- Not to be confused with Tatiana Novikova or Janet Bhai.
Tatiana Yakovleva (Russian: Татьяна Яковлева; Japanese: タチアナ・ヤコブレワ Tachiana Yakoburewa), also known by the alias Jane (ジェーン Jēn), was an ex-KGB agent and an auditor for Hotel Moscow. Tatiana was one of several antagonists in the Black Lagoon light novel Shaitane Badi, and she despised the Thai branch's leader Balalaika, who reciprocated the same hatred towards Tatiana.
Tatiana was a 31-year-old[1] Russian woman with short chopped brown hair. She wore thick-framed glasses and a generic gray business suit,[2] also donning a long-haired red wig to disguise herself.[3]
Shaitane Badi history[]
Chapter 1[]
In Pangkalpinang, Tatiana disguised herself using her red wig and, using her alias Jane, hired the Lagoon Company to provide passage to hired assassins for her. She gave them a hefty sum in advance and told them that her crew to be shipped were well-trained professionals, although she did not board the Black Lagoon herself. The various people that she hired to attack the tanker included Stanislav Kandinsky, Jake, Caroline Morgan, and Shadow Falcon. Unfortunately for her, her initial plan for her hired professionals to board the Hong Kong Triad-owned Zaltzman and kill Mister Chang failed since the Lagoon Company turned on her, but Jake and Stanislav were able to get away using Hotel Moscow's Nefrit ship stolen days ago, and Shadow Falcon escaped after sabotaging Dutch's boat.[4]
Chapter 2[]
As Dutch exited Balalaika's office room at the Bougainvillea Trade Company building after discussing the attack with her (including the Nefrit as a getaway vehicle), the auditor Tatiana slipped into the office, and both women exchanged harsh remarks. Tatiana asked Balalaika why she did not report the theft of the Nefrit to her, showing that she eavesdropped on the conversation with Dutch. Taunting Balalaika, Tatiana sat right on Balalaika's desk and looked at her to say that Balalaika's sole management of Bougainvillea had been degraded to low standards by letting the company's finances being too shady. Balalaika then grabbed her by the collar, telling the former-KGB woman that she should stop being so prideful and employing fake smiles.
Frightened but trying to keep face, Tatiana still asked why Balalaika did not inform her of the ship theft, adding that she should have verbally made sure that Dutch would keep his mouth shut. As she left, Tatiana insulted the Dragunov rifle that a culprit (who attacked Mister Chang's tanker) used as a mere antique, causing Balalaika to respond to her that she could show her how "antique" the rifle would be hundreds of meters away.
While Tatiana had been in Roanapur for a week, Boris commended Balalaika for showing restraint, but he politely added that the Nefrit's involvement in the attack on Chang was cause for alarm, also recommending that she should call Dutch to be discreet just in case. Balalaika agreed about the caution but assured the sergeant that Dutch was a man who was always careful. As Balalaika talked to Boris about the possibility of the culprit being a Vysotnik, Boris had the same thought as her when she uttered that the sniper was likely a fellow ex-Spetsnaz like them, given that the assassin knew how to calculate sniping in high winds. Boris in turn uttered the name Junior Sergeant Stanislav Kandinsky, also remarking that Stanislav had been dead for years, with Balalaika responding that she and Boris had also been dead for years.[2]
Chapter 4[]

Tatiana in the character breast rank, with a D-cup in the top row to the left of Shenhua
After Balalaika offered an ultimatum to Stanislav in the late night, she returned to her Bougainvillea Trade Co. office as the sun began to rise. In her office, she saw Tatiana sitting in her chair, infuriating her. Tatiana rose up from Balalaika's chair in fear, albeit maintaining a smug demeanor. Balalaika threatened the former KGB spy to leave her office once more, but Tatiana continued to tease her and asked her how she planned to deal with Stanislav. Balalaika only insulted her, and Tatiana stated that she could easily use her information networks to transport Stanislav out of Roanapur and frame the Zaltzman attack on someone else.
In response, Balalaika rejected her advice and pulled out her Stechkin pistol to demand where Tatiana heard the name Stanislav, but Tatiana admitted that she got the info about him from one of Balalaika's own Vysotniki. Balalaika calmly stopped her threat and sheathed her pistol, with Tatiana responding that Balalaika needed to deal with the matter instead of threatening her. Already prepared, Balalaika claimed that she already had plans to attend a meeting with Chang at The Golden Swingin Night Club the next day. With Balalaika continuing to glare at her, Tatiana left her office once more.
In room 509 at the Lafette Roanapur Hotel, Tatiana, disguised as the contractor "Jane," saw that Stanislav was waking up from his heroin-induced sleep, asking him if he met Balalaika at the docks to fulfill her ultimatum. He responded that he would continue the mission to kill Chang, falling back asleep and pleasing Jane. Just then, the redheaded Jane let Jake enter her room, and he asked her where "Stan" was. She replied that he was resting in the room, and she was interrupted by a knock on the balcony door, seeing that Shadow Falcon arrived and let him in. While Falcon rested against a wall, Jake argued with Jane about the now-high risk of attacking Chang, but Tatiana taunted him, asking him if the great Ultimate Cool J. was scared. Jake denied being scared and berated Jane for having a suspicious plan, and Jane denied that she set him and the other hired hitmen up.
Solely focused on killing Revy instead of Chang, Jake declared that he quit. Before leaving the room, the Los Angeles rapper asked Falcon what he planned on doing, and Falcon replied that he would strike down Chang with his blade. After he left, Falcon then calmly told Jane that he would take down Chang on his own, with Jane subsequently responding that Falcon would not get paid if he did not follow her plan, but Falcon proclaimed that he only followed the Mandate of Heaven, slipping out of the French window.
Jane was left confused, but she nonetheless was unconcerned since they were actually meant to be set up as noted by Jake. Receiving a phone call from Japan that she was expecting, Jane answered the call in the bathroom. Vasili Laptev spoke to her in Russian, asking her if the plan to sack Balalaika was going well. Jane confirmed but asked him if it was okay to go through with Plan Б instead of Plan А (have Balalaika use KGB connections to escort Stanislav out of Roanapur) and Plan В (the original plan to blame the Triad tanker attack on Balalaika due to the Nefrit), and although he preferred the other two plans, he agreed to her request. Specifically, Plan Б was to let Stanislav kill Mister Chang and put the blame on Balalaika to reignite confrontation between the Hong Kong Triad and Hotel Moscow, with Laptev knowing that Hotel Moscow's influence in Roanapur would be crushed but it also meant Balalaika would no longer be around. After finishing the call with Laptev, Jane switched her makeup and appearance, showing that she was actually Tatiana Yakovleva.[3]
Chapter 5[]
Soon, the Vysotniki and Balalaika killed Stanislav when he attempted to assassinate Chang, causing Tatiana to panic after learning about it from a local informant in town. Knowing that Laptev would deny any involvement with her if she got caught, Tatiana got into her Toyota and made a run for the outskirts of Roanapur to go to an airport, but a Benz car blocked her path, making her crash. Surviving, she tried to lock the car door but a hand broke through the window and grabbed her out, seeing that it was Balalaika's right-hand man Boris. He shoved Tatiana into the Benz's backseat and ordered the driver to go. Immediately, Boris handed Tatiana a cell phone with Balalaika on the other line, and Balalaika admitted that her meeting with Chang at The Golden Swingin Night Club was a lie. Terrified, Tatiana retorted that she would never find the double agent in the Vysotniki if Balalaika killed her, but Balalaika called her bluff, telling her that she knew an ex-KGB agent would fabricate a story to make her paranoid.
Tatiana cursed her several times, and Balalaika only said in turn that she had no time to torture her since she could already see what happened, telling the ex-KGB woman to go to hell. After the phone call finished, Boris and the driver brought her to Don Mueang International Airport and forced her to fly to Narita International Airport, where they stole all of her money and took her gold teeth, killing her and putting her corpse in a women's bathroom stall at the Narita Airport in Japan. Her body was later discovered there in the morning while an airport employee was cleaning the bathroom. Later, Laptev frantically called Balalaika since he heard about her death as a result of stealing money from Hotel Moscow and trying to flee, and Balalaika calmly confirmed her murder. When Laptev accused her of killing Tatiana, Balalaika stated that they could get someone from Moscow to investigate the situation, adding that he should watch his back and his own territory in Japan.[1]