Black Lagoon Wiki

Saensak (Thai: แสนศักดิ์; Japanese: セーンサック Sēnsakku) is a police lieutenant in the Roanapur City Police force. Whenever Chief Watsap is away from Roanapur, Saensak usually fills in for him.


Saensak is a young adult man of Thai descent with short black hair, a skinny build, and tan skin. He wears a Roanapur City Police uniform with a peaked cap and police duty belt. He carries a S&W Model 10 revolver for a weapon.


Saensak is a corrupt and prideful person. He enjoys his position of power, even bragging to Rock and Revy on separate occasions that they have no power compared to him due to his police affiliation.


El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

Saensak briefly appeared in this arc to ask Dutch on behalf of Chief Watsap if he had any clues on Roberta's whereabouts, to which Dutch replied that he did not know. Saensak also mentioned that Watsap was away on vacation with his wife and child at Ko Samui, and Dutch ended the call.[1]

The Wired Red Wild Card[]

Chief Watsap was away on business in this arc, so he placed Saensak in charge of his position temporarily.[2] Saensak was about to relax for a day and spend time with his girlfriend when he got a call about a gunfight at an internet café, so he traveled there with several police cars to put an end to it. There, he saw that Revy and Rob were responsible, expressing his anger with them for their disruption and stating that he would make them pay. When Revy threatened to kill him if the police did not free her, Saensak dared her to try it, adding that the entire police force would hunt her down in response. Seeing Rob, the officer asked Revy if he was her roommate, infuriating her since she despised him. He then arrested both gunslingers and brought them to the RCPD jail.[3]

While Revy and Rob were held up in the Roanapur City Police jail, Rock and Feng Yifei visited the police station to use the station's database to access the money and data from Zamid Dhiyab's account. Rock offered some money as a bribe, but Saensak turned it down at first since an inspector from the police commission was in the city, and he did not want any trouble or he would have to answer to Watsap. Albeit annoyed by the request, the lieutenant allowed the two to access the data room but retorted that Rock would end up in an unfortunate accident if he tried anything funny. Rock also wanted to visit Revy, but Saensak said that they could only do one thing at a time.[2]

As Feng used the police's internet to access the money laundering account, Park Seung suddenly attacked the police station and officers with his machine gun, freaking out Saensak. Consequently, he had Beam and other officers rush towards the armory and seize weapons to defend against the onslaught. When Seung demanded that the cops hand over Feng, Saensak ran to the data room and found her. He then drew his revolver on them, yelling that the hacker had to leave. Rock dissuaded him by saying that the police commission would find out that he let them in the data room without proper authorization, which would ruin his life. The ex-salaryman also reminded him that he had an expert gunslinger (Revy) in lockup, convincing Saensak to let her out to defend the station. At her cell, Saensak unlocked the door and sternly told her that she had better be thankful. He was then surprised at her immediately shooting Rob several times after retrieving her Sword Cutlass pistols.[4]

While Revy held off Seung, the lieutenant organized the remaining officers to go to the elevator to launch a surprise attack against Seung on the second floor.[5] Eventually, Revy successfully lured Seung near the elevator, where Saensak and co. opened the doors and opened fire on the Korean-American, killing him with a barrage of firepower.[6] After he saved her, Revy responded that he should be thanking her, but the annoyed Saensak reminded her that he let her out in the first place, and the police started to clean up the area.[7]

Gore Gore Girl[]

In Volume 1, Sawyer the Cleaner was put into a jail cell at the police station to await questioning for being in a pile of corpses. Saensak ordered her to stay put until he could identify her, adding that he would let her know her status as soon as he found out what happened. While walking away, he relayed to another police officer that Sawyer's voice box was broken, so she could not communicate with anyone and he could not yet determine if she was a victim or perpetrator. Soon, after Sawyer listened to the man in the adjacent cell cry out in agony, Saensak suddenly appeared and opened her cell, informing her that she was free to go. Remarking that he was surprised that Sawyer was connected to Mister Chang, he decided not to question the situation further since Watsap was still on vacation. While she exited her cell, Saensak asked about the ruckus in the next cell, finding out that the man had put a cocaine bag into his stomach, but it burst and spilled inside his body. Wondering who would clean up the mess, the lieutenant warned Sawyer to leave the station and not show off.[8]


  • In a popularity contest during the 12th manga collection release, Saensak ranked 64th (tying with Verrocchio and Ibraha) with 2 votes.[9]

