Black Lagoon Wiki

The Wired Red Wild Card Part 18, also called Chapter 94, is the ninety-fifth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released on December 19, 2017.


In their car near the police station, Park Seung and Montero eat their food as the former brother remarks that the Chinese are unfriendly, with Montero agreeing and adding that they do not believe in God and are "going to hell." Park wonders what they will do about Rob, and Montero reminds him that they are not familiar with Roanapur and have to negotiate through Bren. When Park says that they should still help out Rob even if the negotiation is rejected, Montero advises him to be patient by citing a Bible quote. Angered, Park accuses Montero of never liking Rob and almost got him arrested, to which Montero responds that he loves his brothers and that Rob was the one who messed up.

As Park rebuffs his answer while Montero claims that Rob tried to flirt with the waitress after getting out on parole, Montero spots Rock and Feng Yifei walking by. Montero quickly points to them, saying that the targets are walking into the police station. Inside, Saensak rejects Rock's request to see Revy, mentioning that Watsap is away and anything that happens will be his responsibility. Rock holds up a small envelope of money for either him or Watsap, but Saensak warns him that he can get rid of a small criminal like him anytime. Defending Rock, Feng firmly asks Saensak if he wants the money or not, so he begrudgingly takes them to the computer room. There, Saensak explains that the traffic guy is on break until 2 p.m. and that the two need to be out by then or they will end up in an "unfortunate accident."

Rock agrees and promises not to get them into trouble, and Feng confirms that she will make it quick. The ex-salaryman also reminds Saensak that the money will let them see Revy, but Saensak sternly tells him that he can only do one thing at a time. Outside the police station, Park Seung prepares and loads his machine gun. Urging his brother to calm down, Montero tells him that he cannot take on a police station. As Park remarks that they will take the money for the job and go to a brothel after they are done freeing Rob and killing Feng, Montero again reemphasizes that he cannot take on a police station. Smiling, Park confidently assures him that he will be fine and leaves, making Montero say that was not what he meant. In the data room, Feng accesses Zamid Dhiyab's bank records and transactions with the BTCE.

After getting past the cybersecurity, Feng is surprised to see that the bank is a different business, which is the Panama branch of World British Finance. Immediately, Rock guesses that the records show a special purpose entity, deducing that is where the money is hidden. Accordingly, he then advises Feng to transfer all the funds to another account as well as getting the books, remittance records and bearer shares. Curious, she asks Rock what they will do with the funds, and he asks her what she thinks a Chinese person would do if they started a business from scratch in an unfamiliar place. Beginning to demonstrate her skills, Feng jokes to Rock that he is thinking of a different time, smilingly recalling that Chinese diaspora across the world all started laundromats. Nearby, barging into the police station entrance, the heavily armed Park Seung glares at the shocked police officers.
