WASABI is the fiftieth chapter of the Black Lagoon spinoff series Dismemberment Galore! The Gore Gore Girl. It was originally released on October 19, 2023.
At the beach, Rock and Revy are thrilled to watch shrimp being cooked on a grill by Nhân. Eager to try it, Revy asks Dutch if she can eat everything being cooked. Relaxing with Benny on beach chairs, he tells her to go right ahead, commenting that it is best they eat it fast since seafood spoils quickly and they do not have a fridge nearby anyway. Dutch recalls that a Japanese company was going to buy the goods but backed out since they are picky about freshness, stating that they would have to sell the seafood at a local market in Roanapur instead. Seeing Nhân pull out a large piece of meat, Rock asks what it is exactly. The Vietnamese cook answers that is frozen tuna which he took the time and effort to thaw in order to minimize cell damage. Amazed by Nhân's cutting knife, Revy asks if he is using a Japanese sword. Rock guesses that it is a sashimi knife, to which Nhân jokes that he certainly can recognize the tool.
Finishing the preparation, the cook offers a plate of the tuna to Rock, who is mesmerized by the food's appearance as well as the addition of soy sauce and wasabi. Concerned that the food is raw, Revy asks him if he really is going to eat it, warning him that he is not in Japan. Unconcerned, Rock tries the tuna using chopsticks and gulps it down. Upon eating it, he begins to cry tears of joy, surprising Revy. Smiling, Nhân explains that he has been testing out the possibility of using indica rice for sushi rice by devising a new way to cook it along with a new way to prepare sushi vinegar. He asks the two pirates if they would like to try it later, adding that he also prepared Vietnamese soup with flame-seared and marinated tuna. Hearing Nhân ask if they are okay with cilantro, Rock happily affirms. Before he can ask what tendons he is using, Revy calls Rock and tells him that they are out of beer. Smirking, she shows him her beer can and orders him to get more for her.
Subsequently, Rock heads to his car, grumbling and wondering why they always run out of beer at barbecues. Smoking a cigarette, the ex-salaryman ponders on buying some sake while he is at it. Although he claims he gave up sake a long time ago, Rock surmises that he is still Japanese in the end. Behind him, he hears car tires screech and turns around to see a truck swerve toward and barely miss him, crashing into a palm tree. Confused, Rock walks to the vehicle and is surprised to see Frederica Sawyer exit the driver's seat, and he is further taken off guard when she grabs him into the truck. As soon as he enters the car, he is completely shocked to see a dead man with a gunshot wound in his forehead. Catching up to them, a car speeds up and begins shooting at them, so Rock begrudgingly drives for them.
Reversing the truck, Rock drives backwards and rams into the enemy car's front, then driving away and frantically asking what is happening. At the same time, back at the beach, Nhân shows a plate of seared ahi tuna steak to Eda and Revy, clarifying that the dish is perfect for anyone not accustomed to raw food. Happily accepting the dish, Eda admits that she likes the garlic smell and is not fond of fish but believes the food is better than mere beef steak. Kicking Eda in the behind, Revy angrily asks her why she is eating their food like she deserves a piece, but Eda retorts that she is around whenever there is a barbecue. Frustrated, the pirate threatens to "feed [her] to the fish," and Nhân interrupts to announce that the lobster is ready to grill, exciting the women. Elsewhere, Rock continues driving for Sawyer and wants to know what is going on, assuring her that he does not care about her cargo. He emphasizes that he still needs to purchase beer and leave as soon as possible, requesting that he is allowed to leave soon.
The two arrive at a fish farm where a large man greets Sawyer, learning that they arrived safe but with their driver killed on the way to the airport. Looking at the large bodies of water, Rock sees that it is a fish farm. Seeing two of Sawyer's acquaintances carry the dead driver, he wonders what they are doing and his jaw drops upon witnessing the man's body being tossed into the fish pool. Noticing Rock, the large capped man asks him if he is by chance from Japan. Rock hesitantly confirms, causing the man to thank him for his "patronage." The fish worker specifies that the shrimp he grows are marked for export to Japan, and Rock notices the truck behind him and becomes suspicious. After ordering his coworkers to turn the truck around and unload the goods, the worker thanks Sawyer for making his work easier. At that point, Rock realizes the truth and is speechless. Grinning, the worker confirms that he gets a cut from Sawyer for disposing of the bodies and also uses the corpses as another form of fish feed, joking that it kills two birds with one stone for him. He then jokes that Rock may come across some of the humans in any fish he eats.
Although Rock is horrified, he asks about what caused the chaos earlier, to which the man responds that there was a mere dispute over the concessions. Suddenly, they hear the enemy car from before speeding onto the property, startling them. Angered, the worker advises his coworkers to retrieve their weapons, and they begin shooting back at the gangsters. Acting fast, Sawyer and Rock run away from the exchange of gunfire. The farmhands successfully kill a couple of men who then fall into the pools of shrimp and piranhas, surprising Rock. As the sea creatures rustle around and eat the humans, the capped worker sits and complains about the screwed job. Muttering that he will have to resupply, the man asks Sawyer to clean up the mess in exchange for processing this time. She agrees with a thumbs up and turns on her chainsaw, and Rock watches in shock. Later, returning to the beach, Rock is greeted by Revy, who reminds him that he is late and forgot the beer. Nonetheless, she and Eda are pleased with the cooked shrimp and offer some to Rock. Exhausted, Rock tries a piece but shows no delight in tasting it, prompting Revy to ask if it is bad because of his face. Denying it, Rock gloomily claims it is good food.