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The Wired Red Wild Card Part 6, also called Chapter 82, is the eighty-third chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released on March 19, 2013.


In Benny's car near the Yellow Flag, Revy begins shooting at Feng Yifei when the latter pulls her pistol on Rock. As the two women exchange gunfire, Rock is caught in the middle and burned by both their bullet casings. Noticing the firefight from not too far away, The Quartet writes it off as another day in Roanapur until Rob looks over and notices Feng, pointing her out since she is their target. Starting the car, Montero remarks that is why he prays. Getting permission from Montero to shoot, Rob aims his revolver as Montero parks the Humvee, but Revy notices him and shoots back. At the same time, Rock quickly pulls the clumsy Feng into the car, holding onto her by her shirt. Rock floors the gas and speeds the car away with Feng hanging on while the car door is still open, making Revy order Rock to abandon her. As the car takes several bullets and gets further from the Humvee, Montero permits Park Seung to use his machine gun.

Aiming his large gun out the car's right side, Park Seung begins trashing the back of Rock's car with a hail of bullets. As Rock quickly maneuvers into a narrow alleyway, Revy tells Feng to deal with her "friends," with Feng retorting back that she would if she could. Stopping at the alleyway, Montero sees that his car is too wide for the alleyway. Park Seung and Rob argue about who could not shoot, but Montero tells them to not fight since they are brothers. Rob in turn retorts that Montero messed up too, asking him if they truly had the Lord's blessing. Thinking in hindsight, Montero answers that their failure possibly stemmed from stealing money from the church collection plate. Elsewhere on a long road, Rock decides to park the car to the side, examining under the hood and commenting that the car would have stopped for good had he turned off the engine. Angered at the car's many bullet holes, Revy complains that she kept the car going ever since the maid trashed the Plymouth Roadrunner.

When Rock tells Revy that they will just have to talk to Benny since they cannot do anything about it, Revy yells at Feng to explain herself. Sitting in the backseat, Feng claims that the incident is not her fault, but Revy reminds her that she was the one who pointed a gun at them out of nowhere, adding that people who truly want to talk do not pull out guns on others. Feng then lambasts "that woman," making Revy immediately realize that Jane set her up. Smoking a cigarette, Revy sternly advises Feng that a "chinky" like her cannot wander into Roanapur, telling her to leave town. Speaking in Mandarin, Feng mutters that Revy should not say something so mean to a fellow Chinese person. Telling Feng that she is American, Revy states that she speaks English and only a tip-of-her-nails worth of Cantonese. Feng repeats her sentiment in English, making Revy laugh and reply that they are not family and that all humans go back to "Lucy and Linus."

Calmly speaking, Rock answers that they cannot help Feng, who grabs her pistol slowly and says that they have to. Smirking, Revy advises Feng not to make more enemies since the Humvee assassins were likely sent by her employers. When Revy recalls that Jane knew everything about Feng including the picture that she had, the surprised Feng learns from Rock that the photograph is the one where Feng is wearing a loose Chinese PLA uniform with makeup on, making her kick back and forth and furiously declaring that she will kill Jane. Revy jokes that she wants the same but refuses to help her. Shocked, Feng tries to beg since she has plenty of cash, but Revy proclaims that the colossal target on her back is reason enough to leave her alone, and Rock speaks in agreement. Standing upright and firm, Feng accepts that she can only rely on herself and will try to survive.

To Rock's surprise, she declares that she will kick and scream to the end if she has to and will go out on her own terms. The ex-salaryman asks her if she plans on confronting her assassins in the city, which Feng agrees because her ex-employers will never give up no matter where she goes. He politely warns her that she is underestimating Roanapur, but the ex-PLA soldier responds that she is forced to play with the cards that she has been dealt and can only escape by winning.
