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The Fog is the twelfth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on August 19, 2020.


A ship crashes on Roanapur's coast, causing a mass of fog to emerge from the ship and slowly pass through the city. Inside the Rip-Off Church chapel, where the fog begins to creep outside, Eda sits at the altar and yells at Sawyer the Cleaner (who is sitting in the pews) in frustration, telling the girl that she normally cannot step foot inside the chapel but is making a one-time exception since she has a mess that needs cleaning up. Clarifying that Sister Yolanda is gone for the night and will be back by morning, Eda derides the whole situation since she is in charge temporarily. Showing the tied-up Rico to Sawyer, Eda asks the priest how he is holding up. As Rico turned around, his eyes rolled backward into his head and he began speaking violently toward Eda, repeatedly calling her a "bitch" and making sexual comments. Seeing that he had not recovered, Eda kicked him back onto the ground.

The nun curses the ordeal once again, grabbing Sawyer's shoulders and asking her if she can do black magic. Recapping what happened and pointing to two corpses, Eda relays to Sawyer that a father and child had visited the chapel so that the former could request an exorcism for his allegedly possessed child, but Eda refused. The man then started to speak words that she did not understand and then shot his child, causing Eda to shoot him in turn. Annoyed by the turn of events, Eda told Rico to clean up the mess, but as he entered the chapel, the apprentice priest began vomiting and went on a rampage, causing Eda to subdue him and tie him up. In the present, they hear a knock on the chapel door, so Eda walks to the door with her Glock pistol ready.

Opening it and asking who is there, Eda does not see anyone and is bewildered by the huge cloud of fog outside, again demanding an answer. Sensing someone behind her, Eda points the gun at the silhouette behind her, which disappears before she can see it, angrily confusing her. The fog then surrounds her, scaring her backward and demanding the person to show themselves. Looking around, various human silhouettes with glowing eyes stare at Eda, frightening her. To her relief, Sawyer pulls through the fog with her chainsaw and charges at the group of silhouettes and begins swinging at them manically. Eda smiles and clasps her hands in prayer, thanking Sawyer for dealing with the shadows. Deciding that Sawyer will deal with the intruders, Eda runs elsewhere in the chapel to retrieve Rico, but she only sees a loosened rope without Rico present.

Sensing someone behind her, Eda turns around to see an apparition of a grinning Russell, terrifying her since she knows that she killed him a while back. Sawyer suddenly appears and immediately thrusts her chainsaw into Russell's back, and Eda's eyes begin to spin, soon falling into unconsciousness after laughing and saying Jesus Christ's name. The next morning, Yolanda comes back and talks with someone, learning that there was a hallucinogenic gas in the cargo of the boat that crashed at the port the previous night, with the fog drifting up to the chapel. After telling the person that she believes them, Yolanda then steps inside the chapel. Seeing the tied-up Rico and the unconscious Eda and Sawyer next to the pews, Yolanda yells at Eda to wake up, wash her face, and slowly explain herself, and the awakened Eda asks the nun to grant mercy on her. Next to the peacefully sleeping Sawyer, Russell's cowboy hat rests on the floor.


  • The title and plot of this chapter are both references to the 1980 horror film The Fog.