big brother's neck, and he himself was killed soon thereafter.[3]
- ↑ Gore Gore Girl Chapter 18: GRAVE ENCOUNTERS
- ↑ Gore Gore Girl Chapter 19: LIGHT MY FIRE
- ↑ Gore Gore Girl Chapter 20: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida