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Corporal Zamyatin (ザミャーチン伍長 Zamyāchin gochō; Russian: Капрал Замятин), also called Zachamin (ザチャーミン Zachāmin)[1] or Zatyamin,[2] is a member of the Vysotniki affiliated with Hotel Moscow. He was responsible for escorting Grey Fox safely out of Roanapur.


Zamyatin is an adult Russian man who wears a dark green military uniform over a telnyashka, as well as wearing a bucket hat with the insignia of the Soviet military (hammer and sickle on a star). He carries an AK-47 rifle for a weapon, being a proficient sniper and former paratrooper.


Zamyatin is one of many Soviet veterans of the Soviet-Afghan War, serving alongside Balalaika in her paratrooper unit.[3]

El Baile de la muerte / Roberta's Blood Trail[]

After Balalaika finished a meeting between Roanapur's crime lords, she deployed the Vysotniki to help provide cover to U.S. Army soldiers in the city since she did not want them staying in the city and crushing the drug trade.[4] Zamyatin, with fellow snipers, scouted the rooftops at night when Roberta began her attack on the American troops. When Roberta prepared to ambush Shane Caxton and his men, Zamyatin radioed the sighting to Balalaika, who in turn warned Caxton of the ambush to come seconds later. As Roberta jumped from her position, Zamyatin's snipers began shooting at her, and soon the U.S. soldiers also began shooting at her so that they could retreat. Balalaika then gave command to Zamyatin to get his snipers into position so that they could guide Grey Fox to the city's harbor.[5]

When Shenhua and Revy attempted to attack the Grey Fox soldiers and take Garcia Lovelace, Zamyatin shot once at their limbs to disarm them. Accordingly, the Russian sniper, addressing Revy as Two Hands, tossed her a radiophone so she could listen to Balalaika. The Vysotniki's leader warned Revy to stay out their way since the fight was between the troops, threatening to have her snipers shoot the women in the head if they interfered again.[6] In the anime, Zamyatin instead told Revy the warning on Balalaika's behalf. Additionally, when Roberta used her motorcycle to follow Grey Fox's truck to the harbor, Balalaika ordered all her men, including Zamyatin, to use all their firepower to knock Roberta off her motorcycle. After the snipers successfully stopped her, Zamyatin stood by as Balalaika spoke with Caxton one last time.[7]

Shaitane Badi[]

In the light novel Shaitane Badi, Zamyatin's name is mentioned in Stanislav Kandinsky's mind as he remembered the names of fellow Vysotniki.[3] His name was mentioned once again by Balalaika when she stated that Zamyatin suffered wounds that would take 3 months to heal as a result of the mission to kill Stanislav.[8]


  • The reason for Zamyatin's name being spelled as "Zachamin" in the Black Lagoon series is due to the publishers accidentally switching the placement of the kana ミ and チ, creating a misspelling of the original Russian name "Zamyatin" (correctly written in Japanese as ザミャーチン Zamyāchin).


  1. This is the spelling throughout Black Lagoon media (manga, anime, light novels).
  2. This is the spelling in the North American (English) version of the manga.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Black Lagoon: Shaitane Badi (Chapter 3)
  4. Chapter 64: El Baile de la muerte Part 21
  5. Chapter 67: El Baile de la muerte Part 24
  6. Chapter 68: El Baile de la muerte Part 25
  7. Episode 28: Oversaturation Kill Box
  8. Black Lagoon: Shaitane Badi (Chapter 5)