Black Lagoon Wiki

The Wired Red Wild Card Part 19, also called Chapter 95, is the ninety-sixth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released on January 19, 2018.


Staring down the police officers while heavily armed, Park Seung demands that they give up Rob and Feng Yifei to him. Annoyed, the cops ask him what he is doing at a police station with a machine gun. Interrupting them with a hail of bullets, Park begins firing on all of the officers, forcing them to take cover. Hearing the gunfire, Rock and Feng realize that one of the brothers is attacking the station. Falling back in his chair as a cop in front of him is shot, Saensak panics and wonders what is going on. As he curses Park for attacking while Watsap is away, another cop yells that they should call for backup from the Security Forces, but the other cops reject his advice since they will all go to Bang Kwang Prison if government outsiders examine their police force.

While crouching down, Saensak orders the officer Beam to call all officers on patrol for help, also ordering the other cops to use all of the shotguns and seized firearms from the armory. Other cops try to take down Park using pistols and revolvers, but the commando is not hit and yells at them again to bring Rob and the "girl" to him. Realizing what he means, Saensak quickly flees to the data room while the other police prepare riot shields for defense. In the room, Rock assures the furious Saensak that Park is not with them. Worried about the fight continuing, Saensak pulls out his revolver and demands Rock to hand over Feng. Reminding Saensak what he did, Rock relays to him that Watsap and the police commission would be angry that he let them in without authorization. Saensak warns him to shut up, but Rock calmly reminds him that he has "one hell of a gunslinger" in lockup.

Going to the jail cells while Feng continues typing, the two men see the frustrated Revy, who begs Rock to let her out since she cannot tolerate Rob's singing any longer. When Saensak tells her that he will let her out so long as she deals with the machine gun wielder, Rob recognizes Park's choice of weapon and calls for him. Exiting her jail cell, Revy gets her Sword Cutlass pistols and goes to Rob's cell, pointing her gun at him and sarcastically thanking him for the "show." Terrified and backing up, he retorts that she cannot kill him since he is unarmed, but she angrily rejects his plea and shoots him several times, making Rock and Saensak flinch. Elsewhere in the building, the police form a large blockade using ballistic shields and prepare to fire an RPG. Immediately, the RPG-armed cop fires the grenade, and Park Seung in turn shoots at the grenade.
