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The Rats in the Walls is the seventh chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on March 19, 2020.


In a jail cell at the Roanapur City Police Station, Sawyer the Cleaner sits down on the ground with her knees up. Outside the cell, Saensak orders her to stay put until he can identify her, adding that he will let her know as soon as he knows what has happened. He also tells her that he can bring her some food but she will have to pay. As he walks away, his fellow officer asks what is up with the girl, recalling that she was in a pile of corpses in a pool of blood. It is shown that Sawyer's voice box is broken, and Saensak responds to the officer that she is possibly a victim but cannot communicate with her since she is mute, so he does not know the full situation yet. In her cell, Sawyer falls onto her side still clinging her knees, and she hears a voice excuse himself and say that he did not know a lady was next to his cell.

Turning to hear the voice, Sawyer continues sitting on her side, and the voice makes small talk by talking about his stomach and asking Sawyer if she likes traveling. The voice states that he has traveled a far distance through many countries. He asks Sawyer if she wonders why he is in the jail cell, clarifying that he is a smuggler, be it weapons or drugs. While a cockroach stands right on the jail cell bar, the voice claims that he only carries what he can and earns money while he travels, comparing it to killing two birds with one stone. Although a stingy job only earning pocket change, the voice claims his jobs rarely fail, specifying that one failure has now made him end up in a jail cell.

The unseen man's stomach grumbles, saying that he feels sick. As Sawyer fixates on a drop of water falling from a sink and splashing, the voice remarks that he does not even have to hide and carry jewelry and other cheap things. Giving advice, he says the best smuggling is hiding items inside the body, asking Sawyer if she knows what a "human pump" is, which travels freely "in and out." The cockroach from the next cell walks into Sawyer's cell, and she fixates on its movements. As she feels sleepy, the voice remembers that he still left something in his stomach and cannot leave it in there for too long, realizing that he has to hurry up. In the adjacent cell, Sawyer hears a commotion, causing her to sit upward. The voice says that there is still time, and the man is heard pleading for help from an officer to get him out of the cell quickly since danger will loom if he does not hurry up.

Screaming in great pain, the man demands that he be set free for a quick time, and an officer comes by, telling him to stop being noisy and increasing his workload. The man desperately responds that he is not faking his condition, and one of the officers becomes disgusted, telling the man to stay strong. The cockroach in the cell lies on its back, and meanwhile as the police assess whether the man is alive or not, they see something near the man's mouth. Continuing to listen anxiously, Sawyer hears the man's loud screams, and he pleads to cut open his insides. Opening Sawyer's cell door, Saensak tells Sawyer that she is free to go, wondering to himself how Sawyer is connected to Mister Chang of all people, but he decides not to pry further since he cannot risk doing something bad while the chief is still away.

Hearing the commotion from the next cell, Saensak asks what is going on, telling the man to get away from the guard. One of the officers tells him that the man apparently smuggled cocaine by putting it inside his stomach, but the package broke and spilled inside him. In disbelief at the mess, Saensak is disgusted as are the other officers, with one saying that they will vomit. Saensak angrily wonders who will clean up the mess, and he walks past Sawyer, telling her not to show off and leave the station. As Saensak asks how he will report the full situation, the cell guard then walks past Sawyer, smiling with a small proboscis hanging out of his mouth, asking her if she likes traveling. As the guard waves goodbye, Sawyer turns around in fright, realizing that the voice from before belonged to the cockroach, who used the man to smuggle contraband and is now controlling the police officer.


  • The chapter title is a reference to the H.P. Lovecraft short story "The Rats in the Walls."