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The Asylum is the thirty-second chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on April 19, 2022.


After passing through the city of Roanapur, three Japanese children walk through a forest in a mountainous area, and the black-haired camper is now glad that they exited "that city full of murderers and junkies." Looking at a map, the curly-haired boy comments that they should be able to get to town by passing through the mountain area. The glasses kid wishes that they did not have to pass through such an eerie forest, and black-haired kid recalls how last summer was, asking why the 3 of them have to travel around the mountains of Southeast Asia. The curly-haired boy reminds him that their plan was to flirt with local girls, but the black-haired child responds that one local woman tried to kill the curly-haired child. As the two argue with each other and derogatorily insult one another as virgins, the glasses kid points out a lodge up ahead, gaining their attention.

Happy to see a place for resting, the exhausted children decide that they will use the lodge. As curly-haired kid opens the door slowly, he asks if anyone is home, and they find the entry room empty. The three teenagers place their bags down as black-haired kid remarks that he would be at the beach with a girl if the place is the real deal. The three begin to hear a faint sound, with black-haired kid wondering if it is a generator and glasses kid commenting that running such a machine around people is dangerous. Opening the door to the room with the noise, black-haired camper excuses himself for the intrusion only for him and the other two to see Sawyer the Cleaner cutting into a corpse with her chainsaw. As Sawyer turns around and notices them, the campers are in shock and notice her bloody chainsaw and the corpses on the ground, making them scream. As they flee the lodge, Sawyer treats it like nothing but notices something to her side.

The three run away from the lodge and recall movies at drive-in theaters, with black-haired kid commenting that is why he had skepticism of the lodge due to murderers in movies hiding in lodges. The scared glasses kid recommends that they go to the sea, but black-haired camper angrily rejects his idea, saying that there are sharks in the sea and could also be in the sea or air like in the movies. As glasses kid runs and falls slightly behind, he turns his head briefly and sees a maskless Sawyer with dead eyes carrying her chainsaw and pursuing them, terrifying him. Shouting and warning that she is coming, glasses camper yells that she has likely already classed them as prey, and in his panicked speaking he trips over a tree root. Hearing him trip and being concerned, curly-haired kid tells him to hurry up, but glasses kid stutters to say that his leg is trapped. Seeing that black-haired kid is still running, curly-haired kid asks him if he is really going to let glasses kid die, but black-haired kid yells that his own life is important too.

Looking behind as he runs, curly-haired kid sees the towering Sawyer look down on the trapped glasses-wearing child and moving downward. Holding his hand out in fear, glasses kid screams in terror, making the curly-haired kid fearfully cry. In contrast, the black-haired kid laughs as he continues to run, saying that glasses kid's blunder saved them some time. Although curly-haired kid angrily insults black-haired kid for leaving him behind, black-haired teenager claims that curly-haired kid left him behind too last time, also adding that glasses kid was a nuisance. Even more angered by black-haired kid's attitude and running in tears, curly-haired kid catches up to black-haired kid and grabs his shoulder, punching him with a right hook. At the same time that he punches black-haired kid, the two fall down into a short but steep ditch. As curly-haired camper gets up and asks black-haired camper if he is all right, their eyes meet and they see each other's fear, but seconds later they immediately face away from each other and blush in embarrassment. Arriving at the ditch with Sawyer behind him, glasses kid finds the two and asks them if they are okay, but he looks closer and sees them hugging each other in fear, dropping his jaw in surprise as Sawyer awkwardly looks away.

Later, Sawyer guides the three children back to the lodge, where she has the children put on personal protective equipment as she silently supervises them to clean up the bloody mess. Finding out that Sawyer chased them to return their lost passports, curly-haired kid apologizes and promises to do his best to help her with her work, asking if he can have his passport after he finishes cleaning. As curly-haired kid and black-haired kid's mops accidentally mop into each other, the two children exchange glances and shudder. Cleaning with a towel, glasses kid jokingly asks the other two if they want to create a movie when they return to Japan based on their adventure, and the two children heartily agree, saying that it will have horror, suspense, romance, exoticism, and even a shark. The narration then states that the three children started a small movie production company, which was well received by some enthusiasts and achieved moderate success.


  • The chapter title and the movie production company at the chapter's end are both references to the American independent film company The Asylum.