Black Lagoon Wiki
Roanapur Public Cemetery

The Roanapur Public Cemetery (ロアナプラ公営セメタリー Roanapura kōei semetarī) is a cemetery in Roanapur maintained by Bunny the Undertaker with assistance from The Undertaker No. 2. It is a recurring setting in the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl.

Gore Gore Girl history[]

The cemetery was originally maintained by Bunny's father, who was a Catholic priest.[1] Although the cemetery almost always hosts Christian burials, the graves contain people from various backgrounds all over the world, and the cemetery is primarily a front for hiding the bodies of disappeared people. The entrance has an arching sign with "Roanapur Public Cemetery" written in English, and the fences also have zebra decorations. Throughout the graveyard are various Christian graves and tombstones, some adorned with statues such as angel statues.

Volume 2[]

At the front gate of the Roanapur Public Cemetery, Frederica Sawyer looked at the place and entered. The bunny-costume girl, Bunny the Undertaker, spotted and recognized her and dashed past the numerous gravestones, and she joyfully hugged Sawyer to welcome her. Bunny asked Sawyer if she was visiting the cemetery to exhume a corpse or fill up a grave, adding that she would gladly help Sawyer do anything. Jumping up and down in excitement, she also told Sawyer that she had some tea prepared. Pulling out her picnic basket, Sawyer pulled out her stitched teddy bear and presented it to Bunny, who noticed that the bear's button was the one that she gave to Sawyer last time and also noticed the cloth of the blouse of a woman whose husband shot her with a rifle. Seeing that Sawyer was allowing her to keep the teddy bear, Bunny thanked Sawyer and told her that she greatly adored her. Asking if the bear had a name, Sawyer shook her head, so Bunny decided to name the bear Belial.

Remembering what she was doing before, Bunny asked her if she wanted to stop by at her tea party, and Sawyer smilingly agreed. At a long table with an angel statue at the end, four corpses sat upright dressed in Sunday best clothing. Bringing the teddy bear doll to the table, Bunny stated that she finally had a family of four and that she had been missing a child for a while, pointing to the child corpse that "moved in" a week ago. Making the lifeless boy hold the bear, Bunny pointed to the child's flaxen hair, saying that the bear and the child were like brothers. When Sawyer nodded that she liked the setup, Bunny cheered and said she would prepare the tea. Pouring tea for her and sitting down with Sawyer, Bunny commented that Buddhists were boring since they burned corpses, adding that the people in Thailand allegedly did not even build graves. Commenting on the variety in the cemetery, Bunny stated that the people buried there were from various places all over the world, remarking that any religion was basically welcome. Trying the sandwich under her bunny mask, Bunny found Sawyer's food delicious, saying that the Bunny mask made her feel hot but she did not want anyone seeing her face.

To her right, Sawyer was surprised to see four men holding a woman at gunpoint with a bag over her head. The four men mocked the two women's tea party, telling them that they were in the way of the former's affairs. As one of the men stated that their witnessing was not a problem, Sawyer suddenly charged at them with her chainsaw, but the leader with glasses shot her left thigh as a threat, injuring her. The leader mocked her chainsaw as a weapon, and a dark-haired man walked up to Bunny, scaring her. As the bald man restrained Bunny from behind, the dark-haired man took off her bunny mask to reveal that she was a girl with blonde hair in two ponytails, mockingly complimenting her pretty face. Crying, Bunny repeated to herself that her face had been seen, stopping her crying to make a wrathful expression and saying that she could not let it go. As the men were confused by her sudden change in emotion, Bunny swung her shovel at the dark-haired man, beheading him and shocking the other three men. Telling the men that they could not leave alive for seeing her face, Bunny said she would bury the grave robbers.

Scared, the leader ordered his muscular subordinate to shoot them, but as he prepared his pistol, Sawyer chopped off his right forearm with her chainsaw, making him fall on the ground in deep pain. As the two men and two women faced off, the tied-up bagged woman was confused as to what was happening. Bunny and Sawyer teamed up, and Sawyer chopped off the bald man's arm before he could shoot at her, whereas Bunny jumped at the leader with her shovel, terrifying him. Later after killing the men, Sawyer and Bunny sat on the ground, with Bunny crying and apologizing to Sawyer for letting her see her "ugly face." To cheer up Bunny, Sawyer gave her a stitched bunny mask that only covered the eyes and hair. Bunny tried on the mask and liked it, happily saying that she could easily eat with the mesh mask, thanking Sawyer for her gift. As Bunny hugged Sawyer, the tied-up woman awkwardly stood to their notice, so Bunny cut two holes in her bag for eye holes. Nicknaming the woman The Undertaker No. 2, Bunny began digging a hole while Undertaker No. 2 awkwardly held a shovel.[2]

Around the time of the "Rasta Blasta" arc, Doctor Jacob finished a job and recommended to Sawyer that she should join Bunny the Undertaker for dinner after disposing of the "garbage" in the cemetery. Happy to see them both, Bunny greeted them, with Jacob asking her how she was doing and if she was working. Jacob told her that he had 8 bodies for her, which Bunny agreed to take care of and became even happier when Jacob wanted to have dinner after she was finished. At the dinner table, he presented to them garfish terrine, onion gratin soup, chicken confit, and strawberry pudding for the ladies. Bunny joyfully jumped and complimented the Doctor's cooking, and while eating she remarked that filling in 8 people was difficult. Jacob assured her that he had a good advance payment for her. Having the two of them with him, he declared that they were like a happy family with a "mama" and "papa." As Sawyer was surprised by his comment, Bunny suddenly hugged her, and the Doctor laughed.

After dinner at night, Jacob and Sawyer walked through the cemetery together while the former spoke of Bunny's father. The next day, Bunny was disarmed and tied up against the bottom of an angel statue by Doctor Jacob for a trap for Sawyer. In town, Jacob urgently visited Sawyer and pretended that they and Bunny were in danger due to a recent string of murders against cleaners. Driving to the cemetery, the two ran in. Coming across the angel statue, Sawyer saw the tied-up Bunny next to a thin silhouette. As Sawyer angrily prepared her chainsaw, a needle was injected into her shoulder from behind, taking her by surprise. When she woke up and was tied-up too, Jacob sat beneath the angel statue, knowing that she was wondering "why." Showing that the silhouette she saw earlier was a tied-up and gagged man, he elaborated his reasons for capturing both Bunny and Sawyer. Once finishing his speech, he prepared a scalpel and sarcastically thanked Sawyer, but he was suddenly impaled from behind with a narrow fence spike by Bunny.

Slowly turning his head, Jacob saw that Bunny stabbed him and he smiled, falling to the ground onto his knees. As Bunny untied and checked on Sawyer, the latter prepared her chainsaw but heard Jacob state that being killed by family was not a bad way to go, making Sawyer's eyes widen. Coughing up more blood, Jacob told Sawyer that he hoped that she could have a family again, and she thought about his words. Afterward, the two women walk together and Bunny asked Sawyer if she was all right and added that her own wound was not bad enough to need hospital treatment. Trying to cheer her up, Bunny remarked that it was not the first time that she killed her father, and in their path stood Roberta, who recognized Sawyer from earlier.

Seeing Bunny, the beaten-up Roberta smiled and complimented her bunny mask in awe and noticed her hand wounds. The maid politely offered to bandage up Bunny's wound and did so, lightly patting the latter's hand and advising her that she see a doctor as soon as possible, receiving Bunny's thanks. As Roberta kindly stated that it was nice to meet them, Garcia called for her, making Roberta yell back to her young master that she would be there right away. Bidding the women goodbye, Roberta told them that sisters and family should stick together, and she left.[1]

Volume 3[]

Another time at the cemetery, Bunny and The Undertaker No. 2 watched a tomb's cover open, and slowly emerging from the coffin was Sawyer draped in a large, black reaper cloak. Complimenting her outfit as splendid, Bunny clapped her hands and urged Sawyer to wear a frilled dress with a bow. Surprised at the outfit, Sawyer ran away and made a push gesture to reject the outfit as Bunny happily chased her. Awkwardly standing still, No. 2 saw old clothes scattered around several graves, asking Sawyer where she got the outfit from.

Eventually, Sawyer had finally donned the frilled dress, and Bunny and No. 2 both found her appearance cute. Grabbing Sawyer's shoulders, Bunny urged Sawyer to put on one of her ribbons, and No. 2 agreed. When Sawyer glared at No. 2, she got scared and recommended that they should also change Bunny's clothes. Bunny happily reacted to her idea, and so No. 2 tried to fit different outfits on her. While doing so, No. 2 slyly winked at Sawyer, who continued to boredly sit on a nearby gravestone. Beneath the tombstone, something wriggled in the pile of clothes, getting Sawyer's attention, but her curiosity was interrupted by No. 2 proudly presenting Bunny in her frilled dress with a ribbon. Bunny asked the surprised Sawyer if she looked cute, and the latter smiled and stood up, and the two played around with their dresses.

Watching them, No. 2 knelt on her feet and thought to herself about her current fate since she was saved by Bunny. Remembering her confusion upon being given the job of a gravedigger, No. 2 proudly told herself that such work was better than being a prostitute or mistress. Secretly complimenting Bunny's kindness and beauty, No. 2 proudly remarked that she would follow Bunny for the rest of her life. Going to Bunny, No. 2 brought another dress and told Bunny to wear it, taking off Bunny's bunny mask in the process. Realizing what she had done, No. 2 covered her eyes as Bunny immediately glared at her, angrily asking if No. 2 saw her face. No. 2 distressingly denied that she saw anything, but Bunny held up her shovel and said that the former could not live now that she had seen her face.

Trying to dissuade Bunny's fury, No. 2 cried that they were family, but Bunny asked who she was. Terrified, No. 2 covered her head as Bunny swung her shovel, but Bunny charged past her and instead swung at a dress, asking the being who they were. Immediately, blood spilt out of the dress as it fell to the ground. As Sawyer watched the whole affair from several feet away, No. 2 fearfully asked if it was a ghost, but Bunny commented that the creature got away. To calm Bunny's tension, No. 2 politely put Bunny's mask back on her, causing the latter to smile again.[3]

Volume 4[]

At the Roanapur Public Cemetery, Bunny had another tea party with Sawyer. Thanking Sawyer for coming to her party, Bunny enthusiastically told her that she got the tea from a British guy whom she buried but she unfortunately forgot to bake cookies. Behind Bunny, a woman suddenly appeared and commented that she had brought some sweets. Reflexively swinging her shovel behind her, Bunny missed hitting Jessica, whose face lit up upon seeing Bunny's mask. Suddenly hugging Bunny tightly, Jessica introduced herself and asked Bunny her name. Jessica asked Bunny if she wanted to be her pet, causing Bunny to shove her away and ask Sawyer if she knew Jessica. When Sawyer tilted her head as a mixed signal, Jessica smiled and chimed that friends were friends. Bunny looked at Sawyer again for approval, but Sawyer tilted her head again in ambiguity. Jessica asked to join the party, but Bunny refused, so Jessica showed her sweets and innocently stated that it was a shame that such treats would go to waste. Bunny's jaw dropped in awe, and likewise No. 2 wondered if there was a patisserie in Roanapur.

Bunny sweated and hesitated, saying that the tea party was originally supposed to be only her and Sawyer, but she dropped her head on the table and told Jessica that she was welcome to serve herself. Accordingly, Jessica smiled and excused herself, and No. 2 offered her some tea. Thanking No. 2, Jessica suddenly but calmly jabbed a syringe into No. 2's right arm. Baffled for a moment, No. 2 sweated and wondered what just happened, but the three women casually began eating Jessica's delicious sweets and ignored her. Asking again, the panicked No. 2 asked Jessica what she injected her with, asking if it was a joke. Not noticing No. 2's concern, Bunny requested No. 2 to pour her another cup of tea, but the shocked No. 2 remarked that she thought they were all family. Conversing with the others, Bunny remembered that she buried a poisoned corpse the other day that created a weird smell. Jessica asked if it could be a chemical smell, recommending that she apply a good deodorant next time, with Bunny appreciating her insight.

The confused No. 2 asked about the topic, and Bunny told her to eat soon since the food would go bad. As No. 2 pleaded with Bunny to hear her out, Jessica turned her head and smilingly informed No. 2 that she had 2 hours left before she died, scaring No. 2. Jessica told her that if she found the antidote, it would make the poison harmless in an hour. Although No. 2 was slightly relieved, Jessica went back to ignoring her, happily complimenting the lemon-flavored cheesecake. In despair, No. 2 knelt down and reflected that her time might truly end. As Sawyer continued eating her food, Jessica asked Sawyer and Bunny if they wanted to come to her abandoned hotel, but Bunny replied that she could not leave the graveyard. Curious, Jessica asked to at least see Bunny's face before leaving, but Bunny turned her head away and responded that she would have to kill anyone around her who saw her face. Piqued even more, Jessica got up and casually removed Bunny's mask, causing her to grab her shovel.

Sawyer then stood in front of Bunny with her arms extended out as a barrier to block the serial killer. Jessica asked her if she was mocking her, but Bunny only coldly replied that Jessica had not seen her face yet and would let her live if she returned her mask immediately. Trying to provoke Bunny, Jessica chimed that they should play a game, gaining Sawyer's glare. Bunny agreed to the "game," so Jessica accordingly pulled out three syringes and said that one was an antidote while the other two were instant-killing poisons. If they chose the one that made No. 2 survive, Jessica would return her bunny mask. Sweating anxiously, No. 2 wondered if the three women would kill each other if she died due to picking an instant-killing poison. As she reasoned to herself that she should choose the syringe herself so that everyone would be on good terms, Sawyer noticed her despair.

Trying to figure out what she should do, No. 2 then slowly and nervously reached for a syringe, but Sawyer had already grabbed one and stuck the needle into her arm, making No. 2 scream in agony. Because No. 2 lived, Jessica returned the mask to Bunny and happily bid goodbye to the three women, saying that they should drink tea again sometime. Bunny congratulated No. 2, who knelt in pain from her temporary sickness.[4]

Later after a job with her new assistant Choptop, Sawyer brought the coffin that he had salvaged to the cemetery. While Sawyer and Bunny drank tea together using the coffin as a table, Choptop came to the cemetery after two brief but unusual encounters with two elderly women. Telling them his dilemma, he rested his head on his arm and recalled how two people were flirted with by an old woman and disappeared, wondering if there was some kind of curse. Pointing to Choptop and looking at Sawyer, Bunny joyfully asked her who he was and if she could bury him. When The Undertaker No. 2 offered Choptop some tea, he smiled at her and complimented her breasts, quickly getting to his topic of interest. Placing a square box on the table, he reminded them that the coffin was recently salvaged from the ocean, and he still had to bury the coffin and its skeleton in the cemetery per his mysterious client's request. Asking the women about the locked box, he recalled how the pirates that attacked the boat must have really wanted the treasure, angrily asking where the key could be.

As Choptop facepalmed in disappointment, Sawyer took off her key earring that she found a while back and decided to insert it into the box's keyhole, finding out that it matched. Now completely interested, Choptop repeatedly asked Sawyer what was inside, and Bunny looked too while Sawyer slowly lifted the box's lid. Only seeing a ring case and a folded piece of cloth stuck next to it, Choptop took out the cloth, noting that it was made out of skin. Seeing numbers and alphabets, he recognized the writing as a cipher. As Bunny thought of something, several men suddenly appeared and pointed their guns from behind Choptop, telling them to hand over the treasure. Sarcastically telling Sawyer's group not to worry, a short-haired man told them that they were hired by the same client and would let them keep the hard-won coffin to bury, clarifying that they would take the box.

To their surprise, another group of gunmen appeared behind the women, and their shaggy-haired leader threatened them to give up the box or be disappeared. In frustration, Choptop asked them if they were affiliated with the pirates whom he fought, but he immediately realized that both groups were at odds with each other. When the long-haired leader remarked that he would end things quickly, both groups of gunmen began shooting at each other, causing the four cemetery attendees to duck near the coffin. As Choptop grabbed the box and advised Sawyer to run away, a dark-haired gunman from the short-haired man's group pointed his weapon at the punk, telling him he would not escape. To his fortune, Sawyer and Bunny came to his aid as the former thrust her chainsaw into the man's chest while Bunny decapitated him with her shovel, killing him. Watching the two women fight, Choptop and No. 2 enthusiastically cheered them on.

Although the two women managed to kill most of one group, one man suddenly put his gun to the back of Sawyer's head, sarcastically bidding her goodbye. Out of nowhere, the man quickly had his head decapitated by a wire before he could even think. Revealing herself, Jessica chimed in to everyone that she wanted a cup of tea, commenting that she wanted to join the big party. Flashing a vicious smile, Jessica remarked that the real hell would begin, shocking Choptop but not fazing Sawyer and Bunny. Preparing to kill, Sawyer held up her chainsaw while Jessica held up a knife. Choptop commented that they should run away since they had already killed enough men from one group, but the two women cut up a nearby gunman. Immediately after, Jessica curiously asked Sawyer if she knew the men, but Sawyer only tilted her head in uncertainty. Having recognized the cipher before the men arrived, Bunny told Sawyer that the symbols matched a lot and number in the cemetery. Elaborating, she stated that the lot was where a splendid tomb had resided for a long time but with no one inside.

Surprised, Choptop asked about the coffin that he salvaged, and Bunny clarified that the skeleton inside was supposed to be buried in the splendid tomb. As the remaining men continued to shoot at each other, the punk also told them that even if a jewel was inside the ring case, their enemies' efforts seemed like overkill. Feeling two guns pressed to his head, Choptop sweated and turned his head to see the two elders who spoke to him earlier that day. Yelling to the men, the elderly women informed them that they could go home now, remarking that they were useless. As the elders grinned at each other, they bantered with each other and turned their guns on one another. Grinning curiously, Choptop asked them to tell him what was buried in the cemetery. When the glasses woman asked him if he truly wanted to know, Balalaika instantly appeared with other Hotel Moscow members, calmly telling the ladies that they could stop bickering and that the goods belonged to Hotel Moscow. Greeting the Russian leader, the old women smiled and remarked that they did not care anyway.

As Choptop's jaw dropped in fear upon seeing Balalaika, she held out her hand and ordered him to hand over the box, which he did so fearfully. Balalaika reminded the two women that the ring was supposed to be given to one of them by a man who had infatuation with them both, and they confirmed that they wanted to settle their quarrel before going to the other world. Laughing, Balalaika opened the ring case to show that there was no ring inside, surprising them. Clarifying the background, Balalaika told them that there was no ring inside from the very beginning, adding that the man could not choose between the two women and decided to instead send himself to the bottom of the sea with the box. The two old women looked down for a second and then began to laugh heartily, agreeing with each other that they were idiots. Balalaika offered to take them out for a drink, and the women agreed, remarking that it had been 60 years since they shared a drink together.

As the three women walked away together, Balalaika casually told Sawyer's group that she would cover their bill to clean up and bury the corpses from the two-sided massacre. Getting up after crouching, the nervous Choptop asked if his fee would be covered too. Much later, tending to the cemetery by herself, Bunny felt something against her foot and saw the elegant key on the ground. Picking it up and gawking at it, she saw a ghostly figure peering from behind a tomb in the distance. Tilting her head, Bunny asked them what they wanted to say. Looking at the key again, Bunny walked away and tossed the key over her shoulder, remarking that she was still busy with work.[5]

Volume 5[]

After Sawyer briefly fought alongside Jacqueline, the former dragged the young girl away from her pursuers in daytime to the Roanapur Public Cemetery, where Bunny was having tea with Jessica. Jacqueline squinted since she could not see, confusing Jessica and making her ask Jacqueline if she had forgotten her glasses again. Her expression changing, Jacqueline let go of Sawyer's sleeve and ran into Jessica, who smiled and asked her if they could relax somewhere else.[6] To comfort the young girl, The Undertaker No. 2 offered Jacqueline, who donned some glasses, a glass of soda gembira, telling the young girl that it was an Indonesian drink with condensed milk and syrup that required gradual mixing. Tasting the drink, Jacqueline's eyes widened, and she told No. 2 that it was sweet and delicious. Trying to comfort Jacqueline more, No. 2 asked her if she was still staying in the hotel that her sister Jessica mentioned and also asked her if she was eating properly.

No. 2 expressed her ambivalence about Jacqueline belonging to a family of murderers, but Jessica drank tea while nonchalantly responding that many things were true, clarifying that Jacqueline was nonetheless talented and had a legitimate link close to her family's original bloodline. Thinking gloomily, No. 2 commented that one might want to live a different life depending on their environment, saying that she ran away from her own family. Interrupting her sadness, Bunny the Undertaker gave her a thumbs up and told No. 2 that she was glad that she became an undertaker. As nighttime approached, Jacqueline slouched her head in sleepiness, and No. 2 asked if they should go home soon. Jessica happily looked at Jacqueline and wondered if they would let the young child stay the night, and Jacqueline slouched her head on the coffin, asking if she could borrow it. To their shock, a black van suddenly barged through the cemetery, knocking over several gravestones and swerving to stop right near the women.

As they prepared their weapons, out the van's backdoor was tossed a coffin with a cross symbol. A mist formed as the lid opened, and a tall, skinny figure wearing a top hat and large black cloak also covering most of his face emerged. Noticing that the man had short light-colored hair and had oval glasses, Sawyer the Cleaner initially mistook him for Lotton but immediately deduced that it could not be him. Introducing himself, the man said his name was Martin the Nosferatu. Angry that he broke the gravestones, Bunny charged with her shovel and ordered him to clean up the mess. Beginning to speak further, Martin agreed that it was rude but told them that he would put them under the gravestones once he finished them. Pulling out a Beretta 93R machine pistol, Nosferatu began rapidly firing on them, causing No. 2 to tackle and shield Jacqueline from cover while the other three women barely dodged the bullets and took cover behind gravestones. Jessica fired back with her pistol, but the bullets did not go through him.

Immediately reloading his firearm, he fired again at Jessica as she hurriedly retook cover. Wondering if he was bulletproof, Jessica remarked to herself that she was not good with guns and also wondered if Sawyer and Bunny had not taken notice. As bullets rained onto her gravestone cover, Jessica calmly yelled to Sawyer to run away, but to her surprise both Sawyer and Bunny began to charge at Nosferatu. Seeing that the tall figure was pointing his gun at the charging women, Jessica used suppressive fire while lamenting that she should have killed him earlier. Jessica's bullet hit near his heart as he suddenly jolted his arms upward reacting to it, making her wonder if she hit him. Gritting her teeth, Sawyer swung her chainsaw over her shoulder, but Martin instantly dodged the attack and left behind a large mist which brought Sawyer and Bunny to their knees and into unconsciousness. Covering her mouth with a handkerchief, Jessica noticed that the mist was nonlethal knockout gas but nonetheless commented that she did not like inhaling dirty things, adding that she would take her leave.

As Jessica quietly fled, the Nosferatu stated to himself that he was told to bring the target alive, revealing that he wore a hazmat mask behind his cloak's high collar. Trying to quietly flee, No. 2 carried the sleeping Jacqueline and saw that she had been spotted by Martin, who deduced the child as his target. Consequently, the man quickly towered over them. Removing his mask and showing his vampire smile, he maliciously remarked that he had to finish quickly but could try a "taste." As No. 2 froze in great fear, Jacqueline woke up, seeing the figure and immediately thrusting her katana upwards. Despite her excellent speed, Martin caught the blade with his pistol's angled foregrip, telling himself that it was a pity that he had to give Jacqueline to the "orc," but he reminded himself that it was work and he should not feel bad.[7]

Volume 6[]

Sawyer chapter 41

Bunny the Undertaker observes a funeral

During a casket-lowering funeral for one of the several Clay brothers, Bunny wore a raincoat in the pounding rain while standing meters away and observed the crowd of mourners. To her left, Bunny saw just outside the cemetery fence a distant, black-suited man whose umbrella covered his face. Hearing someone yell in grief, Bunny's attention was brought back to an angry mourner, who knelt down and asked why his brother had to die. Telling his dead comrade that they could have prospered in the city, the man yelled that he would absolutely avenge his fallen brother. Looking to her left, Bunny saw that the umbrella man had left. Sometime later after the funeral and the rain's end, Sawyer the Cleaner and Choptop sat in the cemetery to drink some tea with Bunny, with Choptop recalling how the Clay brothers put a whopping bounty of $50,000 on "Wraith."

Carrying a plate of tea, No. 2 asked if it was Mr. Clay who was buried last time, also asking what Choptop meant by "wraith." The punk answered that he was a murderer who had never been seen before, hence why people called him Wraith. Turning to Sawyer, he recommended that she leave with him. Finishing her tea, Sawyer put down the cup and carried her chainsaw, and Choptop smiled, remarking that it was what he thought. Later at another funeral, four men stood around a casket being lowered, with a dark-haired man offering his condolences for the dead informant Gametsu. A blond man asked if they had found any information on Wraith and if the informant was killed by the same murderer. As Bunny observed the funeral, she noticed the black-suited umbrella man standing outside the cemetery fence near a tree. The dark-haired man responded that he checked the informant's room and found nothing, adding that it was possible that he overlooked something. Agreeing that they still needed to look, the blond man called for his men to follow him as he left.

Afterward, Bunny began to fill up the grave with No. 2 standing by, and they heard Choptop yell at them to stop filling in the grave. Also accompanying him, Sawyer put on her various protective equipment and opened the casket as Bunny watched and sat on a tomb. Using a locking clamp, Sawyer pulled out a small bottle from the corpse and handed it to the happy Choptop. Holding up the object, he told the women that the informant swallowed something so worthy that it could buy a lot of sake. Later at the cemetery after Wraith had been spotted and injured, Bunny swept the cemetery grounds when it started to rain again. When she looked up to the sky, she turned her head to notice the umbrella man Wraith. Noticing that his left arm had blood running down, Bunny tilted her head in curiosity. She calmly asked him if he was the killer that everyone was looking for, noting that she saw him watching her all the time when she buried his victims and asking him why he never came near her.

Smiling and letting out a chuckle, Wraith remarked that it was truly unnerving for him to watch the people that he killed along with his own relatives. Bunny then asked why he came into the cemetery at the current moment, and he paused and surmised that he wanted to see her. He felt that he was worried that they always saw each other, finishing the conversation by handing her his umbrella and declaring that it was nice to meet her. Watching him leave and using the umbrella, Bunny bid goodbye with a small hand-wave. The next day at the cemetery in the sun, No. 2 asked Choptop what happened in the end. Crossing his legs and drinking a cup of tea, he claimed disappointingly that Wraith was seen again several times until eventually being killed by "Two Hands" and his corpse handed over to the Clay brothers. Sitting on a tomb, Bunny lightly placed her right boot's sole against an adjacent tomb.

As Sawyer sipped on her cup of tea, No. 2 contemplated and wondered out loud if no one else was involved with the old man since he went so long without anyone discovering his true identity. She asked Choptop how he felt about that, and he sighed and claimed that he knew that. Feeling a drop of rain hit his head, Choptop pointed out the beginning rain, saying that he had to go and asked Sawyer if she was coming with him. Using the old man's umbrella, Bunny walked through the cemetery and passed by the tree near where she previously saw Wraith. Turning her head to look at the spot, she did not see anyone there.[8]

Volume 7[]

Sawyer chapter 47

While cleaning up the cemetery grounds, Bunny the Undertaker heard someone call for her. Turning to her left, she saw a young, skinny boy with glasses. He asked her twice if she had ever seen God, elaborating that if she became his girlfriend, he would show Him to her. Turning him down, Bunny explained that the age difference was too much for her and that she would never have a romantic relationship in her life. Hearing her response, he stated that he recently moved to the area, telling her to call him if she changed her mind. Later, Bunny hung out with The Undertaker No. 2, Sawyer and Choptop as Jessica and Jacqueline visited to have tea. Speaking about the incidents of a murderer couple killing people and stealing their body parts, Jessica relayed to them that she was not sure if someone in her family was responsible for the recent string of murders in town involving people's corpses having missing body parts.

When No. 2 noticed the young boy watching them, she pointed him out to the others. Bunny admitted that he came around from time to time, confessing that he even asked her out, shocking all four adults. They immediately looked in the boy's direction but did not see him, confusing them. No. 2 recalled that he had glasses, causing Choptop to ask her if he was a ghost, but she rejected the idea. That day, Bunny began to clean up the cemetery again when she heard a voice tell her that she had lots of friends. As she turned her head, the young boy dragged a corpse with him and tased the woman, knocking her unconscious and abducting her. That night, No. 2 could not find her and frantically informed Sawyer and Jessica about it. Near a tombstone, they noticed a trail of blood from the corpse that the boy was dragging, so the three women followed it, departing from the cemetery to rescue Bunny.[9]

Volume 8[]

Sawyer chapter 51

On Christmas Eve, Bunny the Undertaker and her friends decided to host a Christmas party in the cemetery. As Bunny, No. 2 and Jacqueline were setting up decorations, an elderly drifter who looked like Santa Claus climbed over the fence to escape the city but fell down upon being startled by the women. Subsequently, the women tied him up and happily greeted him once he woke up, genuinely believing that he was Santa. To his surprise, they did not know that his sack contained cocaine, not presents, inside of it, and they commenced the Christmas party once Sawyer and Choptop arrived. During the party, No. 2 prepared eggnog and cake, so Jessica untied "Santa" to allow him to eat it.

When Bunny and Jacqueline believed that they would not receive any presents due to being criminals, the drifter proclaimed that he was a Santa who gave gifts to bad people as well. Exploiting the circumstances, he told the women that he had to leave in order to give gifts to everyone else, assuring them that their present would be in the form of a miracle. Soon, once midnight arrived, everyone in the cemetery cheered and immediately heard a loud explosion nearby. To their delight, they saw snow falling seconds later as a result of the cocaine sack blowing up, though No. 2 recognized the snow's material and warned Bunny not to consume it.[10]

In the second story, Jessica went to the cemetery to have some tea but saw no one, so she waited for someone to appear. In a short period, Bunny came across her and said that she could not pour her a cup because No. 2 was gone. Unknown to them, No. 2 had been abducted by Doctor Picton's crew to be the subject of a snuff film. Jessica decided to wait again since she wanted to see Sawyer. Eventually, Sawyer and Jacqueline arrived, but No. 2 was still missing. Later that day, the latter returned after escaping with the help of Lotton and Martin, so she put on her mask and prepared to serve tea to the women.[11]

Volume 9[]

To be added.[12]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gore Gore Girl Chapter 14: Gloomy Sunday
  2. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 10: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
  3. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 16: Dressed to Kill
  4. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 23: A Mad Tea-Party
  5. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 28: The Ring
  6. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 33: I spit on your grave
  7. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 34: Nosferatu
  8. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 41: The Wraith
  9. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 47: Wicker Man
  10. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 51: Nightmare Before Christmas
  11. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 56: Twilight
  12. Gore Gore Girl Chapter 60: CATACOMB