The Wired Red Wild Card Part 3, also called Chapter 79, is the eightieth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in March 2010.
At the Lagoon Company office, the four pirates eat together, and Revy is surprised to learn that the motel that Feng Yifei is staying in is the one near Chalquam. Sitting back on the couch, Revy recalls that the people renting the room were newcomers without protection, specifying that the group included an Australian and his lover and that they engaged in pimping out women. Benny wonders what they were thinking as he eats his kebab, with Revy agreeing while Rock asks where they set up shop. Revy answers that the Australians roughed up a street stall vendor under Visconti Foods' control, the business operated by Cosa Nostra's Ronnie the Jaws. Remembering that they have an item on behalf of some Tamil people for the Italians upon hearing Ronnie's name, Dutch gives Revy the receipt and tells her to inform the Italians by the end of the day about the container marked FDL 332 in the PA East Container Yard.
Trying to finish her pizza quickly, Revy continues her story to Rock by saying that Ronnie's men then killed the Australians without warning. Laughing giddily about the next part, Revy says that the bodies remained in the motel room for 2 weeks since the landlord was cheap and did not want to do repairs, in addition to people thinking that the corpses' stench was just the bathroom. To Benny and Rock's disgust, Revy laughs about how people finally opened the room since they saw maggots squirming out from the door. Leaning against the wall, Dutch nonchalantly commends Feng for being able to tolerate the unbelievable smell while Rock asks Benny where Jane is. He replies that she is at an internet café in Nankwai, surprising Rock since he did not know such a place existed in Roanapur. At the café, Jane requests coffee from an employee and contacts her fellow Highwaymen in a chatroom, signaling to them that they are ready to retrieve the data in Annenheim Distribution's server since Feng is oblivious.
Reiterating the mission, the hackers make sure that Feng only accesses dummy data in Reinbach's main server so that they can record her break-in while ensuring that she does not access any genuine avionics data. Coordinating with Reinbach's operators, the Highwaymen exploit Feng's cyberattack to access and steal emails and money records from the Chinese PLA. At the same time, they speed up the data retrieval to confuse Feng. In a matter of three minutes, the Highwaymen quickly scavenge for the Chinese government's money records in the shell company's server and make it a competition among themselves to see who can get the item fastest. The cyberhackers also joke with each other while another user threatens to spam post another's perverted emails if they get in their way. Grinning giddily, Jane reminds the other Highwaymen not to leave anything behind as they record Feng's movements. Panicking about being blocked out, the frightened Feng exits the server and stops the Squid service, wondering what just happened.
At Visconti Foods, Revy enters the kitchen and jokingly asks Emilio where Tommaso is, but Emilio clarifies that Tommaso is merely a friend of Ronnie and is actually affiliated with the Camorra, not with Cosa Nostra. To Ronnie's annoyance as he is on a phone call with his boss in Palermo, Revy barges into the office, and Emilio states that he told them not to enter. Ronnie angrily reminds him that Luciano is in the back room trying to speak with the Albanians, threatening to hit him with a metal bat if he still does not understand the tense situation. Interrupting, Revy says that she can just leave and sell off the Tamils' cargo to someone else. When Ronnie threatens her not to do so, two Albanians, Mustafa and Çubronik, exit the room, with Mustafa urging Luciano to find the "Ali Dragua." Luciano assures him that they will recover the gold before the Albanians decide to ally with Hotel Moscow instead, commenting that they want access to the Golden Crescent. Overhearing their loud conversation, Revy laughs and makes fun of Luciano for discussing such a discreet matter so openly. Seeing the two Asians, Çubronik pulls out his pistol on them, with Revy glaring and pulling her pistol in turn. As Çubronik is angry because they are supposedly Chinese, Luciano urges him to calm down since Revy is Chinese-American whereas Rock is Japanese.
Apologizing in Italian to his boss that he will have to call him back, Ronnie hangs up the phone and threatens both gun wielders that he will torture them with dynamite if they do not sheathe their guns, so they promptly follow his order. After Revy gives Ronnie the receipt, Ronnie advises Rock to give a slip of paper to the manager downstairs for the pirates' payment, also staring at and threatening Rock to never speak of what happened in the former's office. Driving Benny's car, Rock travels on the road while Revy comments on the Albanians being newcomers. Looking ahead, Rock wonders what the term "Ali Dragua" refers to. Looking outside her car window, Revy tells Rock that she sees the same look on his face like he is gambling his life via eavesdropping, so Rock calmly responds that she should not mother him. Elsewhere in her motel room, Feng worries and contemplates why Reinbach A.G. somehow put up a countermeasure since they would only do so during their business hours and yet it is before dawn in Germany. Standing up, Feng remarks to herself that something feels off.