The spy (スパイ Supai) was an unnamed man who posed as a cleaner among Sawyer the Cleaner's group to spy on the murderers who took over a small island owned by the island's original management team.
The spy was a skinny adult man with pale skin and short dark hair with a light-colored tint. He wore rectangular glasses, a dark-colored boilersuit, a light-colored undershirt, and black work boots. He carried a pistol for a weapon.
Gore Gore Girl history[]
Volume 6[]
Off the coast of Thailand, there was a small island owned by an entity known as the "management." On this island, the management would force people to kill each other in a small corral for competition. At some point, a few of the men sent to the island decided to team up instead of killing each other. When the management overseeing the island realized that the island was being controlled by the five men, they sent hunters to kill them, but each time, the group either murdered them and stole their weapons, or one of the hunters would instead join the group. Wanting to regain control of the island, the management put the spy among Sawyer the Cleaner's group when they visited the island under the false pretense of cleaning up the corpses. Upon setting foot on the island, one of the gladiators fired an RPG at the cleaners, destroying their boat.
Suddenly, the spy, Sawyer and Choptop were held at gunpoint by three men, who told them about their recent history. The spy stayed quiet as the men explained that they would give Sawyer's group a chance to fight them to the death for control of the island. When Sawyer volunteered to fight the leader among them, the spy watched the fight outside the corral. As soon as Sawyer won, she was angered and killed the three men who stranded them on the island. When Choptop spoke to him, the spy was surprised to learn that Choptop knew he was a spy sent by the island's management. The punk threatened to have Sawyer kill him if he did not call a getaway boat to return them to Roanapur, so the shocked spy nervously agreed. Accordingly, the spy commissioned the Lagoon Company to pick them up, and the four survivors soon embarked Black Lagoon.[1]
Volume 7[]

The spy noting the dense fog
As the PT boat sailed back to land, a dense fog engulfed the area, and a large trafficking ship stopped right behind the boat. Wanting to explore the unmarked ship, Revy ordered the spy and Sawyer's group to come with her on deck to check out the situation. On deck, he was amazed at the huge fog in the area. When Revy explained that she needed the cleaners to explore the ship with her for protection in numbers, the spy was shocked since he and the cleaners did not carry any weapons. Nonetheless, he went with them due to peer pressure, and he followed them below the ship's deck. To everyone's surprise, they saw dead bodies and bloody drag marks in the hallway, which put them on edge. In another hallway, Sawyer had to relax to vomit from seasickness, and the spy was asked by the bandana cleaner if he carried a weapon. Denying that he had one, the spy responded that he was only sent as an observer. Impatient with the uneasy exploration, the spy angrily wondered how he ended up in such a bad situation.
Soon, the group found a crying young girl. As the four calmed down the girl, the spy sneaked away from the group, hiding around a nearby corner. Unsheathing a concealed pistol from his shoe, the spy thought to himself that he could not put up with Sawyer's group forever. To his shock, he heard someone laughing behind him. When he turned around, a large monkey, Ella, violently smacked him in the head, killing him instantly.[2] Immediately, his dead body was dragged around by the monkey, who ingested a large amount of cocaine. Revy tried to attack Ella, causing the monkey to use the spy as a human shield. Charging the gunslinger, Ella swung the spy's corpse at Revy, knocking her onto the ground into unconsciousness. The spy's body was then dragged by the monkey again until Sawyer tried to attack the primate, prompting Ella to throw the spy's corpse at her. Sawyer only cut through part of the body as the spy was thrown at her, knocking her onto the ground on her back. In the end, the four survivors managed to endure the fight, leaving the dead spy behind on the trafficking ship.[3]
- ↑ Gore Gore Girl Chapter 42: The Island
- ↑ Gore Gore Girl Chapter 43: Ghost Ship Part 1
- ↑ Gore Gore Girl Chapter 44: Ghost Ship Part 2