Black Lagoon Wiki

Theo (テオ Teo) was Jane's data manager in their counterfeiting group for the Nuevo Laredo Cartel.


Theo was a young Caucasian man with short light brown hair. He wore glasses, a cream-colored bandana, a short-sleeved light blue shirt, and had a chin beard.


Greenback Jane[]

Theo was a member of Jane's international counterfeiting group and was brought by Jane to Roanapur from Germany for his great skills. When Elvis and his men visited Jane and Theo, Theo was intimidated by their presence, but Jane assured him to keep working. Elvis himself was angry that Jane's perfectionism for counterfeiting U.S. dollar bills put the cartel behind schedule for their deal. As Theo continued typing on his computer, Elvis remarked that he was not the type of person to raise his hand against a lady. To threaten her to hurry up, one of Elvis's men turned his gun onto Theo and shot him in the head, killing him and terrifying Jane. Hearing the gunshot from outside in his car, Lobos was upset that he would have to clean up Elvis's mess. Because of Theo's death, Jane had a difficult time recovering the money plates that she had access to on the web.[1]


  1. Episode 16: Greenback Jane