Black Lagoon Wiki
St Jones

St. Jones (セント・ジョーンズ号 Sento Jōnzu-gō) is a cargo ship which was targeted by the Lagoon Company on behalf of the crime syndicate Can Wei Bang.


St. Jones is a large ship with a green hull, several masts, and a large white bridge on her aft.


Black Lagoon[]

In the Southeast Asian seas, the St. Jones was traveling to deliver some cargo when the PT boat Black Lagoon suddenly blocked the ship's path and began treading in front. Unsure about what the boat was doing, the ship crew honked their horn several times to warn the PT boat. Hearing the horn, the ship captain asked a crew member about the situation. Being informed of the PT boat and its blocking, the captain used his binoculars to look ahead and saw Rock and Revy on the stern of Black Lagoon. Accordingly, he had his sailors communicate to the pirates that they would force their way through if they did not move. Revy then fired an RPG at the ship's hull, terrifying the captain, who agreed to surrender because the female pirate claimed that her rockets were faster than calls for help. Subsequently, Black Lagoon left the area and let their client, the crime syndicate Can Wei Bang, pillage St. Jones of her goods before any maritime police arrived.[1]


  1. Episode 02: Mangrove Heaven