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Two Father's Little Soldier Girls is the twenty-first episode of the Black Lagoon anime and the ninth episode of Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage. It originally aired in Japan on November 28, 2006.


Rock is caught in the middle of the escalating yakuza feud. He hopes to convince Yukio to give up her new life of crime, but before he can convince her, she is abducted by her enemies.


In 1976, in the Soviet Union in Leningrad, a young Balalaika walks with her uncle outside the Alexandrinsky Theatre and learns that she can possibly join the Olympics later in life. Her uncle encourages her to aim for such a goal since she has the skills for it, and she asks if she can regain her father's honor by doing so. Confirming that it is a solution, her uncle clarifies that she will need some qualifications first before doing so. About a decade later in 1987, in Afghanistan, an adult Balalaika takes cover from Afghan Mujahideen gunfire with fellow troops. The lieutenant asks Menshov for her Dragunov rifle, and she manages to shoot five men without hitting the Afghan civilians on the battlefield. Commending her marksmanship, Boris remarks that she would earn a gold medal if she were at the Olympics in Los Angeles. Now with an advantage, Balalaika orders her men to move out and leave the chemicals behind.

Fives years later in mid-1992, just after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, she and her men watch TV in a small apartment. An announcer claims that Launi Meili of the U.S. has won the gold medal in the women's fifty meter rifle three positions event, adding that Meili finished in sixth place four years ago. In despair, Balalaika asks her men what they want from her, reminding them that she is no longer a captain after having been stripped of her military rank. She tells them that they are no longer under her command, repeating that their country, the Soviet Union, no longer exists. Sakharov consoles his captain by saying that a path must be open so long as they keep following her, even in their great poverty. In Moscow, she admits that she never thought she would lose her second-in-command due to dirty money. Later, at a graveyard, the Vysotniki gather around for a funeral. Visiting them in her VDV uniform, Balalaika asserts that they will return to their own active military duty, ordering them to raise their fists. When Boris salutes her, the other men follow suit. Years later, in January 1996, continuing her anti-yakuza campaign in Japan, Balalaika says to Boris that they have been through many battlefields ever since that day at the cemetery. As she looks through her notebook of Washimine Group members, Boris states that Yukio Washimine is the next leader of the group after Tsugio Bandō.

In the evening after sunset, at their school library, Maki notes to Yukio that the sun sets earlier and earlier in recent days. Attending to her locker, she asks Yukio why she sorted all of the library cards in one day. The two exit the school and notice that it is snowing outside. To Maki's surprise, Yukio comments that it is nice outside, prompting the former to rhetorically ask if she dislikes the snow as she has mentioned previously. Grasping Maki's face and smiling, she advises her to get along with her mother, complimenting her as a kind girl. Confused, Maki asks what is wrong, jokingly noting that she makes it sounds like she is dying soon. Suddenly, several Mercedes-Benz cars pull up in an organized manner, with two dozen men emerging from the vehicles. Walking forward, Ginji Matsuzaki informs his new boss Yukio that they have come to pick her up. Thanking him and agreeing to get started, Yukio prepares to leave, but Maki falls onto the ground in shock. Gloomily smiling, Yukio bids goodbye and tells her to take care. As the yakuza leave, Maki cries upon realizing that her friend is gone for good.

Riding in the backseat of the car, Yukio asks Ginji if they have discovered Balalaika's whereabouts, but he answers that it is difficult to ascertain. Driving for them, Yoshida adds that he has people looking for the Russians. Yukio orders them to send men to the Azabu district since she knows that the Russian gangsters are likely to frequent the Russian Embassy. Agreeing, Yoshida affirms that he will have a nearby political group investigate as well. He also asks his boss if they should send men to the Narita and Haneda Airports as well, but Yukio declines, reasoning that the Russians have no desire to flee because they plan on counterattacking. Taking off her glasses, Yukio wipes away some of her tears, causing Yoshida to politely ask if he should pull over. Assuring him that she is all right, the woman replies that she will have to become accustomed to her new life. Thinking about the previous meeting, Yukio thanks Yoshida for vouching for her. At the meeting, the latter had berated the Washimine gangsters for being hesitant to pledge their loyalty to the woman despite her willingness to become the boss and prevent the Kōsa Council from destroying their group.

Yoshida professes that any yakuza who would refuse to serve her, especially given her promise to avenge Bandō, is a coward. Soon, the squad of cars park on a residential street, and Ginji exits. The swordsman states that he will begin his mission, agreeing to see her later at home. She asks him to be careful on his first job, and he confidently assures her that she can rely on him. At a Russian-owned restaurant, as Vasili Laptev eats dinner, his subordinate Makarushka attempts a phone call once more, claiming that he cannot get a hold Balalaika or her associates. When Laptev orders him to continue calling, he remarks that he is not sure where they went after they left their hotel. Hearing Makarusha suggest calling Moscow for help, the infuriated Laptev stabs Makarushka's left hand and angrily warns him to follow his orders when he gives them. Frustrated, the branch leader alleges that Balalaika sucked up to Slevinin, which would explain the boss's betrayal. Another Russian asks him why Balalaika would frame them, to which Laptev responds that it is not them but him, specifying that she despises ex-KGB people as well as those affiliated with the GRU and nomeklatura. As he recalls that Balalaika crushed many people to rise to the top, he notices several cars outside.

Laptev orders everyone to get down as the Washimine gangsters shoot relentlessly into the bar. When the gunfire ceases, the men are surprised to see Ginji enter. The swordsman, jokingly claiming to be Sukeroku, grins and asks where he can find Ikyū the Bearded. In response, Laptev orders his men to shoot him since he is only armed with a sword. To their surprise, the quick-moving Ginji avoids their bullets and cuts down all of the men. Panicking, Laptev crawls to the kitchen but is met with Ginji's sword near his neck. Terrified, Laptev pleads with Ginji to spare him, explaining that he was framed. Seeing that Laptev can only speak Russian and not Japanese, Ginji decides that he is of no use, so he beheads him and leaves the restaurant. Meanwhile, Revy picks up her Sword Cutlass pistols from a smuggler, who asks her to have the Russians pay the smugglers better. Showing him her middle finger, she only replies that he can do that himself. Hurrying back to her taxi, Revy apologizes to Rock for the hold up, confessing that she was tired of using a Tokarev pistol.

Noticing his serious face, she asks what is wrong, to which he mutters that the fighting has started. Smoking a cigarette, Revy guesses that it is exactly what Balalaika wanted. Feeling uneasy, Rock asks Revy to help him go to Yukio's place. She warns him not to be foolish because the yakuza are their enemy by proxy. Rock nonetheless pleads with her to help him due to his desire to prevent Yukio from being dragged into the criminal underworld. As he tells her that Japan is not Roanapur, Revy rhetorically asks him how the places are different, assessing that Yukio lives on their side and that Balalaika will carry out her goal Roanapur-style. She reminds him that he has no place to return to if he leaves Japan for good. Replying that he understands her sentiment, Rock still feels reluctant to dismiss helping Yukio. Sighing, Revy facepalms and apologizes to Rock, advising him to forget what she just said. She clarifies that she forgot she is his gun and her job is to protect his life, not interfere in it, agreeing to follow him wherever he goes.

At her room door, Balalaika gives a tip to a hotel employee, who agrees not to connect any phone calls to "Miss Vladilena" unless they are from the Russian Embassy. Thanking him, she closes the door and jokes to Boris that the boy is adorable. Subsequently, Boris reports that the reconnaissance team has put their attack point in stage yellow because the area surrounding the Kōsa Council office is heavily guarded. Both he and Balalaika agree that the local police are very competent, with the latter complimenting quality over quantity. She asks the sergeant if he has heard the news, and he confirms that Laptev did a "fine job" of dying. Balalaika notes that Monk Burgashvili will succeed his post, noting that he is "skilled with the abacus." Affirming that she will handle the violence, she recommends beginning their work. At the Washimine residence, Yukio and Yoshida arrive, and the former apologizes to his boss for the scene at her school. Forgiving him, Yukio posits that she would have had to eventually tell Maki at some point, agreeing to it in retrospect. As they prepare to enter the house, Chaka greets them, startling them. Angered, Yoshida asks him why he is in the house, reminding him that he must stick to his post. Continuing to criticize Chaka, he follows him into the living room, where he sees many street gangsters present. Confused, Yoshida asks if the gangsters are his men.

Smirking, Chaka pulls out his revolver and jokes that he is too kind, shooting Yoshida in the abdomen. As Yukio stands shocked, the man relays to Yoshida that he and his crew will not associate with anyone with people whom they cannot benefit from. Stating that he does not care if it is the Kōsa Council or the Russians, Chaka remarks that they will not be treated badly if they bring them a present. Grabbing onto his leg, Yoshida shouts at Yukio to run away. Irritated, Chaka shoots him several times, causing the frightened Yukio to run away. She bumps into Hanada, who grabs and punches her. He angrily retorts that she needs to be careful and beats her up until Chaka hits him in the head with a vase, reprimanding him since he did not order him to harm Yukio. The boss apologizes to her but warns her that his men have short tempers and she must follow his orders or else. Soon, Rock and Revy arrive at Yukio's house, with the latter pulling out her pistols upon noticing the many sets of footprints in the snow. Rock charges inside out of concern for Yukio, prompting Revy to urge him to not rush inside. In the living room, they come across the deceased Yoshida. Revy wonders if Balalaika is responsible, but Rock points out that Yukio would be dead too due to her lack of value as a hostage to Hotel Moscow.

Examining the floor, she notes that there are no cases left behind, indicating that a revolver was used to kill Yoshida. As the two pirates discuss the possible murderer, Ginji charges at Revy with his weapon drawn, creating a standoff. The swordsman realizes that he does not smell gunpowder, to which the stern Revy confirms that she had nothing to do with Yoshida's murder. Likewise, Rock assures him that Hotel Moscow was not involved, deducing that Chaka was responsible. He asserts that he came by to dissuade Yukio from entering the criminal underworld, but Ginji walks away and ignores them. Adding that he is not finished, Rock observes that Ginji came on foot since he did not hear a car outside, contrasting his lone number with the many men likely involved due to the footprints and tire tracks. Ginji merely responds that it is not his concern, but Rock pleads with him to reconsider since Chaka likely expects him to come, stating that a skilled gunslinger like Revy can aid him and throw off Chaka's expectations. Accordingly, Revy breaks into a car and hotwires it, providing the three with transportation. Playing with the radio, she is annoyed with the lack of music of her taste until she discovers Guitar Wolf's "Can-Nana Fever" playing.

As Revy speeds onto the streets, Ginji, in the backseat, asks why Rock is helping him. The ex-salaryman answers that Yukio does not belong on "their" side, admitting that he hates the idea of someone who can have a normal life chooses not to. Ginji responds that she could have one if someone allowed her to. At a bowling alley, Chaka scores a strike and boasts to Okazaki that he only needs one more point to take off one of Yukio's clothes in the strip game. Arriving at the sports plaza, Revy and Ginji prepare their weapons, with the former telling Rock to go to the back while she and Ginji take the front. Rock learns that he only needs to cover them when necessary, but he wonders how the Anglophone Revy and Japanophone Ginji will communicate. Preparing to enter the building, Revy mentions that their bodies will move on their own once the fight begins.

Characters and cast[]

  • Rokurō "Rock" Okajima — Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese), Brad Swaile (English)
  • Revy — Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese), Maryke Hendrikse (English)
  • Balalaika — Mami Koyama (Japanese), Patricia Drake (English)
  • Ginji Matsuzaki — Kiyoyuki Yanada (Japanese), Michael Adamthwaite (English)
  • Yukio Washimine — Houko Kuwashima (Japanese), Lalainia Lindbjerg (English)
  • Maki — Shiho Kawaragi (Japanese), Ashleigh Ball (English)
  • Yoshida — Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Trevor Devall (English)
  • Chaka — Wataru Takagi (Japanese), Jonathan Holmes (English)
  • Boris — Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Mark Acheson (English)
  • Vasili Laptev — Toshihiko Kojima (Japanese), Ted Cole (English)
  • Makarushka — Ikuya Sawaki (Japanese), Eli Gabay (English)
  • Hanada — Yūichi Nakamura (Japanese), Michael Daingerfield (English)
  • Okazaki — Tōru Nara (Japanese), Samuel Vincent (English)
  • Balalaika's uncle — Uncredited (Japanese), Richard Newman (English; uncredited)
  • Private First Class Sakharov — Yōichi Nishijima (Japanese), Paul Dobson (English)
  • Corporal Menshov — Non-speaking role
  • Polanski — Non-speaking role
  • Rabochek — Non-speaking role

Songs used[]

  • Opening Theme — Red Fraction (by Mell)
  • Young Balalaika talking with her uncle — Swan Lake (by Pyotr Tchaikovsky)
  • Funeral for Balalaika's comrade — The World at Midnight (by Minako "mooki" Obata)
  • Yoshida speaks up for Yukio — 66 Steps
  • Ginji kills Vasili and his men — Unreleased #1 (slow bassline)
  • Chaka kills Yoshida, Hanada beats up Yukio — The Way to Last Night
  • Revy and co. drive to the bowling alley — Can-Nana Fever (by Guitar Wolf)
  • Ending Theme — Don't Look Behind (ending version)

Differences from the manga[]

  • The beginning flashbacks to Balalaika's childhood, service in the Soviet-Afghan War, and her comrade's funeral, as well as the present-day scene of Balalaika and Boris looking at the Washimine Group photos, are only in the anime.
  • Balalaika mentioning to Boris that she went to a special training facility on Wrangel Island is manga-only.


  • It is unknown if the apostrophe typo in the episode's title is deliberate (in English the apostrophe would normally be after the plural S). Nonetheless, the title refers to Balalaika and Yukio.
  • The transcription of Tsugio Bandō's given name in the Russian book of Washimine Group members is incorrectly spelled as "Цугуо" instead of "Цугио." Likewise, the borrowed word "вакагасира" (wakagashira) is incorrectly spelled as "вакатасира."
  • In Balalaika's notebook, Yukio's profile reveals that she is 18 years old, and Bandō is revealed to be 46 years old.
  • There is a continuity error in Balalaika's notebook. When she first looks at Yukio's page, the closest word next to the girl's photograph is "обучается," but in the subsequent frame, the word "студент" suddenly replaces the previous word despite not being visible before.