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The Roanapur Freakshow Circus is the seventeenth episode of the Black Lagoon anime and the fifth episode of Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage. It originally aired in Japan on October 31, 2006.


Eda attempts to help Jane as she flees from the bounty hunters, but she finds her plans thwarted at every turn.


Rock narrates about Roanapur, a city where the worst of the worst villains come to lock horns with each other. He mentions that the noose hanging at the entrance to the city warns all who wish to go further that they will be marked as a reckless person if they pass through. With scenes of Abrego and Balalaika ordering people's executions, Rock notes that Roanapur's criminal world was born in the midst of the Cold War, claiming that the city is for people whose souls have been destroyed and sent to hell. Nonetheless, Rock states that he only survives because he is recognized as a member of the Lagoon Company. He also claims that people who come to Roanapur to make a name for themselves never return to their home again, and a dead man is shown being transported from Sawyer's workplace as an example. Concerning the present, Rock says that there is a sacrificial lamb who has wandered into the city. At the Yellow Flag, Quentin the Tiger and the various other bounty hunters depart from the bar and head to the Ramsap Inn to complete their cheap job of capturing Jane alive.

Waiting outside the motel in Benny's car, Rock asks Eda what they are waiting for. Smiling, the nun answers that they are waiting for a chance to get 1 million dollars. Whereas Rock is tired and skeptical, the impatient Revy mutters that she would be fine with a gunfight but shares Rock's skepticism. Leaning forward, Eda teases them both and flirtingly whispers into Rock's ear, startling him and irritating Revy. Deciding that enough time has passed, the nun relays her grand plan to the pirates. In theory, Jane, having been guided to a special motel room per Eda's reference, will be able to escape thanks to several warnings as planned out by the nun. In particular, Eda had placed an "ESCAPE FROM DEATH" sign on the ceiling that Jane would notice when she entered the room, showing her the direction to escape when the time comes. Additionally, the room number that Eda gave to the bounty hunters is the one next to Jane's, and the counterfeiter will run out into the hallway upon hearing the gunfire next door. Falling right into Eda's plan, Jane runs out of her room and sees the bounty hunters, so she quickly turns back and closes the fireproofed door. The bounty hunters shoot the lock and try to follow the woman, but Shotgun Arnie and the others realize that she has escaped the room.

At the same time, hearing the plan, Revy and Rock believe it will not work, comparing it to restroom graffiti. Nearby, Jane slides down from her room window and quickly runs away as a few bounty hunters shoot at her. In the alleyway, she follows the additional "ESCAPE FROM DEATH" signs that Eda has placed. To Eda's disappointment, Rock decides to leave, agreeing with Revy that the plan has a low chance of actually working. As Rock backs up, Jane sprints past them, surprising all three. Subsequently, he backs up the car as Eda tauntingly greets Jane, who realizes that she set up the escape. Knowing that the bounty hunters are close by and seeing that Eda is not negotiating any lower due to the circumstances, Jane begrudgingly agrees to give Eda the money plates in exchange for safe passage out of the city. Rock stops the car as the bounty hunters arrive, with Quentin informing Eda that his group is after the counterfeiter for the $1,000 bounty. Although Quentin tries to persuade her to join them, the nun shoots him in the chest, declaring that she and Revy are rescuing Jane for a far larger price.

Angered, the bounty hunters pursue them while Rock puts the car into reverse. The two women manage to knock the Yun brothers off of their motorcycles and they also wound the leading driver, preventing the bounty hunters from chasing them further. Speaking with Ronny CK, Shenhua learns from him that Revy and Eda are now protecting Jane, making their job more difficult. Reconvening with the bounty hunters, Russell orders them to continue chasing the woman, but Shenhua retorts that they will not continue the job unless they receive $30,000 each. Accusing the bounty hunters of being cowards, the cowboy responds that the two women should not be a problem for them, but Shenhua throws her kukri near him. Replying that they are in Roanapur, not Florida, the Taiwanese assassin sternly explains that neither themselves nor the women are mere punks. Scared but annoyed, Russell asks them if they truly know the two women, which Shenhua confirms by claiming that anyone who does not know Revy and Eda is not from Roanapur. Preparing to leave, she advises the cowboy to call Lobos since he will repeat what she said concerning higher pay.

Elsewhere in the city, driving through town, Rock heads to the Lagoon Company dry dock, and Revy requests her pay upfront from Eda. Hearing that she will leave on a PT boat, Jane asks if it is fast, but Rock tells them that they will not see it. At the dock, Eda sees that Black Lagoon is not docked, disheartening her since it was the final step of the plan. Going upstairs, the four of them decide to wait for the boat's return. As Revy uses the radio to call Dutch, Eda asks for some alcohol but rejects Rock's refrigerated stock. The nun notices the Ardbeg Provenance on the shelf, but Revy threatens to kill her if she drinks that because it belongs to Dutch. Meanwhile, out at sea, Benny helps Dutch board a shipment onto their boat. Receiving the call from Revy, Dutch learns that the situation is currently neutral. Benny tells him that the boat is loaded, though he suggests ditching the shipment since they will get to port quicker. Hearing that Dutch wants compensation to give to their client Isaac, Revy answers that the Rip-Off Church will cover anything and everything.

Keeping to herself in the storage closet, Jane attempts to hack back into the website where her team's money plates are stored to no avail. Disappointed, she remarks that she needs the help of her deceased data manager Theo. Outside the dock building, the bounty hunters have arrived and wait to attack. Calling Dutch, Lobos apologizes for his associates' rowdiness and unfamiliarity with Roanapur. He pleads with the boat captain to give him more time to call off the bounty hunters, and Dutch agrees. Having overheard the call, Benny asks Dutch if he is truly tainted by the villainy of Roanapur, recalling that he thought he and Rock were exceptions. Chuckling, Dutch comments that there is something deep down within them. In town, Russell arrives at the dock and demands to know what the freelancers are doing, but the machine-gunner shushes him because they are about to storm the building. Quietly walking up the stairs, two bounty hunters prepare to enter, and the machine-gunner shoots down the door. The two freelancers step through the door, but Eda and Revy catch them off guard from the sides, shooting them. Revy then forces the machine-gunner to leave after she jams his weapon. The two women shoot at the bounty hunters hiding behind Benny's car. To Revy's annoyance, the car blows up after she shot at it, though the first wave of bounty hunters flee.

As bounty hunters on a nearby roof shoot at the building, Revy orders Rock to escort Jane to safety. When the two try leaving through the backdoor, a chainsaw blade bursts through the door, frightening them. Kicking down the broken door, Sawyer the Cleaner glares at them and walks closer. Although unarmed, Rock improvises and protects himself and Jane using a metal shelf as a shield. Coming to his aid, Revy shoots at Sawyer, forcing her to exit the building. Against Rock's advice, the panicking Jane runs out of the door leading to the dock, but her path is blocked by Claude "Torch" Weaver. Slowly backing away up the stairs, she awkwardly asks the smiling Claude if he can let her pass, but he in turn asks if she likes barbecues, using his lighter and terrifying her. While taking cover, Eda reminds Revy that there are too many bounty hunters shooting at them. Accordingly, Revy orders Jane to kick the crate near her to Eda. Opening it up to see an ARWEN launcher, the nun gladly uses it to disperse the remaining hunters on the roofs. Rock opens the roof entrance to guide Jane to safety, and Revy decides to stay to help Eda.

As the two gunslingers wonder how they will escape given the few snipers outside, they realize that the dock has been set on fire, with Claude using his flamethrower to continue the arson. Revy thinks of a plan to stop the bounty hunters once they get on the roof, reasoning that they are being flushed out of the second floor anyway. Suddenly, Eda warns Revy to duck, and Shenhua's kukri flies through the window and slightly injures Revy. At the same time that she tells Eda about Shenhua's strength, Revy stalls time by asking Shenhua where her partner is. The Taiwanese woman answers that Leigharch "could not make it back from Mars" and is living with a caretaker as a result of his excessive drug use. Knowing that Shenhua is standing on the building's external duct, Revy asks Eda if she can land a shot on the assassin if she forces her off the duct. Due to the dock fire decreasing their time, Revy shoots at the wall to force Shenhua to run past the window. As soon as she spots her, Eda shoots at her once. On the roof, the exhausted Jane chastises Rock for lacking a plan, but the ex-salaryman retorts that he is trying to think of a plan.

Characters and cast[]

Songs used[]

  • Opening Theme — Red Fraction (by Mell)
  • Rock narrates on Roanapur's origin — The Way to Last Night
  • Bounty hunters leave the Yellow Flag — Unreleased #1 (slow bassline)
  • Eda talks about Jane's escape plan, Rock drives Jane away — Unreleased #3 (medium bassline)
  • Shootout between Revy, Eda, and bounty hunters — Unreleased #3 & #4 (medium & fast basslines)
  • Ending Theme — Don't Look Behind (ending version)

Differences from the manga[]

  • Rock's narration on life in Roanapur at the episode's beginning, including the images of the various crime syndicates engaging in murder, is only in the anime.
  • Eda citing the Bible verse Matthew 7:7 when Jane agrees to pay her whatever she wants is only in the manga.
  • The scene of Rock driving the group back to the port and Eda paying Revy money in the car is exclusive to the anime adaptation.
  • Rock opening the fridge to let Eda see the generic alcohol is only in the anime.
  • Lobos calling Dutch to apologize for Russell hiring the mercenaries is exclusive to the anime.
  • In the manga, the lights in the Lagoon Company dock building go out before the mercenaries begin their attack. In the anime, the lights do not suddenly lose power. Additionally, in the manga, the mercenaries first break into the door by kicking it down, whereas in the anime a machine-gunner shoots the door down.
  • The events of the mercenaries using Benny's 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner as a shield from gunfire, as well as the car's subsequent explosion, are only in the anime adaptation.
  • Eda's comment during the initial shootout about Rock's bravery for helping Jane is anime-exclusive.