Black Lagoon Wiki

Rona Hunt (ローナ・ハント Rōna Hanto) is an escort at Club Social in Florida.


Hunt is a young woman with a skinny build, pale skin, and short blond hair. She wears a chain-necklace and a light-colored dress.

Eda Initial Stage history[]


From time to time, one man, Percy, would visit Hunt at Club Social. On one occasion, she accompanied him to a train station where a storage locker containing his supply of money and drugs was located. When the Metro-Dade Police Department turned against Percy and beat him up, he was fatally wounded during a gunfight between five police officers and the two CIA agents Eda and Amber. Hearing Percy mention Hunt's name with his dying words, the two women went to Club Social and asked to speak with Hunt. In the dressing room, the escort rebuffed the claim that she was associated with Percy. When Amber assured her that she was not a police officer, Hunt smiled and asked for $200 for the information. Agreeing to the payment, Amber showed her Percy's key and asked about its purpose, which Hunt elaborated was for a coin locker at a train station which he took her to once, correctly thinking that it was likely for shady business. The escort refused to guide them to the place but nonetheless agreed to write down the addresses of the train station and Percy's home. At that point, a couple of police squad cars arrived at the club, with Glenn and another officer barging in and asking for Hunt due to her connection to Percy. Glenn was sidetracked by Eda and Amber fleeing the club, so he attempted to chase and arrest them to no avail.[1]


  1. Eda Initial Stage Chapter 04: MIAMI VICE Part 2