Black Lagoon Wiki

Tricia O'Sullivan (トリシア・オサリバン Torishia Osariban) is the wealthy daughter of the shipping tycoon Philip O'Sullivan, the head of the San Francisco-based O'Sullivan Corporation. She is an important character in the Black Lagoon light novel Ballad of the Sinful Wizard.


Tricia is a young Caucasian woman of American nationality with long waist-length light-colored hair. She is seen wearing a dark skirt as well a horizontally-striped blouse over a light-colored shirt.


Tricia has an innocent but ignorant personality as demonstrated when she thought that Lotton was actually speaking to God and when she thought that Lotton was the one who saved her during their first encounter. She also falls in love quite easily as she did with Lotton and then later immediately fell in love with her fiancé upon reuniting with him despite her previous dislike of him. She likes drinking ginger ale.


Tricia had been put by her father into an arranged relationship with Zeng Kemin, the grandson of Philip's friend Zeng Shuntian, a formerly high-ranking official in the People's Republic of China's government whose son at the time had a high-ranking position.[1] When the time had come for them to be married, Tricia herself had doubts about Kemin due to her lack of interest in him but also because she initially did not like "Oriental men."[2] Meanwhile, unknown to Tricia, Eda of the Rip-Off Church planned to use Tricia as part of a grand scheme to convince the U.S. President to increase the CIA's gradually decreasing budget. Relaying to Sister Yolanda that Tricia's marriage to Kemin would create another significant pipeline into the U.S. business world for the Communist Party of China due to Kemin's connection to Budaibang, Eda planned to invite Tricia to Roanapur only to be abducted there so that the Fujianese crime syndicate Budaibang's connections to Zeng Shuntian in their rescue process would be revealed, which would cut off the relationship between Philip and Shuntian.[1]

After using a fortune-telling love website, Tricia got the message that her true love would be in Roanapur, so she bribed some sailors to let her be a stowaway on their ocean freighter.[2] Unknown to Tricia, Eda had concocted the website to hypnotize her into coming to Roanapur as well as arranging the particular ship for her to hide on.[3] Once arriving in Roanapur, Tricia O'Sullivan told herself that the city of Roanapur did not remind her of Thailand at all due to the city's smell, wondering how the residents deal with the stench. Wanting to look for a hotel so that she could take a shower, Tricia tried her best to look for a tourist information center but after thirty minutes went to the Yellow Flag and ordered a glass of ginger ale from Bao. In the bar, Tricia commented to herself about her success as a stowaway.

As she tried to figure out if the glass of ginger ale was actually drinkable, Rock went up to her and asked her if she was all right. Confused by his out-of-place business shirt and necktie, Tricia did not answer him at first, telling herself that she did not like Asian people. Assuring her that he meant no harm, Rock told the young woman that he used to work for a Japanese trading company that had business with the O'Sullivan Corporation, clarifying that he thought he recognized her from there. Tricia continued to ignore him and thought that he was trying to pick up women, and she was surprised to see the tattooed and angered Revy staring at her. When Rock calmly stated that he did not care about her situation but nonetheless was willing to offer help to Tricia, she gave him a glare, so Rock took her signal and awkwardly left her alone. As soon as Rock left, two Chinese men approached her and one man put his hand on Tricia's shoulder, and she tried to push his hand away to no avail. Uneased by their presence, Tricia realized that Rock actually left because he saw the two men nearby. The men then told Tricia that they were with Zeng Shuntian and were only there to bring her safely to him, but Tricia yelled at them to let her go. One man said that they could just knock her out to silence her, but his comrade reminded him that Zeng told them to bring her in good health.

As Tricia continued to struggle, the men decided that they would use physical force, but to Tricia's fortune the silver haired Lotton showed up and told the men to let her go. The men did not hear him at first, so Lotton yelled louder and threatened them to leave or else he would fight them. The two criminals laughed, but Lotton threw his luggage and feathers flew everywhere. As he pulled out his two pistols, Tricia was awed and was in a daze until she was back in reality upon seeing the two men fall down. Putting his pistol away, Lotton walked to the bar's exit until Tricia told him to wait. Lotton walked up to her and saw his reflection in her eyes, flustering her. To her confusion, Lotton made a comment about how he, like the moon, cannot atone for sin, and he asked her if she was okay to come with him. Although hesitant, Tricia agreed to accompany Lotton, telling herself that she thought she had found that fateful encounter that she was looking for on the fortune-telling website.[2]

In the confession booth at the Rip-Off Church, Eda waited for her contact Cardinas Sheringham a.k.a. "Wizard" to arrive at the church with Tricia so that she could indirectly give him further instructions for delivering Tricia back to her father. At the approximate arrival time, it was Lotton who had brought Tricia inside, and Eda saw that Tricia was clinging to Lotton as they examined the chapel's interior. Confusingly mistaking Lotton for Sheringham during their phone call, Lotton relayed to Eda (who he thought was God due to the church setting) that he would protect Tricia and take her to a proper hideout. After the phone call, Tricia was wowed that Lotton talked to God, and she followed him to Sankan Palace Hotel.[3]

After spotting Lotton and Tricia at the hotel, a member of Budaibang informed Lu Tao about Tricia's whereabouts, so he, Dick Krugland, and several men went to the hotel. Although the front desk clerk told Tricia that Sankan Palace was the most luxurious hotel in town, she thought that it was just a cheap hotel compared to truly luxurious hotels in the United States. Lotton calmly asked the clerk for one single-bed room and then turned to face Tricia, who was confused, but Lotton assured her that he did not need a bed for himself. On the sixth floor after the clerk had laughed at the request, Lotton checked the first room's bed, but told the employee that it was not satisfactory and desired another room. While Lotton checked the next room, Tricia herself felt the bed but could not see the problem with it. She appreciated his gentlemanly attitude, but she remarked that she wanted to take a shower soon, and she continued to the next rooms. Despite numerous choices, Lotton rejected all beds on the sixth floor, so the attendant guided him and Tricia to the seventh floor. Hearing gunshots nearby, Tricia thought that it was just the normal noises throughout Roanapur, but she also heard some commotion downstairs.[4]

While Shenhua and Sawyer the Cleaner began fighting with Lu Tao and his men on the 6th floor, Lotton finally found a suitable room on the 7th floor, but he noticed that the hotelier was preoccupied with the gunshots downstairs instead of his hotel duties. As Lotton argued with the hotelier, two armed men burst into the room, causing Tricia to scream. One assailant shot at Lotton, but the bullet hit his feather pillow, resulting in feathers flying everywhere. Using the visual distraction, Lotton pulled out his dual Mauser pistols and dives behind the bed to avoid the barrage of bullets. He then heard two gunshots not from the two men in front of him, but instead from Revy, who shot the two men and berated the surprised Lotton. As Rock entered the room, Tricia recognized him from the bar and called for him, making the relieved Lotton comment that he does not need to introduce them to each other. Subsequently, Tricia escaped the hotel with Lotton, Revy and Rock to the first floor, evading Lu Tao's pursuit.[5][6]

After news of the hotel attack quickly spread, Eda heard about the encounter and got a call from Lotton. Because of the abrupt increase in attention, Eda ordered Lotton to kill Tricia, but he only responded that God worked in mysterious ways and hung up the phone.[7] At the Lagoon Company dry dock, Tricia was guided by Rock and Revy to the second floor, where she slept on the couch. At the same time on the roof, Rock went up there to see Lotton, telling the Wizard that it seemed that Tricia had fallen in love with him, which did not surprise Lotton. Telling Rock that he would not kill Tricia, Lotton confided his recent history with the girl to Rock.[8] Dutch himself arrived at the dry dock and was surprised to see Tricia sleeping peacefully on the couch due to the couch's general lack of comfort.[9] Subsequently, Rock used Lotton's recently acquired cell phone to pretend to Eda that they would kill Tricia if she did not bring him $300,000 in exchange for giving Tricia to her. While Rock had a meeting with Balalaika to discuss his plan,[10] Tricia's fiancé Zeng Kemin visited Mister Chang to form an alliance between the Triad and Budaibang to secure Tricia's safety, to which Chang agreed.[11]

After Rock left the dry dock in the morning and had successfully tricked Eda's hired gunman with Balalaika's help,[12] Revy remained at the dry dock with Tricia and Lotton. Angrily finishing a phone call, Revy told Lotton and Tricia that Mister Chang would pick them up in person after he settled things with Budaibang. When Tricia asked what that meant, Revy gave her a mean smile and clarified that Tricia would be deported back to her house and asked Tricia if she agreed to that "happy ending." Tricia in turn stubbornly asked who would make her do what she says, causing Revy to quietly lean forward and grab Tricia's neck. Giving the young woman a Noh mask-like stare, Revy told Tricia that her life was the property of someone else, and only those who had unlocked their "self" could decide to live as they please. As Tricia took in her words, the young O'Sullivan shed tears, and Lotton thought that Revy was right but also thought her analysis of Roanapur being truthful was truly sad.

Pulling out his pistol "Elegy," Lotton said that he might have to take Tricia's life due to Revy's preaching, but Tricia immediately became horrified and clinged to Lotton, urging him to understand that Revy genuinely wanted to kill him. To his detriment, Lotton acknowledged that his skills were inferior compared to Revy's. Even though Revy told him that picking a fight with her was essentially fighting the Triad since their job was to ship Tricia, Lotton replied that he pulled his gun out of conviction, making Revy snort. She asked if he could leave with a ghost, but Tricia suddenly spoke, confidently saying that she and Lotton could leave undisturbed. Grabbing the barrel of Lotton's pistol, Tricia put it to her head and told Lotton that he could shoot if Revy was in his way. With both Lotton and Revy gasping in surprise, Tricia earnestly said that she would rather die than leave him, welcoming him to take her life with his own hands.

Seeing Tricia tremble, Lotton gave her a gentle hug and asked Revy if she could open the way for them. In response, Revy asked him if he could keep up with her, but Lotton misinterpreted her tone as a defense against sympathizing with the bond between him and Tricia. Revy reminded them that the Triad was already on their way, but Lotton declared that he would pave the way, and Tricia clung to him. Exiting the second floor, Lotton bid goodbye to Revy as if it was the last time they would see each other, with Revy snidely remarking that she hoped so. Moaning after being hit by the rain, Tricia pointed to outside the harbor, where several vehicles were heading their way. Realizing that Revy was not bluffing, Lotton talked to himself poetically about the escapades of men and women. Turning to Tricia, he told her that they can escape to the sky, looking toward the moon. Tricia agreed to follow him wherever he went, and the two ran toward the derrick crane on the quay.

They climbed up the ramp despite the wetness, and Tricia happily cried about enjoying the climb. Seventy feet below, the Triad men saw them, but Lotton commented how they will not dare climb the slippery ramp with no footing. As Tricia stated that she hoped the rain never stopped, Lotton wrapped his arms around her. Speaking poetically, Lotton stated that there was no eternal night and no endless rain, adding that he and Tricia could grow wings from their embrace but saying that they only knew the beauty of the sky precisely because they could not fly. Waiting for their supposed destiny, Lotton and Tricia waited for the clouds to disperse until Tricia stiffened, and Lotton looked down in response. In amazement, he also saw the fast shadow racing up the crane, with the Triad members below also seeing the black-clad man in awe. Although Lotton told Tricia to stay put, she begged him not to leave, but he assured her that he will not let anyone take her away. Tricia remained on the crane arm's tip while Lotton got to the middle of the arm and the shadowy man, Shadow Falcon, arrived to the arm's base.[13]

As Lotton and Falcon began fighting each other on the crane, Kemin arrived and saw Tricia clinging to the arm, and he decided to climb up the crane as he could not see his future bride in such a dangerous situation.[14] Admiring Lotton's lack of fear as he fought Shadow Falcon, Tricia lamented how she wanted to scream but would feel more painful than her own death if the man she loved, Lotton, got killed. Clinging to the steel frame as Lotton fought to the death, Tricia soon saw Lotton slipping slightly. Although Lotton and Falcon kept countering each other's loss of balance, Lotton smiled immediately after disappearing from sight at the end, as if to apologize to and encourage Tricia. Tangling with each other, the two men fell off the crane, making Tricia cry out to Lotton in tears.

As she wondered what she would do in life without Lotton, Kemin climbed to the crane arm's base and called for Tricia, telling her not to move a muscle. She turned her head to him and suddenly began to imagine his powerful gaze and his feelings for her. Extending his hand and telling her to grab it, Kemin pulled Tricia toward him and assures her that she would be all right. Viewing his voice as elegant, she told herself that she was suddenly attracted to his slight Chinese accent in English, making her heart flutter. As she got closer, she realized that the man was her fiancé whom she was originally intended to marry by her family, and she could not believe the sight. As the rain suddenly stopped, Tricia appreciated the beautiful nature and shining sea around her, bidding goodbye to Roanapur and looking forward to her wedding with her "darling."[15]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Tricia O'Sullivan)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater: 2)
  4. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Tricia O'Sullivan: 2)
  5. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (A Certain Wizard: 2)
  6. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Lu Tao: 2)
  7. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater: 3)
  8. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (A Certain Wizard: 3)
  9. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Edith Blackwater: 4)
  10. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Balalaika)
  11. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Chang Wai-San)
  12. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Balalaika: 2)
  13. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (A Certain Wizard: 4)
  14. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Chang Wai-San: 2)
  15. Black Lagoon 2: Ballad of the Sinful Wizard (Tricia O'Sullivan: 3)