The Wired Red Wild Card Part 7, also called Chapter 83, is the eighty-fourth chapter of the Black Lagoon manga. It was originally released in May 2013.
Saying that she has no choice but to confront the assassins in Roanapur, Feng Yifei is willing to hear any ideas from Rock. Leaning against the car, Revy remarks that they should not get involved since Feng already agrees that she will die on her own terms. Cocking her pistol, Feng affirms that her ex-bosses told her the same order to fall willingly, making Rock think back to his own bosses declaring him dead. Having an idea, Rock walks up to her and tells her about three businesses that can help her hide and defend herself, also giving her a card to show to Richie Leroy. Accepting the card, Feng asks him why he is helping her, and he simply replies that he has his own reasons. Walking up to him, Feng lightly grabs his head and kisses him, greatly surprising both Revy and Rock.
Stepping back, Rock blushes and frantically states that he will not be persuaded with a kiss. Still smiling, Feng clarifies that she was not trying to tease him and only wanted to pay him back somehow, telling him that he is a good person. Disagreeing with her, Rock declares that he is not a good person and even children hate him, slightly confusing Feng. Stating that their paths will never cross again, Rock wishes Feng good luck, jokingly advising her to send him a postcard when she finds her utopia. As the damaged car slowly drives away, Feng examines the business card. Smoking her cigarette, Revy hopes that Rock will not help Feng just because of one kiss, but Rock nervously denies that is why. Revy tells him that the kiss is not a big deal, and Rock specifies that he is not planning to help her and does not want to go around with a sense of justice and purpose.
Looking out the car window, Revy wonders which Rock she is talking to, be it the indifferent Rock, the "crook" Rock or Rokurō Okajima. Meanwhile in the People's Republic of China at Lieutenant General Liu's office, Liu angrily berates Colonel Ma for allowing Li Xinlin to escape her assassins. As Second Lieutenant Yeyin silently stands by and holds some papers, Liu fiercely reminds him that his own department has taken care of the incident on their end and is waiting for Ma to deal with Xinlin. Ma quietly responds that the First Department does not specialize in HUMINT at all, and Liu calms his temper to say that people in Beijing have been looking tirelessly through their internal documents, worrying that they may be exposed soon. Liu then issues Ma another warning to deal with the rogue soldier in three days or he will have to send in a special team while Ma would likely be sentenced to execution by their higher-ups.
Back in Roanapur, Revy walks to Feng's hideout. Hearing a knock on the door while she is sleeping, Feng gets up armed with her pistol, quickly opening the door. She does not see anyone and is briefly confused until Revy points her pistol at Feng's head. As the two women sheathe their pistols, Feng sternly asks Revy if she wants revenge for her kiss, but Revy does not care and tells her that they need to talk elsewhere. At a table inside the Yellow Flag, Revy grumpily tries to light her cigarette while Feng drinks a glass of alcohol. Seeing the women, three men at the counter ask Bao why the table is so tense, but the Vietnamese bartender only answers that he does not care and advises the men not to stare at them lest they escalate the tension.