Black Lagoon Wiki
Oversaturation Kill Box
Oversaturation Kill Box
Episode 28, OVA 4
Title Oversaturation Kill Box
Release Date March 11, 2011
Manga Chapters El Baile de la muerte Part 21
El Baile de la muerte Part 22
El Baile de la muerte Part 23
El Baile de la muerte Part 24
El Baile de la muerte Part 25
El Baile de la muerte Part 26
El Baile de la muerte Part 29
El Baile de la muerte Part 30
Episode guide
Angels in the Crosshairs
Codename Paradise, Status MIA

Oversaturation Kill Box is the twenty-eighth episode of the Black Lagoon anime and the fourth episode of the Roberta's Blood Trail OVA. It was originally released on March 11, 2011.


Rock and Mister Chang contact Dutch and the Lagoon Company to transport the Americans out of town while Roberta's chaos continues.


In a delirious state, Roberta is about to shoot Garcia Lovelace, who she thinks is a figment of her imagination created as an intrusive thought. Before she can shoot the boy, Horner shoots the pistol from her hand as Sanchez and Burroughs back him up with a smoke round, forcing Roberta to retreat. Horner grabs the boy and runs away with the fellow soldiers. Shane Caxton asks Horner what happened, and the latter reports that he and Sanchez heard gunshots and accordingly prepared to confront the target. Carrying Garcia as he runs, Horner adds that they came across the child, which complicates their mission. Burroughs defends him and states that Garcia would have died if not for Horner's intervention. Improvising, Caxton orders his men to abandon their pincer attack and switch to maneuver warfare for rendezvousing at another point. Although slightly annoyed at the mission change, he praises Horner's actions as just. Returning to the area where she brutally murdered Alberto Camarasa, Roberta sees that the young master is gone, muttering that the "foxes" are responsible.

Nearby, within the same building, Revy's group attempts to find the maid, with Shenhua confidently stating that she will not let their "money bag" die. Detecting Roberta ahead of her, Shenhua charges and swings her arm, but the glaring maid catches her kukri with her pistol. As they clash, the Taiwanese assassin swings again, but Roberta catches the kukri with her teeth and breaks it apart, terrifying Shenhua. Coming to her aid, Sawyer attempts to thrust her chainsaw at Roberta, who blocks the attack and breaks the chainsaw's chain. Unfazed, the maid prepares to shoot and kill the shocked women when Lotton confronts her, but she kicks him in the groin and decides to walk past the women instead. Worried, Fabiola runs out of cover and pleads with her to stop, claiming that she came on Garcia's behalf. Recognizing her and smiling, Roberta only asks her if she finished cleaning the lounge, remarking that she needs to retrieve the young master before it rains. As Roberta walks past her, Fabiola falls to the ground in disbelief, vigorously attempting to hold in her tears.

In an alleyway, Garcia soon wakes up and screams upon seeing the American soldiers. Holding him back, Horner assures him that they mean no harm. Kneeling down and learning that Garcia understands English, Caxton informs him that he and his men are with the U.S. Army and saved the boy when he got caught in the gunfire. He assures him that he will protect him. Meanwhile, waiting in Benny's car, Rock wonders if Roberta will even recognize Garcia while on her medication, muttering that Garcia's role will change if Roberta cannot be saved by his presence. Horner tries to offer water to the confused Garcia, causing Sanchez to joke that he is scaring the boy. He mentions that Horner has a 7-year-old daughter of his own, and he asks Burroughs if he has candy for the boy. Burroughs responds that L.G. may have some. At that moment, Garcia realizes that Caxton is the man from the photograph of men involved in the bombing that killed his father Diego. Wanting revenge, Garcia sees a revolver hanging from a dead man's arm and grabs it. Standing up, he hesitantly points it at Caxton, but Horner quickly disarms him before he can fire.

Although Sanchez is confused and points his pistol at Garcia, Caxton orders him to stand down. He asks the boy who he is, deducing that it is not a coincidence he was in the abandoned building. Crying, Garcia retorts that Caxton and his men ruined his family's lives, confessing that he knows the soldiers were involved in the October bombing of a political rally in Barinas that killed ten people, including his father. Taking responsibility for the murder, Caxton hands his loaded pistol to the boy, proclaiming that he has the right to revenge and is old enough to decide if that is right. In a flashback, at the Lovelace family estate, Garcia shows his father a picture, claiming that his acquaintance Emilio told him there are four hidden items in it. Hearing the boy call Emilio a liar, Diego politely advises him not to rashly insult people that way. Examining the photograph from the back, he tells Garcia that it is good to look at things from different angles. Spotting the pictures, Diego shows his son that the four items include a horned owl, an angel, and Jesus Christ, surprising the boy, who wonders why he could not spot them. Diego guesses that he only looked at the picture from one view, finishing that looking at things from all different directions reveals the full picture.

Back in the present, Garcia thinks about his father's advice and accepts the pistol from Caxton, causing the soldiers to aim their rifles at the boy. Unconcerned, the soldier orders his men to back down. As Rock waits for his contact to meet him, Eda comes by on her motorcycle and greets him, revealing she is the contact. The nun relays to the ex-salaryman that she dropped off his requested items at the location he indicated. Curious, Eda asks him how his wait is going, telling Rock that she saw some Russian troops on the rooftops on the way over. When he replies that it will not affect his gamble, she comments that the ex-Soviets are close to clashing with their old enemy. At the same time, with Boris at her side, Balalaika, clad in her VDV uniform, orders her men to take battle positions immediately. Gardner retorts to Caxton that he must follow the rules of engagement and treat Garcia as a hostile if he shoots. Suddenly, L.G. notes that he has been receiving strange Russian-language radio signals. Addressing Caxton, Balalaika warns him that Roberta is right above him. Suddenly, the maid jumps down and pins Caxton to the ground. Laughing manically, Roberta taunts him and threatens to skin him.

Kicking her away, Caxton takes aim at her with his men following suit, but Garcia pleads with them to hold their fire, accusing the troops of breaking her mind. Seeing her young master, Roberta assures him that she will fix some tea for him after eliminating the "foxes" in her hunt. On the rooftops, Zachamin and his troops shoot at Roberta, forcing her to flee. Talking to Caxton again, Balalaika professes that she and her men are ex-Soviet paratroopers, giving her name as Captain Jane Doe. She urges Major Caxton to retreat immediately. Continuing to talk with Eda, Rock believes that Balalaika will use the situation as the pretext to settle her score with Mister Chang, recalling that Hotel Moscow and the Hong Kong Triad have battled over control of Roanapur. He mentions that one of Chang's pierced Balalaika during their infamous gunfight, concluding that Balalaika feels indebted to Dutch not because he saved her but rather, due to her second chance to exact vengeance on Chang. Nonetheless, Rock assesses that Chang wants that opportunity to be on her mind, making Eda comment that it appears to be flowing that way according to the radio conversations she is picking up.

Being asked what he wants to do next, he guesses that the U.S. Army needs new means on how to execute their mission given their current distraction. Rock decides that he will aid them, but Eda asks what he will do if they cancel their mission, though she acknowledges that they will likely stubbornly pull through to save face. The nun agrees that her goods which he ordered will come into play when the soldiers require his help, joking that the Americans and Garcia will foot the bill. Preparing to leave, Eda revs up her motorcycle. Curious about her eager involvement, Rock admits that he thought the Triad would be paying her as well. He elaborates that even though the mafias claim to coexist and prosper, he in turn claims that Chang is the real ruler of town. Rock confesses that he intends on learning who backs Chang, pointing out that he needs major support in such a violent city. Sternly warning Rock not to dig deep and discover the deep-sea Leviathan, Eda then happily jokes that not all gods get along, advising him to give him a call.

In his office, Chang receives a call and picks up the phone. As Caxton and his men attempt to exfiltrate Roanapur, they note that the ex-Soviets are excellently skilled in covering their trail. Intrigued, Ray wonders if they are truly ex-VDV soldiers, to which Caxton simply answers that he wants to leave the cursed city as soon as possible. Accompanying the troops, Garcia reads the note that Rock gave to him earlier, remembering that he was supposed to open it if he lost his way. At the Lagoon Company dry dock, Benny warns Rock that Dutch is irritated, advising him to patch things up with their boss. Speaking to Rock, Dutch professes that he is angered with Rock's disobeying, claiming that he cannot sleep as a result. The ex-salaryman responds that what will happen next will affect not only himself, admitting that he has a job for Lagoon Company with the client being the American Army. He reasons that if they help the Americans leave, then Roberta too will depart, allowing Roanapur to be relatively stable. Hearing that Dutch is still angry, Rock declares that the Lagoon Company will be the only one to enjoy the mayhem.

Tossing the phone to Benny, the irritated Dutch insults Rock as a madman. Benny receives a call, which Dutch initially refuses until learning that Chang has called them for a job. Near the U.S. troops, Revy's group spots Garcia with them as Caxton tends to Horner's wound which he received from protecting Garcia in the surprise attack. Thinking that the troops are a threat, Shenhua and Revy prepare to kill them, but a Vysotnik sniper shoots at them, hitting Shenhua in the leg and Revy in both arms. Yelling to her, Zachamin relays Balalaika's message to Revy, which asserts that Balalaika's war is hers alone, warning to aim for their heads and throats if they interfere again. As Fabiola reveals her presence to Garcia, the boy shows Caxton the map from Rock. Per the map, the troops go to a certain location and find a large truck. Reconvening with them, Will tells them that he planned on using an informer to seek out a mediator, and he was directed to the Catholic church on the hill. He explains to Caxton that they even have a getaway boat provided to them once they reach port, which will allow them to travel to their operation destination. Seeing that they cannot quit, Caxton orders his men to do a quick roll call before they depart, and he agrees to bring Garcia and Fabiola with them.

As the U.S. troops drive through town, they notice that there are still no police despite all of the gunfire. Near them, Roberta drives to them on her motorcycle. At the same time, Balalaika calls Caxton one last time. He expresses his gratitude for help, but the Russian woman confesses that she initially wanted to fight his troops, stating that she has been waiting for a new war to fight in ever since her involvement in the Soviet-Afghan War. In an assertive tone, Balalaika says that although her unit saw the same things as his men did but in different countries and locations, she and her men fell from grace and fought against thugs instead of soldiers. Referring to herself as a corpse, she admits to envying the living, telling Caxton that she at least wants him to remember the discipline and power of her own unit. Noticing Roberta near the truck, the U.S. soldiers prepare to counterattack, but Balalaika's men shoot a barrage of bullets and even an RPG at the maid, stymieing her attack. Immediately afterward, Caxton commends "Jane Doe" for her swiftly coordinated attack. Accepting his compliment, Balalaika curses her path for being different from his despite their shared skills.

When he guesses that she was discharged due to illness, the ex-captain rebuffs the notion. She explains that she was discharged without honors in April of 1986 for saving a child in a refugee camp in an illegal cross-border operation, mentioning that the international media reported on it. Finishing the call, Balalaika warns him that she does not want to see him again. In a different part of town, Rock drives Revy to the port, and she asks if he can still see clearly. Hearing his confirmation, she affirms that she will not be part of his forces, but he responds that it is okay, as he has things planned out. In a short period, the two arrive at the dock, where Grey Fox has also arrived to board the Black Lagoon with them. At sunrise, the PT boat leaves Roanapur and heads for the Mekong River to go north. Looking at the fake river passes, boat registrations, and NGO permits that Rock ordered from the Rip-Off Church, Dutch recalls that Chang forced him and Benny to take the job to escort the Americans. At Chang's penthouse, Biu informs Chang that Black Lagoon has left port, guessing that Roberta will chase after them. He also compliments the Triad boss for tricking Balalaika and Rock into doing his dirty work, admitting that he now understands why their mutual boss picked the corrupt ex-cop Chang, who killed all of his comrades.

Entering the hold, Dutch introduces himself to the U.S. soldiers as the boat captain, briefing them that they will refuel out in the ocean soon and then take them to their destination. Caxton confirms that he is the soldiers' leader, asking if they can trust him. Dutch only responds that he is obligated to fulfill his contract in spite of his disagreement with the job. Coming by, Benny tells the soldiers that Dutch is merely in a bad mood but is familiar with the course, informing Caxton that Dutch is a Vietnam War veteran. He repeats that they are heading to the Golden Triangle, the region where Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos share a border. Back in Thailand, at the Don Mueang International Airport, Roberta boards a plane for a 2:30 p.m. flight from Bangkok to Mandalay, Myanmar. As she sits down, Eda, clad in a business dress, jokes that she could have at least taken a shower, confessing that she was the one who placed the airplane ticket in Roberta's hideout. Infuriated, the maid tries elbowing her, but the businesswoman blocks the attack and angrily urges her to listen. Eda assures her that she can guide her to the "foxes" and has even arranged transportation for her. Calming down, the glaring Roberta appreciates the help and declares that she will give Eda a painless death after her hunt.

At sunset, Dutch stops the boat near the Mekong River's entrance to await the fueling ship's arrival. On deck, Revy advises Fabiola to turn off her flashlight, and the former states that she is studying English. Looking to the boat's stern, Fabiola says that Garcia is hoping that Roberta is still alive. Revy assumes that Roberta is indeed alive and, as a result, claims Rock wants to pull another stunt. She adds that she cannot help and will have to rely on Fabiola's firearm skills. Feeling suspicious, Fabiola alleges that Rock is too dangerous, and Revy agrees that Rock is new to gambling. Confused, she asks Revy why she has not toughened him up if that is what she wants. At that point, the girl has a realization and accuses Revy of admiring Rock to the point of viewing him as the exact opposite of herself. Laughing, the pirate retorts that she is the one in the dark. Nonetheless, Fabiola admits that she is not one to talk since she has used Rock to fulfill her master's desire for peace.

Revy rejects the idea that they are different, to which the girl responds that the former's family was horrible while her own family was surviving by, claiming that her mother only hit her out of love as punishment for stealing her younger brother's CD. Reminding Fabiola that she grew up in the slums, the pirate tells her that she is deluding herself if she believes she is anything like Garcia. When Fabiola insults her, she pulls out her gun on the girl, who asserts that Revy is the one who believes Rock is a flower garden. Nearby, Rock finds Garcia waiting on the boat's stern and tells the boy that he and his weapon are the key to their next move.

Characters and cast[]

  • Rokurō "Rock" Okajima — Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese), Brad Swaile (English)
  • Revy — Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese), Maryke Hendrikse (English)
  • Dutch — Tsutomu Isobe (Japanese), Dean Redman (English)
  • Benny — Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
  • Roberta — Michie Tomizawa (Japanese), Tabitha St. Germain (English)
  • Garcia Lovelace — Kazue Ikura (Japanese), Cathy Weseluck (English)
  • Fabiola Iglesias — Satsuki Yukino (Japanese), Shannon Chan-Kent (English)
  • Shenhua — Yūko Sasaki (Japanese), Saffron Henderson (English)
  • Sawyer the Cleaner — Asami Yaguchi (Japanese), Saffron Henderson (English)
  • Lotton — Tomokazu Sugita (Japanese}, Samuel Vincent (English)
  • Eda — Jun Karasawa (Japanese), Lisa Ann Beley (English)
  • Shane Caxton — Shinji Ogawa (Japanese), Ron Halder (English)
  • Raymond McDougal — Nobuaki Fukuda (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
  • Wright — Chikara Ōsaka (Japanese), Andrew Francis (English)
  • Sanchez — Nobuaki Kanemitsu (Japanese), Michael Adamthwaite (English)
  • Gardner — Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Scott McNeil (English)
  • Horner — Motoi Koyanagi (Japanese), Jason Simpson (English)
  • Burroughs — Hironori Kondō (Japanese), Samuel Vincent (English)
  • L.G. — Uncredited (Japanese), Alex Zahara (English)
  • Diego Lovelace — Ryūsuke Ōbayashi (Japanese), Michael Kopsa (English)
  • Mister Chang — Tomoyuki Morikawa (Japanese), Trevor Devall (English)
  • Biu — Chikara Ōsaka (Japanese), Michael Adamthwaite (English)
  • Balalaika — Mami Koyama (Japanese), Patricia Drake (English)
  • Boris — Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Mark Acheson (English)
  • Zachamin — Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Alexander Gusev (English)
  • Will — Yōichi Nishijima (Japanese), Brian Dobson (English)
  • Polanski — Non-speaking role
  • Alberto Camarasa (deceased) — Non-speaking role

Songs used[]

  • Opening Theme — Red Fraction (IO Drive Mix) (by Kazuya Takase)
  • American soldiers take Garcia — Sneak Attack
  • Roberta fights off Shenhua and Sawyer — Don't Stop! (guitar version)
  • Garcia and Diego look at picture — El Sol se Recuesta
  • Roberta tries attacking the U.S. troops — Deadly Weapon
  • Roberta on motorcycle — Unreleased #4 (fast bassline)
  • Balalaika recalls saving child — Dizzy Maniac
  • PT boat goes up Mekong River, Revy talks to Fabiola — Tear Drops to Earth
  • Ending Theme — When Johnny Comes Marching Home

Differences from the manga[]

  • In the anime, Garcia wakes up while sitting on the ground, whereas in the manga he wakes up while a soldier is carrying him.
  • Rock listening to the Creedence Clearwater Revival song "Run Through the Jungle" while in the car is manga-exclusive.
  • In the manga, Garcia grabs a nearby pistol on the ground, but in the anime he grabs a revolver.
  • When Eda visits Rock in the manga, she arrives from the car's rear direction, whereas in the anime she arrives from the car's front direction. Additionally, Rock giving and lighting a cigarette for Eda is only in the manga.
  • The conversation between Rock and Eda in Chapter 64 has some differences. In the anime, Eda tells Rock about Balalaika's Vysotniki appearing on the rooftops, whereas in the manga Eda focuses on telling Rock about Grey Fox's NSA skills and background as well as Rock asking her to have the NSA commission Dutch's boat for escorting the U.S. soldiers. Furthermore, in the anime Rock questions Eda about who controls the Hong Kong Triad, whereas in the manga he only questions Eda for what she has to gain from helping him.
  • The 1993 fight between Balalaika and Chang is mentioned by Rock in the car to Eda in the anime, but in the manga the fight was mentioned by Chang and Balalaika in their conversation at the Roanapur harbor (Chapter 56) and again by Chang to Biu (Chapter 68).
  • Boris in Chapter 64 telling Balalaika that their men are mobilized and ready is manga-exclusive.
  • Sanchez speaking Spanish to calm down Garcia in Chapter 65 is only in the manga. Additionally, the scene where the other Grey Fox unit is fighting Roberta while Caxton's team watches Garcia is exclusive to the manga.
  • The scene where the U.S. soldiers notice the ex-Soviet soldiers on the rooftops covering them as they walk with Garcia is anime-exclusive. In addition, Garcia receiving and reading the letter that Rock gave him in the previous episode is only in the anime (Rock does not give him a letter of guidance in the manga).
  • In the manga, during Rock and Dutch's phone call, Dutch decides to begrudgingly accept Rock's request despite his angered grievance and hesitancy, although he does think about rejecting the job. In the anime, Dutch is angry with Rock and refuses his request, hanging up on him, but later Dutch only agrees to the job since Mister Chang calls him to ask.
  • Lotton in Chapter 67 showing to the three women the groin guard that he wore when Roberta kicked him in the groin is only in the manga, as is the brief part where Sawyer gets Revy's attention by tickling her.
  • After the Vysotniki shoot Revy in the arm, in the anime, Corporal Zachamin relays a message to her on behalf of Balalaika. In the manga, Corporal Zachamin tosses Revy a radiophone to talk to Balalaika, who tells her the message herself.
  • Revy in Chapter 68 getting angry that she would not be paid and then Fabiola telling her and Shenhua's group that they will still get paid is only in the manga.
  • Will informing Caxton that the Rip-Off Church provided the getaway truck is only in the anime.
  • In the manga, Garcia and Fabiola head to Chang's yacht house after they reunite, eventually boarding Dutch's boat later. In the anime after they reunite, Garcia and Fabiola travel with the U.S. soldiers on their truck to the docks.
  • The way the Vysotniki hold off Roberta differs. In the anime, they hold her off by shooting all their firepower at Roberta as she uses a motorcycle to pursue Grey Fox's truck. In the manga, the Vysotniki use their sniper rifles to corner Roberta in one spot, letting the troops escort themselves out of the city (Roberta does not use a motorcycle in the manga).
  • In the manga, Balalaika claims that she was discharged from the VDV in 1989 after the Afghanistan withdrawal on request, whereas in the anime she claims that she was discharged in April of 1986. The 1986 discharge contradicts the events of Episode 21 wherein Balalaika was seen fighting in Afghanistan in 1987.
  • There are three parts in Chapter 69 not included in the anime: the scene with Bren the Black Death and Filano talking about Bugsy Lance, the scene inside the Rip-Off Church where Rico tells Eda that he has arranged travel documents for Roberta, and Roberta returning to her hideout and finding the envelope with an alcohol bottle.
  • The conversation between Shane Caxton and Raymond McDougal about their fight against Larkin and saving the child in the Vietnam War is only in the manga.
  • The conversation between Biu and Chang is longer in the manga. In the anime, Biu only commends Chang for using the Russians and Rock and recalls Chang being an ex-cop who betrayed his friends. In the manga, Biu also informs Chang about Shue Yan speaking with the Triad and Biu also asks if he needs to contact Khun Sa directly and if they can trust the Russians, and Chang then talks about the various players including Roberta and Balalaika and how their actions will play out.
  • Rock driving Revy to the docks to meet up with the soldiers is only in the anime.
  • In the anime, the Grey Fox soldiers board the Black Lagoon in Roanapur at dawn. In the manga, the Grey Fox soldiers use automobiles to leave the city and then board the Black Lagoon later at a riverbank along the Mekong River.
  • Dutch telling Caxton that he will fulfill his contract and Benny telling the soldiers not to enter his computer room is anime-exclusive. In the manga, Dutch is more relaxed with the soldiers.
  • Caxton talking to Dutch about his service in the Vietnam War and Dutch not understanding Caxton's military slang is manga-exclusive.
  • The conversation between Fabiola and Revy on Dutch's boat differs. In the anime, Fabiola's problem is that Revy thinks Rock is a good person, whereas in the manga Fabiola's problem is that Revy cannot acknowledge that goodhearted people like her master Garcia exist in the world. Moreover, Revy mentioning that she dropped out of middle school partway is manga-only, and Fabiola saying that she once stole her brother's CD player is only in the anime. Additionally, Fabiola wears her maid outfit during the conversation in the anime, whereas in the manga she wears casual clothing.