The Hangover is the thirty-sixth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on August 19, 2022.
Sawyer the Cleaner stretches her limbs after a long day in her workplace. She opens the exit door and sees a black body bag on the ground with a note saying "Finish it" attached. Dragging the body bag back inside, Sawyer squats down and unzips it to find a tied-up half-asleep Revy inside. When Revy yawns, Sawyer covers her own nose since she can smell alcohol on Revy's breath, and the cleaner places Revy's Cutlass pistols on her work table. Examining her arms, Sawyer sees metal wrist cuffs binding her arms and lifts Revy out of the bag onto the tile floor. Revy's eyes open slightly and she sees the standing Sawyer with various meat hooks dangling from the ceiling.
Elsewhere in the night, Feng Yifei walks through town and drinks a can of beer when she is greeted by Rock, who is driving Benny's car and stops near her. He asks her if she has seen Revy, and the surprised Feng replies that they had just drank together earlier. Sipping her beer can, Feng adds that the situation went awry and thus left Revy to herself. Accompanying Rock in the car, he speeds up and asks Feng where she was. Sitting in the passenger seat, Feng remembers that she was at the Yellow Flag and only drinking by herself and met Revy there by chance. Recalling her encounter, she says that Revy started drinking some wine and wanted to start a drinking contest after claiming that she wanted revenge. After trying some Betta with a tequila shot, Feng got a little drunk too and left Revy on the street. When Rock tells her that is a dangerous thing to do, she replies that she did so because Revy did a terrible thing to her glasses.
Back at the workshop, Revy yells out loud and asks what is going on. Drunkenly thinking that she is still at the bar, Revy asks for another drink and calls for "four eyes," but she notices the person whom she is talking to is Sawyer with her protective glasses and mask on. The drooling Revy asks her who she is, and she remarks that she feels sick and cannot move her body. When Revy asks for a glass of water, Sawyer crouches down and lets her gulp water from a glass. Only having a blank face for a moment, Revy begins to loudly groan again, asking Sawyer what she made her drink. Out in the city, Rock parks the car and examines the spot where Feng dropped off Revy, but the latter herself states that she is not certain about it. Noticing a sea of vomit, Rock responds that it is definitely the spot where Feng dropped off Revy, asking Feng if Revy got taken by car since there are only traces of vomit left.
Although seeing no bloodstains, Rock remarks that Revy being kidnapped would be bad. When Feng apologizes for her fault, Rock calmly tells her to find eyewitnesses, and she agrees. On the workshop floor, Revy continues to ask Sawyer where she is, remembering barely that she was at the Yellow Flag. Facing down on her stomach, Revy notices that her pistols are gone, demanding Sawyer to give them back. The latter grabs Revy's head and calmly forces her to drink a bottle of liquid, then pushing Revy away onto her side. Wondering how she is still drunk, Revy mumbles that she is conscious again. As Revy notices the dangling meat hooks again, Sawyer turns on her chainsaw as Revy dizzily sees a glance of her. Speeding up the car, Rock relays to Feng how some hoodlum saw the unconscious Revy and was amused, so the man put her in a body bag and delivered her to Sawyer's place. Rushing out of the car, he speaks about how Sawyer will do any work if she thinks it is a real job, even if it is not. Quickly rushing out of the car and opening the door, Rock calls for Sawyer, who turns her head while washing her gloved arms.
She calmly points Rock to a small bed where Revy is sleeping, and Rock rushes to her and notices her breathing, much to his relief. Sawyer stomps the bottom of her mop onto the floor, and Rock rhetorically asks her if she had to clean up her mess. Seeing Sawyer's silent glare, he looks at the liquid on the nearby table and sees that it is secret medicine and turmeric. Carrying Revy's arm over his shoulder, Rock thanks Sawyer and assures her that he will not tell Revy about it. After Rock exits the building, Sawyer sighs and looks at her chainsaw on the table. The next day at the Lagoon Company office, Revy slouches on the couch and claims that she still feels ill. Rock asks her if she still has alcohol in her system, and she angrily rejects his question. Although saying that she feels fine, Revy wonders why she did not have a hangover despite knowing that she drank heavily last night. As she yells in frustration, Rock notices that she still has not noticed the word "Stupid" written on her forehead, making him chuckle. In response, Revy furiously asks him what he is laughing about.