Black Lagoon Wiki
Ramsap Inn

The Ramsap Inn (ランサップ・イン Ransappu In) is one of many motels in Roanapur. It is located near the Chalquam Market.


Greenback Jane[]

After Jane was not able to pay the Rip-Off Church and Lagoon Company's escape fee due to her price offer and her printing plates being incomplete, she left to find a motel for refuge. Eda advised her to stay at the Ramsap Inn in a special room since she would easily be found at any other motel, adding that if Jane told the innkeepers there that she was sent from the Rip-Off Church, she would get a room without question. When Jane left, Eda called an informant to provide information on Jane's whereabouts.[1] Also unknown to Jane, her room at the inn was specially built behind a fireproof door and also had directions to escape the room in case of a firefight. When Jane was resting the same night, several gunmen entered the hotel and started shooting another room next to hers, startling Jane. Having seen the "escape from death" sign on the ceiling, she managed to escape from her room's window and started running away, and Eda pulled up in a car to bring up her previous offer for safety. Due to Jane's situation, she begrudgingly agreed to whatever price that Eda desired, so Eda, Revy and Rock escorted her away from the motel and the bounty hunters.[2]

El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

When Grey Fox got their next mission from the National Security Agency to capture Shue Yan in the Golden Triangle, they went to Thailand in Roanapur as a starting point to go northward. In the city, Grey Fox divided into three teams: Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, all in separate hotels. Team Alpha resided in Tokaīna Hotel, Team Bravo resided in the Blue Moon Motel, and Team Charlie resided in the Ramsap Inn.[3]

New Girl in the Hood[]

Le Majeur went to Revy's place to say that she had nothing to do while staying in a motel, and Revy asked her if she was staying in the Ramsap Inn. Majeur clarified to her that she was staying in the Waio'le Motel.[4]

