Black Lagoon Wiki

The Wired Red Wild Card Part 16, also called Chapter 92, is the ninety-third chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released on September 19, 2017.


At the Yellow Flag, Rock asks Bao for a glass of Edradour. Pouring him the drink, Bao asks him if he should be at the bar since Revy is still in jail. Drinking the glass, Rock puts a $100 bill in it and asks the bartender if he has heard any recent news about the Italians. Sneering at the request, Bao responds that it is about the money, telling Rock that the Italians are on edge and that his involvement will only end badly. When Rock reminds him that they have a problem with the Albanians, Bao asks him why he even came to him if he already knows the gist. The ex-salaryman relays to the bartender that he does not why they have beef with each other, assuring Bao that he will pay him and not tell a soul.

Pouring Rock another glass, Bao begins by recalling how the Italians agreed to help the Albanians with money laundering since the latter had problems requesting it from other groups. The bartender then finishes by saying that the high-quality "washing machine" somehow crashed, so the dirty money is still in the machine and the Italians cannot access it. When Rock asks him how he can take advantage of the situation, Eda, dressed in casual clothing, enters the bar and puts her arm around Rock, remarking that it has been a while. Accompanying her, Rico also sits at the counter as Eda orders her usual drink. Confirming that she knows about Revy's detainment, Eda flirtingly asks him if Revy is "out of the game," which Rock ignores by saying that he cannot taste his alcohol. Smiling and drinking her glass, Eda asks him if he plans on breaking out Revy by using the "Shanghai girl" that he has been sheltering, slightly surprising him

Advising him to relax, Eda jokes that God is always in their midst and knows everything, adding that the PLA will certainly not stop until Feng is killed. Calmly agreeing that she is knowledgeable, Rock comments that he has several requests, telling the curious Eda that in return he will give her the Lagoon Company's client list and cargo details from the beginning of the year to April. Approving his deal, Eda asks for his requests, so he orders her to give him information in the past six months on any dealings between the Italians and Albanians. He then particularly advises her to use the Gold Fields Mineral Services newsletter to see if there scrap metal buyers with ties to Albania that have seen a surge in business. Interrupting her, Rock finishes that he also needs her and the Rip-Off Church to arrange for Revy's release from the Roanapur City Police Station in 24 hours if he cannot do it himself.

Placing her glass down in front of Rock, Eda orders Rico to come with her so that they can report the news of their job to Sister Yolanda and then begin scavenging for the information. As Rock asks her how he can contact her in the mean time, Eda interrupts him to say that she will come by later to Jackpot Pigeons. Rock jokes that he will pray that they do not rat him or Feng out, with Eda responding that piety will save him. The next morning at Jackpot Pigeons, Rowan is disappointed that Feng has small breasts, to which she proclaims that she places no value on them. Rowan elaborates that customers give out more money for large breasts, telling her that he knows a good doctor who will give her breast implants for cheap just as he offered to Kate. As the female performers laugh and talk with Feng, Lilya informs Rock that Julian D told her that the nun from the church has arrived. Feeling off, Lilya tells Rock that Eda is suspicious and is likely putting on an act, but Rock advises her not to repeat that to anyone else even though he agrees. Once Rock opens the door, the smiling Eda and Rico stand there, with Eda joking that she does not like the morning heat.
