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Black Lagoon Wiki

Yasuzawa (安沢) is a Tokyo Metropolitan Police officer in Japan. He was responsible for investigating the murders of yakuza members by the Russian mafia group Hotel Moscow.


Yasuzawa is an older adult Japanese man with short gray hair. He wears a moss green trench coat with a white dress shirt, brown necktie, and dark gray pants.


Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise[]

Yasuzawa was first seen in the anime investigating the murders of Kōsa Council members.[1] Later when the Vysotniki attacked the Washimine Group instead, Yasuzawa also investigated the scenes of attacked bases and damaged security footage.[2] Later when Balalaika went to the Kōsa Council headquarters to talk with Masami Kōsa and his bodyguard Morozumi, the Japanese Metropolitan Police had to wait outside the property. After Balalaika entered the gated area with Boris and Rock, Yasuzawa asked another police officer, Ishiguro, to gather background on Balalaika and her accomplices, but Ishiguro was not able to get anything tangible at that time but was working on identifying them in an ICPO database. To calm down Yasuzawa's frustration, Ishiguro told him that an international specialist, Kouno, was on the way to report on the background of the criminals involved. Yasuzawa added that the Russians were certainly involved in the war between the Washimine Group and the Kōsa Council and were possibly involved in the bowling alley shooting, advising Ishiguro to keep an eye out.

During Balalaika's meeting, she and Boris killed the Kōsa Council members, causing Yasuzawa and other officers to demand entry into the headquarters. After Balalaika finished, the police entered and formed a barricade, with Yasuzawa identifying his group as police while Ishiguro demanded that Balalaika come with them for questioning due to hearing the gunshots. To their dismay, Balalaika walked through the barricade without heeding their demands. At that moment, a Russian Federation diplomatic-plated car arrived to pick up Balalaika, causing Yasuzawa to try and stop her. Ishiguro held him back, specifying that the car had a diplomatic-plate and that they could not legally interfere. Suddenly, Revy helped Rock escape on a motorcycle. As the police officers tried to stop the two escapees, Balalaika yelled at them to not lose focus on her. She and Boris left the scene, but not before Balalaika mockingly told them to contact the Russian Embassy's First Secretary, V.N. Valizhinov, if they had any further questions.

Immediately, the specialist Kouno arrived, who remarked that he wished that he arrived sooner. Wanting to know who she was, Yasuzawa then asked Kouno if he got any information on Balalaika, and Kouno confirmed that Balalaika was a high-ranking officer of Hotel Moscow, adding that Hotel Moscow had international connections in regions like Chechnya and New York. Kouno in turn asked the surprised Yasuzawa if he and the police at least got a picture of her face or description of her appearance, but Yasuzawa was silent, so Kouno stated that they needed to at least find out who Balalaika's Japanese contacts were.[3]

