Black Lagoon Wiki

Rabochek (ラボチェク軍曹 Rabocheku gunsō),[1] alternatively called Lavochek in the English version of the anime or Lavtek in the manga, is an ex-Soviet Airborne Forces sergeant who fought in the Soviet-Afghan War as a paratrooper. He later joined Hotel Moscow under Balalaika's command, and he serves as a unit leader in the Vysotniki.


Rabochek is an adult Russian man with a skinny build, pale skin, short blond hair slicked back, and a thick painter's brush mustache. He is seen wearing dark-colored suits and pants with light-colored dress shirts, and like other Vysotniki, he also wears a green VDV uniform with a telnyashka. He wields a AK-74 rifle for a weapon.


After the Soviet Union's dissolution, Rabochek in 1992 with other men listened to Balalaika claim that he and other men no longer had to serve her. Later, he and other paratroopers in their unit followed her under her military-style command in the Russian crime syndicate Hotel Moscow.[2]

Bloodsport Fairy tale[]

When Balalaika wanted to ascertain the identity of the Romanian children who murdered Sakharov and Menshov, she sent Rabochek, Polanski, and a couple of other gangsters to visit Rowan at Jackpot Pigeons. Escorting the club owner into their car, Rabochek's group forced him to lend his collection of child exploitation films to her. Once Balalaika discovered the identity of the two children Hänsel and Gretel, Rabochek met up with all the Vysotniki to listen to their captain's declaration of war to avenge their comrades' murders.[3] Although not physically seen during the military hunt for the twins, he was ordered by Polanski to move his and Jodorowsky's units to proceed to the final location after Gretel disappeared.[4]

Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise[]

Polanski and Rabochek settei

Rabochek in the anime settei (bottom)

In early 1996, Rabochek and fellow Vysotniki accompanied Balalaika to Japan to help out Hotel Moscow's Japanese branch. Sometime later, in the Marya Zaleska war room, he listened to his commanders organize and receive orders during Hotel Moscow's campaign to destroy the Washimine Group. After the yakuza enforcers were assassinated, Rabochek drew a red X over each man killed by the Vysotniki.[5] When Balalaika disembarked the ship to complete her last task of visiting Masami Kōsa and eliminating him at the Kōsa Council headquarters, he waited with other soldiers on the Marya Zaleska's deck. Watching her return, Rabochek cheered upon hearing her declaration that they would return to Roanapur.[6]


  1. His rank is shown in the Black Lagoon character settei.
  2. Episode 21: Two Father's Little Soldier Girls
  3. Episode 14: Bloodsport Fairytale
  4. Episode 15: Swan Song at Dawn
  5. Episode 23: Snow White's Payback
  6. Episode 24: The Gunslingers