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The Wired Red Wild Card Part 10, also called Chapter 86, is the eighty-seventh chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in November 2013.


Listening to his men at the port, Ronnie the Jaws learns that Zamid Dhiyab died due to apparently falling overboard during a cruise in Malta. As cement is poured into a frame where the tied-up police detective Sammy stands, Camillo informs Ronnie that they found out late because Zamid's mistress was trying to pilfer his assets, adding that their source is the Scotland Yard via Sammy. Pleading with Ronnie, Sammy pleads with him to forgive him, clarifying that the title deed was a mistake and that he will not go to his fellow cops about it. Angered, Ronnie grabs Sammy's nose and sarcastically remarks that he thought fish food cannot talk. Telling Sammy to join the bottom feeders at the sea's bottom, Ronnie wonders where the Albanians' money is. When Camillo hesitates to answer, Ronnie sternly tells him that the only news he cares about is the location of the money, threatening to turn him into an "aquarium decoration" like Sammy.

Although he is unsure, Camillo states that the mistress got arrested before she could get the money. Figuring that the woman could not get the money on her own anyway, Ronnie is only concerned if Scotland Yard knows about the account, and Camillo assures him that Zamid was very discreet and the police did not mention anything about it. Interrupting him, Ronnie reminds him that they have no way of digging up the account if the account is deeply hidden. He then asks if Zamid finished cashing the gold. As Ronnie prepares a cigarette, Camillo informs him that the gold has gone through the bullion bank and through O'Neil & Jenkins Minerals, the mining company that Zamid had ties to. Ronnie thinks that Zamid had moved the laundered money to a shell company in a country like Panama, with Camillo explaining that he already thought of investigating that and found nothing since Zamid had no supervisory authority over the account.

As Sammy pleads for his life while being lowered into the sea, the frustrated Ronnie comments that they cannot go around killing people and that Don Monteverdi is on edge, ordering Nico to sink Sammy faster. The next day in Roanapur, Rock and the hung-over Revy take a tuk-tuk through town, with the latter asking Rock if he is done speaking with Feng Yifei. As Rock rests his head and explicates that he will go along with the girl for now, he apologizes to Revy for having to worry about him, thanking her for her help. Blushing, Revy turns her eyes away and brushes it off, telling him that she has his back. Recalling that Feng told him something similar, Rock asks her how she became so friendly to Feng and what happened before she came to his place. Revy grumbles that they can forget about it, so Rock recaps that Jane's plan is well-planned to ensure Feng's death, with Revy wondering if they should interrogate her.

On the deck of the Black Lagoon, Jane, in her bikini, throws herself onto Benny and urges him to embrace her, irritating Dutch since he can see them from the bridge. Back in their conversation, Rock rejects Revy's idea since he does not want to get rough with a colleague. She herself recalls that the hitmen who attacked Feng are a problem but will likely not be the only assassins sent after the rogue soldier. Remembering that they are going to Jackpot Pigeons at sunset for Feng's hiding place, Rock asks if the hideout will buy them time. Smoking a cigarette, Revy confirms that the employees there will be discreet since they owe each other a favor.

Later at sunset, Park Seung in an aroused mood watches the strip show at Jackpot Pigeons as Captain Yang briefs Rob and Montero about the Lagoon Company being the ones who protected Feng during their shootout but not intentionally. As Rob talks about how he killed a woman and then raped her dead body and consequently spent time in an Arizonan prison, Yang is disgusted at the conversation. Montero agrees that he does not want to hear it either and asks Yang about extra pay since the Lagoon pirates may be protecting Feng. Even though Yang answers that the People's Liberation Army only paid for the job requested, Montero emphasizes that the circumstances have changed, so Yang agrees that he will speak to his superiors about it. Continuing to relax, Montero tells him to keep in touch, and Yang confirms that he has people searching for Feng and will let the brothers know as soon as they locate her.
